This is the 27th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge


  • Application Application
  • Namespace: UnityEngine

Describes the runtime data accessing the application. This class contains static methods for finding information and controlling runtime data.

A static variable

  • AbsoluteURL: Absolute path to the Web player data folder (read only).
  • BackgroundLoadingPriority: background loading thread priority.
  • DataPath: Path to the folder containing the game data (read only).
  • Genuine: Return false if the compiled application is changed in any way.
  • GenuineCheckAvailable: Return true if application integrity can be verified.
  • InternetReachability: Returns the current possible types of network reachability on devices.
  • IsEditor: Runs inside the Unity editor
  • IsLoadingLevel: Are there any scenarios being loaded (read only)
  • IsPlaying: Returns true (read only) when in any kind of player.
  • IsWebPlayer: does it run in a web player? (read-only)
  • LevelCount: Total number of levels available. (read-only)
  • LoadedLevel: Index of the last level loaded (read only), that is, the index of the level loaded or the last level loaded.
  • LoadedLevelName: The name of the last level loaded. (read only) is the name of the level that was loaded or last loaded.
  • PersistentDataPath: The path that contains a persistent data directory (read only).
  • Platform: Returns the platform on which the game is running (read only).
  • RunInBackground: Should the application be run in the background?
  • SrcValue: Path of the Web player data file relative to the HTML file (read only).
  • StreamedBytes: How many bytes we downloaded from the main Unity web stream (read only)
  • StreamingAssetsPath: Contains a path to the StreamingAssets folder. (read-only)
  • SystemLanguage: The language in which the user’s operating system is running.
  • TargetFrameRate: Commands the game to attempt to render at a specific frame rate.
  • TemporaryCachePath: Path containing a temporary data/cache directory (read only).
  • UnityVersion: The Version of the Unity runtime used to play this content.
  • WebSecurityEnabled: Indicates whether security mode for WebPlayer is enabled.

Static functions

The function name instructions
CancelQuit Cancel to exit the application. This can be used to display an exit screen when exiting the game.
CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded Can I stream data to load levels?
CaptureScreenshot Capture the screen to the filename path and save it as a PNG file.
ExternalCall Calls a function contained in a Web page (for Web Player only).
ExternalEval Invokes the snippet script function contained in the Web page (Web Player only).
GetStreamProgressForLevel What is the download progress? [0… 1].
HasProLicense Is the Unity Pro license active?
HasUserAuthorization Check whether users have the right to use cameras and microphones in web pages.
LoadLevel Load levels by their name or index.
LoadLevelAdditive One level is added, that is, a new scene is loaded, and the current scene is not destroyed.
LoadLevelAdditiveAsync Levels are asynchronously accumulated in the background, which means that new scenes are asynchronously loaded in the background, but the current scene is not destroyed.
LoadLevelAsync Load levels asynchronously in the background, that is, load new scenes asynchronously in the background.
OpenURL Open the URL in your browser.
Quit Exit the application. Exiting in the editor or Web player is ignored.
RegisterLogCallback Registers a delegate on a log message to be invoked.
RegisterLogCallbackThreaded Registers a delegate on a log message to be invoked.
RequestUserAuthorization Request authorization to use the camera or microphone in WebPlayer.

Code sample

stringVersion = application.version;stringEditor version = application.unityVersion; RuntimePlatform platform = application. platform;stringPath = Application. DataPath;boolIsEditor = application.isEditor;// The program exits

// Open the page
Application.OpenURL("Url link");
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