Directly display user profile picture and name (only current user can be obtained)

<open-data type="userAvatarUrl"></open-data>
<open-data type="userNickName"></open-data>
<open-data type="userCountry"></open-data>
<open-data type="userCity"></open-data>
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A dialog box cannot be displayed. Only authorized users can obtain user information

    success: res => {
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Confirm to obtain the user information

// WXML <button open-type="getUserInfo" bindgetUserinfo ="onGetUserInfo"> console.log(e) }Copy the code

To obtain the openId

Regular pattern
  1. The applets get the code credentials through wx.login, and then call wx.request to pass the code to the back-end server
  2. The backend server uses code in exchange for openI and session_key
  3. The back-end server sends the user id to the applet local store
Cloud Development model

To get user information, call the login function{
    name: 'login'
}).then(res => {
Copy the code

OpenId is different from unionId

The wechat mini program is not associated with the openId of the wechat public account and can be identified by unionId.