• Github-ant-move /Antmove: Antmove is a compiled cross-terminal solution based on Alipay/wechat applets, which can be easily converted into applets of other platforms.
  • Small program converter Antmove 1.0.0 release · Antmove

Antmove is a small program converter, is also a lightweight small program multi-terminal solution. It supports the conversion of various small program platforms and component dimensions, helping small program developers improve development efficiency, improve development experience, and reduce the development cost of multiple small program platforms.

Since open source, Antmove has received a lot of attention from many users and has successfully helped many products launch across applets, which is very exciting for us. However, at the beginning of the release, Antmove conversion support was not very perfect, and there were bugs and defects. With the feedback of many users and the efforts of Antmove team, Antmove has improved the support and stability of conversion ability, and also provided more platform support. Here’s a look at some of the new features that Antmoe’s 1.0.0 release brings.


  • More applets platform support
  • The ability to transfer wechat mini program to Alipay mini program has been greatly improved
  • Customization of conversion capability
  • Development experience improvement
  • Improvement of developer ecosystem
  • Quick preview
  • Who is using
  • Wechat applets
  • Alipay small program
  • Autonavi applets
  • The future planning

More applets platform support

After this period of efforts, Antmove now supports applets conversion on more platforms, and the ability map and implementation released in the early open source stage. Next, we will continue to work on cross-platform ability support, and also provide more conversion ability documents for users to customize conversion ability.

# Compile command describe The document GitHub Npm
1 wx-alipay Transfer small programs of wechat to small programs of Alipay, support small program compilation of other platforms of Alibaba (such as Dingdingsmall program) README.md Github @antmove/wx-alipay – npm
2 wx-baidu Wechat small program to Baidu intelligent small program README.md Github @antmove/wx-baidu – npm
3 Wx-tt (Informal) Wechat applet to bytedance applet README.md Github @antmove/wx-tt – npm
4 alipay-wx Alipay applet to wechat applet README.md Github @antmove/alipay-wx – npm
5 alipay-baidu Pay treasure small program turns Baidu intelligence small program README.md Github @antmove/alipay-baidu – npm
6 wx-compiler For cross-platform code, you can use this command to get pure wechat applet code README.md Github @antmove/wx-wx – npm
7 alipay-compiler When the native Alipay applet references a component library transformed from Antmove, it uses this command to compile reference items to support relations and selectComponent capabilities README.md Github @antmove/alipay-polyfill – npm

The ability to transfer wechat mini program to Alipay mini program has been greatly improved

Early open source Antmove WeChat applet to pay treasure to the functions of small programs also only stay in the frame on the intersection of test coverage is low, many hidden almost no completion, after this period of time the efforts of the team and community feedback, WeChat applet to pay treasure to small program function has been greatly improved. The main function points added in this optimization are as follows:

  • Custom component support is improved
    • Observers support
    • Behaviors support
    • Relations support
    • ExternalClass support
  • SelectComponent/selectComponents support
  • The subcontract support
  • Behaviors support
  • WXS support
  • Ali small program one key conversion support
  • Support component2 mode compilation

In order to make up for the shortage of Antmove wechat applet to Alipay plug-in test case, the Antmove team conducted conversion test of wechat applet with more than 100 stars on Github, which greatly improved the conversion ability and made the coverage more complete.

  • Wechat applet station alipay applet conversion support details

Customization of conversion capability

Antmove provides conversion plug-in templates, based on which you can quickly implement specific applets platform conversion support, in addition to providing conversion function auxiliary tools, for users with special platform requirements this will be a very convenient ability.

Development experience improvement

In version 1.0.0, Antmove provides interactive command line operations and a new overhaul of logging capabilities. Detailed command line logging/compile-time logging/run-time logging capabilities are provided in dev compilation mode, greatly improving transformation debugging capabilities.

  • Interactive command line compilation

    It is used together with the new antmove.config.js transformation configuration file to facilitate secondary compilation. Configuration files allow developers to compile configurations in more detail.

  • Compile time log, intuitive understanding of transformation support and adaptation ability positioning

  • Run time logging for development mode debugging

Improvement of developer ecosystem

Antmove not only helps developers to implement applets conversion, but also provides strong support for the applets developer ecosystem. Ecologically, Antmove provides cross-platform support for mainstream community component libraries.

Below are several popular applets selected by Antmove team. After the conversion of Antmove converter, wechat applets/Alipay applets are now provided, and WeUI also provides baidu applets version support. Whether wechat small program developers or Alipay Baidu small program developers can use the following open source projects to assist the development of their own projects. We will then extend them to other applets and build a set of components/tools available across applets.

  • Iview applets component library
  • Vant applets component library
  • Weui applets component library
  • Echarts applet chart library

As an example, we hope to provide more cross-applet projects with Antmove’s transformation capabilities. We hope developers can tell us through the PROJECT PR after Antmove transformation to improve Antmove development ecology

Quick preview

Who is using

Wechat applets

The micro channel applet shown here is the original applet application, and the other platform applet below are based on these micro channel applet conversion.

Alipay small program

Autonavi applets

The future planning

Antmove currently provides support for the mainstream small program platform, and has also made contributions to the small program ecology, but Antmove still has a long way to go. Before the standardization of small program is implemented, Antmove’s mission has the meaning of existence. Next, Antmove will further optimize the support capability of the current platform. Ensure the stability and conversion performance of the conversion plug-in. At the same time, it will provide more platform conversion support, and constantly improve the developer ecology of other small program platforms by virtue of wechat small program ecology.

Refer to the link

  • Cross-platform applets development Style guide
  • Small program cross-platform development solution exploration