Property engineering is responsible for maintaining the normal operation of all kinds of facilities and equipment of the project, ensuring the normal life of all owners, and maintaining the value of the property, which is the heart of the project. Tecdat researchers analyzed the data from multiple perspectives based on the summary data of elevator failures reported nationwide.


Property engineering is responsible for maintaining the normal operation of all kinds of facilities and equipment of the project, ensuring the normal life of all owners, and maintaining the value of the property, which is the heart of the project. Failure analysis of engineering equipment, from the problem statistics of various professional systems, found that the system of equipment failure rate is high, from the engineering management measures to control the failure rate of equipment, reduce the frequency of similar failures, facilities and equipment failure prediction, the formulation of solutions is very important.

Based on the above background, extension End Data (TECDAT) researchers conducted data analysis from multiple perspectives based on the summary data reported by elevator faults in China.


The elevator

Network of influencing factors

Chart 1


Elevator fault factors affecting the analysis result shows that the elevator fault processing result, name of damaged parts and the cause of the problem that there was a strong relationship between the fault processing time and the cause of the problem, replacement cost, process state that there was a strong correlation between fault type and the cause of the problem, the relationship between the unit number.

The result of community discovery algorithm shows that the elevator fault factors can be analyzed from three dimensions: accessory information, fault information and house information. Therefore, accurately determining the fault cause and predicting the troubleshooting time can improve the troubleshooting efficiency. It can be concluded from the clustering results that the house information of the elevator also has a certain influence on the fault handling time.


Stop – why

Analysis of influencing factors

Next, we study the causes and influencing factors of the objects that are still in the stopped state by the end of the study period.

Chart 2

There are three main factors for stopping the ladder: failure responsibility is not clear, the maintenance unit process and the absence of spare parts. Compared with the normal state of the elevator, dialing 400 customer service number can largely reduce the proportion of elevator stops caused by unclear reasons and responsibilities, accelerate the maintenance process of the maintenance unit to a certain extent, so as to reduce the proportion of elevator stops. At the same time, there are trapped people elevator due to the reason and responsibility is not clear and the situation of stopping ladder is less, but also reduce the maintenance unit coordination and no parts and the proportion of downtime.


Area to compare

Fault type and handling duration

Chart 3

According to the two dimensions of the complexity of the fault type and the efficiency of elevator fault handling, elevator fault handling can be roughly divided into four areas. In region A, we found that the processing time of complex faults is short in most provinces and cities in China. Xinjiang and Shenzhen still need to improve their ability to deal with complex faults. In region B, we found that xinjiang, Hainan and Gansu still need to improve their ability to deal with common fault types. In region C, we found that fujian, Guangxi and Xinjiang still need to improve their ability to deal with common fault types. In general, most regions can solve complex fault types in a short period of time, and the processing duration of general fault types varies greatly. Xinjiang still needs to improve the processing efficiency of different fault types.

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