In the recent project, the client required to obtain the area comparison of the cross-province of the patch according to the patch of the selected map. After specific analysis, the intersection of topology in GIS was used to determine the area of the intersection part
First of all, how do we find the intersection of two geometric elements in Arcgis For Js Api
Method one: ‘Client’s geometryEngine’
Reference module: “esri/geometry/geometryEngine”
Use the INTERSECT method of this module.
So let’s see
Method name: ‘intersect’
- Geometry (The data type is a single geometry or array of geometry, and the parameter is the geometry element for intersection)
- Intersector (Data type is single Geometry, and this element is the target element)
The return value
Geometry | Geometry [] (return to the intersection of geometric elements/Geometry elements in an array)
According to THE API, we know that only one geometry and one geometry or geometry array can be used to solve the intersection, so we can solve the intersection by using the geometry of the patch and the geometry of the whole province
Details are as follows:
// Get the intersecting values
var interPloy = geometryEngine.intersect(geomboj.geom1, geomboj.geom2)
for (let i = 0; i < interPloy.length; i++) {
// Because it does the intersection calculation based on all subsets of parameter 2, some return data, none return null
// Make a judgment call
if(! (interPloy[i] ===null)) {
// I is the index of the intersecting items
// To get the attributes or styles, you need to turn it into a graphic
// Change it to graphic
let graphic =new Graphic(interPloy[i])
// Create a new GraphicsLayer to store the graphic
let GraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer()
// Put graphic in raphicsLayer
// Put the graphic on the map
// Then, do whatever you want, add styles, bind attributes, whatever
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Method two: ‘the server’s GeometryService GeometryService’
The intersect function is used in GeometryService
Reference module for: “esri/tasks/GeometryService”
So let’s see
Method name: ‘intersect’
- Geometries (Data type is Geometry[], which is the Geometry element for intersection)
- Geometry (Data type is Geometry, and this element is the target element)
- Callback (successful callback function)
- Error (failed callback function)
Intersect is similar to the first client. Let’s see
//Create a new geometry service class and pass in the address of the geometry service
let geometryService = new GeometryService("");
geometryService.intersect(geomboj.geom1, geomboj.geom2,(res)= >{
//Res is the intersecting element
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