Hello everyone, on this special day of April 1,

My new wheel BBNews is online

Here is an introduction to BBNews:

Experience Address:bbnews.app

Key words:

  • The mainstream media
  • information
  • reading
  • Reduce fragmentation
  • To save time


This is a reading tool that covers mainstream media on all platforms and provides hot news.

We don’t produce content, just help you carry content worth reading.

Lightweight use experience, completely remove the redundant functions in our daily reading information.

No need to repeatedly click on multiple apps or open websites to read each one.

Noisy information environment, a lot of debris spam, here only select content.

There is only a fixed amount of information in each time period on each platform of aggregation, and you won’t get sucked into an endless slide of reading.

It only takes a short time to open it every day, so you can understand the current hot spots and hot events.

Look at pictures without beeping

This is what I look like on the computer

This is what I look like on my phone

Currently supported media:

  • weibo
  • Zhihu hot, daily, hot search
  • Jane’s book
  • The Denver nuggets
  • Readhub
  • CSDN
  • InfoQ
  • SegmentFault
  • Developer headlines
  • minority
  • Blog garden

In the near future, we will continue to add some news organizations and mainstream media with industry information.

Upcoming features:

  • Effective information screening, de-weight, reduce the emergence of headline party
  • Users can customize and sort information sources
  • Add more media channels

Private group

Beep beep is still growing up, so if you’re interested in BBNews,

Pay attention to the public number [a pocket code] reply [internal test] can add group interaction with us, feedback suggestions, accompany it to grow together.

The following privileges are available to the internal test group:

  1. The new version of the first right to experience
  2. Feedback media platforms will be added as soon as possible
  3. Please feel free to interact with me if you have any questions
  4. Good advice is prioritized and upgraded
  5. Test users can participate in the random draw

Beep beep beep once

Experience Address:bbnews.app

Reduce fragmentation and save time, starting with BBNews.

Now scan the code to experience it.