After a year and four months of development, wechat small program to a relatively complete state in front of us, from its large-scale application, there is only the last step. During this time, we had a lot of speculation about applets. And as small procedure develops step by step, our conjecture also gets confirm step by step.

Now we wonder, when will applets explode, and when will applets decline?

As soon as we entered the small program, we invested a lot of effort and money, took the lead in this tuytuan, of course, more than others do not want small program to decline. However, extreme and decline, is the inevitable trend of development of things, we can not change. So when applets reach their peak state and can no longer develop, they slowly go into decline.

Previous apps, forums and micro-blogs have not escaped this fate, and wechat public accounts have also gone through a period of decline. So if you want to make money with a mini program, you have to get in before the mini program hits its peak.

The inevitability that applets can explode

From a developmental point of view

Take the bus subway, open the small program scan code can pay for the ride; Go to a restaurant to eat, on the way to order with a small program, directly to the restaurant to eat; Go shopping mall, a sweep of small program code, shopping mall store layout appears on the phone, but also real-time navigation……

The characteristics of wechat mini programs are consistent with the evolution of consumption habits and lifestyle in this era, in other words, it complies with the development trend of The Times.

From the flow point of view

Small programs rely on wechat, the huge traffic pool, and access to dozens of online and offline traffic entrances. It can be said that it is the best application to obtain traffic at present, and also the application with the lowest cost to obtain traffic in the current mobile Internet era.

From a growth and traffic perspective, both businesses and businesses must do applets, and eventually applets will become part of the business infrastructure.

There are three main types of companies doing small programs at present:

1. Large companies with economic strength or companies specializing in Internet products;

2. Purchase small programs for small and medium-sized platforms, e-commerce and offline entities to develop their original businesses;

3. Small program service agents.

However, when it comes to applets development services companies. There are many small program development services in the market, the level of uneven, some three or four people form a team, said he is a professional small program development team; There are products have not been developed, began to wantonly sales, cheat to a is a; Some tens of thousands of millions of deceiving you to buy an agent, but the product is poor to sell.

Small program after more than a year of sliding, is about to enter a fast rising period, according to the current market form, is expected to reach the dividend eruption period within half a year.

From the experience of the Internet development in the past, after the big trend, there will be a number of vertical platforms and segments of the industry from the dogfight, become the dark horse in the red sea.

Why do they appear after the big trend? In addition to a limited audience, vertical segments have long market development cycles, heavy model and high capital requirements, so their spring comes later. Until then, the market for small program services has been booming.

After all, small program is an era of draught, coverage is so wide, the dividend period is at least two years or more. As for how the small program two years later, in what form will finally disappear in the market, we can not presume, after all, the Internet era, the form of ever-changing, casual prediction is likely to be the reality of the face.

But we want to make money in the small program, seize the opportunity to grab the bonus!