One, foreword

Everybody is good! It’s time for us to eat melon again. Get ready for the little bench

The Epic Games vs. Apple lawsuit is a great one. In the last article, “The Argument: iOS Security, Why Should It Be reviewed?” We’ve left you with a cliffhanger: The Uncovering of apple’s App review team!

The App Store is probably the most difficult App Store to access, but there are plenty of exceptions! For example: Wang Leehom developed the App, reviewed the card for several days… A phone call to Cook to “go straight to the App”! .

This is where the story begins: Wang Leehom & Cook

We found clues in Wang’s weibo:

In 2018, Wang attended the launch of apple’s iPhone Xs and toured the 2017 Jobs Theater, showing off photos with CEO Tim Cook and director Tsui Hark. (Wang was personally invited by cook, his friend, to the unveiling of the new iPhone.)

My friend Cook? In order to better eat melon, we found the oldest record:

Without further saying, there’s no reason not to believe that the chances of an Apple store being reviewed are higher than the average person, given Cook’s friendship. Why? Let’s look at a tweet:

Isn’t this melon sweet enough? Click “like”

Even Leehom Wang had to ask Cook to help him get an App on the App Store. So today, let’s take a look at who and what apple’s App review team was all about over the years

Second, the moment of revelation

To eat melon, let’s start straight with the summary! No doubt, because Apple’s internal secrecy system is among the strictest in the tech world. Therefore, the internal information about the App Store Review is few and far between, so xiaobian spends a lot of effort to search and research from the Internet, follow the trail, trace the source, get to the bottom of the question… The final cocoon is peeled and spun into this schedule:

time The event originally Disclosure content
March 6, 2008 Apple March 6 Event: iPhone Software Roadmap Steve Jobs unveiles iPhone 2.0 Software: The App Store, which allows developers to create software for the iPhone and bring it to users. Jobs first introduced the concept of “App Store” at the press conference, and pointed out that the App Store banned illegal, malicious, pornographic and other applications.
August 23, 2009 Apple has rejected Google Voice on the iPhone Google complained to the FCC, and on July 31, 2009, the FCC wrote to Apple asking for details about the approval status of the app review. Apple responded to the FCC and for the first time revealed a few things about the app review.
21 June 2019 CNBC published a revealing article on its website, first revealing the secrets of Apple’s review team. CNBC spoke with several insiders about the App Review workpass), unraveling a lot of the secrets behind the App Store review team. 1. Every App and update on the Apple App Store platform is approved by an Apple employee who works in the App Review department.

2. Tough approval decisions can be passed up to a panel called the Executive Review Committee, which is headed by Apple’s senior vice president of marketing, Phil Schiller.

3. Apple created the system so that iPhone users can trust that apps downloaded from the App Store will work safely and are not scams, the company said.
May 7, 2021 Testimony from Epic Games vs. Apple Trystan Kosmynka, senior director of Apple’s App review team, revealed for the first time how Apple’s App review process works. Including: currently 500+ auditors, 81 different languages, each auditor ‮ weekly 200 apps, average 12 minutes per App audit, use a variety of technical tools to assist the audit of “Mercury”, “Magellan”, “Columbus” and so on.

Here’s a look at some of them, including:

  1. thoseyears
  2. thosepeople: Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice President of Marketing, and Trystan Kosmynka, Senior director of App review team
  3. thosethings

Let’s talk about those people first, and then introduce them one by one based on historical events, which will be combined with years of Experience at Apple. If you feel good, give us a thumbs up first! Then we eat melon together

3. Apple review team – Executive introduction

Let’s start with the question: “If Wang leehom contacts Cook, who will Cook go to to solve the problem?”

The Apple audit team has always been very mysterious, the Apple audit team in The Apple company is in what position? Who will manage the review team? , there are three key people in the answer:

  1. Phil Schiller, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Apple (2016 — August 2020)
  2. Apple SVP of Marketing Greg (Joz) Joswiak (After August 2020)
  3. Trystan Kosmynka, senior Director, App Store Review team

Let’s talk about the characters first and then come back to their relationship with the review team

3.1 Phil Schiller, former Senior Vice President of Marketing at Apple

Phil Schiller joined Apple in 1987, when he was 27, and has been with the company for 34 years. Flash forward to 2021, and he’s already 60 (born June 8, 1960).

Here’s what apple’s management page says:

Phil has helped guide Apple’s products and marketing for 30 years, most recently as senior Vice President of worldwide marketing. During his tenure, Phil helped the company create the world’s best computer with the Mac, led the digital music revolution with the iPod and iTunes, reinvented the mobile phone with the iPhone and the App Store, and defined the future of mobile computing with the iPad.

On August 4, 2020, Phil Schiller was promoted to an Apple Fellow. Let’s just go with apple’s web translate tool and translate it into researcher.

If you are not an Apple fan, or have not carefully watched the past Apple product launch, WWDC, and other presenters, you may not really pay attention to this man! Come on! Let’s eat melon, look at the picture:

From left to right are Tim Cook, Steve Jobs, and Phil Schiller. This is a man who can sit next to Steve.

Phil Schiller can be summed up in one sentence: “I’ll keep working here as long as they will have me, I bleed six colors.” I will continue to work here as long as they want me to. I have Apple in my blood. . Notice that I bleed with six colors, while the official translation is Apple’s blood. ? See figure:

Because apple used to have a rainbow color Logo, it was used by many old employees as a metaphor, which translates to “I am an Apple person”! Check out this picture below, 60 years old:


  • Phil Schiller promoted to Apple Fellow – Apple (Mainland China)
  • Phil Schiller Advances to Apple Fellow — Apple

What Phil Schiller did, we’ll see below, from the press release above:

Schiller will continue to oversee the App Store and Apple events, reporting directly to Apple CEO Tim Cook. Meanwhile, Greg (Joz) Joswiak, a longtime product marketing leader, will join the executive team as senior vice President of global marketing.

So, let’s talk about Greg (Joz) Joswiak, Apple’s current SVP of marketing.

3.2 Greg (Joz) Joswiak, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Apple

Since joining Apple in June 1986, Chauzy has played a key role in the development and launch of some of the world’s most popular consumer products, including the original iPod and iPhone. Chauzy began his career at Apple, working on the early Macintosh computers and supporting the Mac’s third-party developer community.

Greg (Joz) Joswiak, who started at Apple a year earlier than Phil Schiller, was born in 1964, making him four years younger than Schiller.

There is no more information on this old man on Google or wiki. It is just like the big guy. It’s not our main character this time, so just remember the name for now

Trystan Kosmynka, Senior Director of the App Store Review team

Trystan Kosmynka’s testimony in the Epic Games v. Apple court case reveals more about the App Store review process. Although he is not an Apple executive, his current position on LinkedIn is as senior Director of the App Store Review team:

Perhaps because it is an Apple auditor confidentiality agreement, so auditors have few public social activities, online information can be found is not much, Trystan Kosmynka in Trystan Kosmynka Crunchbase Person Profile can see Trystan Kosmynka’s career experience:

From these two pictures, have you found anything about this brother’s previous company and position! That’s right! The founder and CTO of TestFlight, a company apple acquired in 2015, became the TestFlight testing tool today! So, it’s also technology! Worship ~

Ok, introduced the background of these several big, is for us to better understand the Apple audit team, next, let’s formally begin to introduce the Apple audit team!

4. Apple app review team

4.1 Apple review team structure

The apple Review team is not part of the App Store team. App Review is led by the Apple Marketing team and always has been. Even before Phil Schiller took over at the end of 2015. In late 2015, Phil Schiller became senior Vice President of Global Marketing, taking over the App Store marketing and product division.

The audit department has 2 layers:

  • Apple’s Worldwide Developer Relations Department
  • Executive Review Board (ERB)

Apple’s Worldwide Developer Relations Department is known as the “App Review” team.

The ERB, for example, is easy to understand. If an App has been rejected, the developer can appeal to the ERB, and the appeal review board (ERB) is the body that makes the final decision on whether or not an App is allowed on the App Store or rejected. The ERB department is composed of reviewers with a good track record. (Note: Apple reviews the quality of the app. More on that later.)

4.2 Basic process of application audit

Apple says that about 40% of new apps or updates submitted to the App Store will be rejected (in 2019), many of which will be approved with minor changes, but some will still be rejected.

While all reviewers use Apple’s App Store Review guidelines to determine whether an App should go live or not, there are times when decisions are difficult, and controversial applications are referred to the ERB (Executive Review Board).

The ERB board, which holds weekly discussions on controversial apps, decides whether an app lives or dies, with senior Vice President of global marketing, Phil Schiller, making the final call.

In addition, some developers who have their apps rejected can also appeal to the ERB’s executive review board to overturn the review results, and often some reviewers may see threatening responses from developers.

In the App Store Connet management background, the rejected application can appeal to the ERB, click Submit an appeal to the App Review Board.

Finally, if the appeal is upheld, Apple usually needs to call the developer and explain why. Reviewers who work at Apple say that some people at the company call developers when a decision is overturned on appeal or when the reasons for the rejection need to be explained. Apple says it’s calling developers 1,000 times a week (in 2019). Because this can cut off some of the developers’ financial resources, feedback from developers can sometimes be threatening (it seems that the reviewer is also under a lot of psychological pressure).

4.3 Application Review Workflow (2019)

In 2019, insiders said, Phil Schiller: insisted on checking all applications manually, rather than using automated tools to do the review across the board.

The insider on Apple’s app reviews, first revealed in a 2019 CNBC article:

Reviewers access a Web site called App Claim on macs to “Claim” apps in bulk, and then they typically review the App on an attached iPad, even if it’s an iPhone App. Above mentioned mentioned “claim” a batch of apps through a web portal on a Mac desktop, Called App Claim. They often examine the App on an attached iPad, even if it’s an iPhone App.)

It often comes as a surprise to developers to see that even iPhone apps offer screen shots of the iPad! Now it seems so

Reviewers then compare the App to Apple’s App Store review guidelines, including making sure it doesn’t crash when running and doesn’t contain illegal content. Then the reviewers will make a call whether to accept, reject or hold the app. “I can’t hold my hand,” he said.

Each reviewer must review a quota of 50 to 100 apps per day. Each app typically takes only a few minutes to review. Apple tracks the number of apps reviewed per hour through a program called Watchtower. Auditors’ performance (quality of work) is also judged based on whether their decisions are reversed and other quality-oriented statistics.

The audit team also pays close attention to a statistic called a SLA, which stands for service-level Agreement. Apple’s goal is to review 50 percent of apps within 24 to 48 hours. According to reviewers who work at Apple, the SLA percentage drops when there are a large number of applications.

People who work at App Review say working days can be long, especially before Apple releases new versions of its iOS each year, when App developers update their apps to make them compatible. (People who worked at App Review said that work days could be long, Especially ahead of Apple’s annual release of its new version of iOS, When app developers update their apps so they’re compatible.

At first, these auditors only review iPhone apps. After accumulating some experience, they will gradually review in-app purchases, subscriptions, Apple Watch, Apple TV and other apps.

In addition to dealing with apps from non-English speaking countries, Apple’s review team also has a section dedicated to different languages. Many reviewers are fluent in a non-English language, while multiple teams within the department specialize in different languages. According to Apple, the reviewers are familiar with 81 languages.

4.4 Audit team work location

In 2019, Apple’s 300-strong app review team was based out of two offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., rather than Apple Park and its old headquarters at Infinite Loop. (Note: Apple has revealed on its recruitment website that Apple Park is a 20-minute drive away.)

At present, it can be confirmed that in addition to the us audit team, there are also divisions:

  • Shanghai, China
  • Cork, Ireland

Both places have divisions of the audit team. How can we confirm the authenticity of this information? If we searched “App Reviewer” on the recruitment page of Apple’s official website, we could see that Apple is currently recruiting Chinese and Japanese reviewers on June 5, 2021:

Cork is a county in Ireland, proving that a branch of Apple’s audit team exists!

In 2019, there will also be an App Review for recruitment positions in Shanghai. In addition, at present, Apple Shanghai is still recruiting marketing positions, recruiting talents only (China) interested friends can go to see ~

4.5 Review the work benefits of the team

Although the auditors do not work at Apple headquarters, unlike the content review teams at tech companies such as Facebook and YouTube, they are not outsourced by a third party. Instead, they are managed directly by Apple. They are paid by the hour, wear employee badges and receive apple health care and other benefits.

And the intensity of the work, the requirements of the recruitment website:

  • You are hardworking and can work quickly & proficiently under tight deadlines.(You need to be a hard worker who can work quickly and skillfully under tight deadlines)
  • Ability to stay focused and prioritize a heavy workload while achieving exceptional quality(Ability to stay focused and prioritize heavy workloads while achieving superior quality).
  • Flexible to work weekends and holidays, with the possibility to flex up or down hours depending upon business needs.(Work flexibly on weekends and holidays, and have the flexibility to work up and down as business needs require.)
  • Available to attend approximately 5-6 weeks of required training on a fixed schedule that may include weekends.(About 5-6 weeks of necessary training can be attended on a fixed schedule, which may include weekends.)

According to disclosures in 2019, They’re paid by hour, and according to accounts, an auditor works 12 hours a day, but not more. (” Until we catch up, We are opening up 12-hour days, “according to the email seen by CNBC.” Please note that you should not work over 12 Hours in one day. “)

4.6 More insight into the audit team

Although Phil Schiller is involved in decision-making through the ERB (Executive Review Board), people who work in the Application Review Office say he rarely, if ever, visits the review department’s offices. Although Schiller is involved in decision-making through the ERB, People who worked at the App Review office said that he rarely if ever visits the office where the Review takes place.)

Although the current head of the Executive Review Board (ERB) has been replaced by Greg (Joz) Joswiak, However, the day-to-day management of App reviews will be handled by Ron Okamoto, vice President of Worldwide Developer Relations, and Trystan Kosmynka, director of App Store Review.

Ron Okamoto, the former vp of Worldwide Developer Relations, also retired in 2021, as he was listed as a former employee in apple’s witness list in its lawsuit against Epic Games. At Apple, Okamoto helps oversee the app approval process and policies, distribute tools to develop and sell apps, technical developer support, the annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), developer awards and developer communications. His role has now been taken over by Susan Prescott, a respected Apple executive who was previously in charge of marketing apple’s own apps and is now in charge of education marketing.

Apple’s old people have retired, the younger generation to refuel ah ~

About the apple review team about the situation, we temporarily say here, more detailed content below together to discuss. Now, back in 2008, when Jobs first announced the App Store, the growth of Apple’s review team can only be seen from the very beginning.

IPhone Software Roadmap for 2008: iPhone Software Roadmap

On March 6, 2008, Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone software roadmap. Apple March 6 Event: iPhone Software Roadmap on Apple Podcasts

In a special apple event on March 6, 2008, Apple announced the “App Store” that will make a big difference!

The reason Apple came up with the App Store: Reach every iPhone user.

When the first iPhone was released in 2007, it didn’t have an App. Instead, it used the built-in system App, which featured phone calls, Internet access, and email. And shortly after it went on sale, someone jailbroke the iPhone to install third-party apps. So in 2008, Apple probably saw a market for apps and created the App Store to let users download apps over a wireless network (mobile cellular or WiFi), which was pretty unthinkable at the time.

This is shown in the figure above. When the App Store launched in 2008, there were 820 apps. Games were the largest, with 195. This was before the launch of the new iPhone 3GS (which was only released in June), so the fact that so many app developers are working together is a testament to the appeal of the iPhone platform!

Jobs decided that year: “Exclusive way to distribute iPhone applications.”

Finally said the application review requirements! Limit application:

  • Illegal(illegal)
  • Malicious(bad)
  • Unforeseen(Unforeseeable)
  • Privacy(privacy)
  • Porn(yellow)
  • Bandwidth hog(High bandwidth usage)

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Phillip Shoemaker, the former head of App Store reviews, said that initially Apple had only three reviewers who reviewed all apps.

“In 2008, Apple had already decided to take a 3/7 share, and when in-app purchases started In 2009, they had to decide to take a 30% platform fee.”

  • Developer picks price
  • 70% of revenues -> developer(Developers get 70% of the revenue)
  • No credit card fees
  • No hosting fees
  • No marketing fees
  • Paid monthly

To be honest, these conditions, in a blank iPhone market at the time, is quite attractive! In those days, mobile phones were not mainstream

In his testimony in the Epic Games vs. Apple court case, Phil Schiller said: “In the beginning, there were no third-party apps on the iPhone because Apple executives didn’t think there was time to build a secure system for third-party developers. But as soon as the phone went on sale, developers quickly jailbroke it and put their software on the phone, and Apple quickly built a formal system that became the App Store.” . “We are very concerned that it makes the device unreliable and unstable,” he said of jailbreaking.

That’s where the Apple App Store came from, and where the App review process began

5. 2009: Google Voice was blocked from the App Store

In 2009, Apple rejected Google Voice from the App Store, and Google eventually filed a complaint with the FEDERAL Communications Commission (FCC), which investigated and questioned Apple’s review process, demanding a response to the rejection of Google’s App. Explain why Google Voice was rejected for use on the iPhone.

In short, Google Voice directly replaces the core iPhone features, changes the iPhone’s unique user experience, and affects how Apple users make calls, text messages, and Voice mail. To put it simply, Google Voice manages SMS messaging and, in doing so, replaces the iPhone’s SMS functionality, directly forcing itself to be a system-level application. You can learn more about this detailed content in the search, which will be skipped here.

Our focus is on the inside story of the review team, which Apple wrote in its August 23, 2009 response:

Apple developed a comprehensive review process that looks at every iPhone application that is submitted to Apple. Applications and marketing text are submitted through a web interface. Submitted applications undergo a rigorous review process that tests for vulnerabilities such as software bugs, instability on the iPhone platform, and the use of unauthorized protocols. Applications are also reviewed to try to prevent privacy issues, safeguard children from exposure to inappropriate content, and avoid applications that degrade the core experience of the iPhone. There are more than 40 full-time trained reviewers, and at least two different reviewers study each application so that the review process is applied uniformly. Apple also established an App Store executive review board that determines procedures and sets policy for the review process, as well as reviews applications that are escalated to the board because they raise new or complex issues. The review board meets weekly and is comprised of senior management with responsibilities for the App Store. 95% of applications are approved within 14 days of being submitted.

Apple generally spends most of the review period making sure that the applications function properly, and working with developers to fix quality issues and software bugs in applications. We receive about 8,500 new applications and updates every week, and roughly 20% of them are not approved as originally submitted. In little more than a year, we have reviewed more than 250,000 applications and updates.

Translate the key content:

  • More than 40 auditors with full-time training should be reviewed by at least two reviewers for each App (“at least two reviewers study each App “) to unify the application review process.
  • Apple has also established an App Store Executive review committee, which determines procedures and policies for the review process and reviews apps that raise new or complex issues that escalate to the board. The review committee meets weekly and is made up of senior management responsible for the App Store.
  • Ninety-five percent of applications are approved within 14 days of submission.
  • We receive about 8,500 new applications and updates every week, about 20% of which are not approved as originally submitted.
  • In a little over a year, we’ve reviewed more than 250,000 applications and updates.

The letter is no longer available on Apple’s website, but a snapshot is available at Apple Answers the FCC’s Interrogations – Apple. Interested friends, can view the detailed reply to the question and content. Apple responds to FCC’s questions on why it rejected Google Voice

The above is the insider of the application review revealed in 2009, after a year of development, Apple review team, maintain a strong attitude, feel with Jobs’s attitude is consistent, in the reply, also give four representative application rejected reasons, feel with the reason is somewhat similar to the current rejection ah.

  • Twittelator, by Stone Design Corp., was initially rejected because it crashed during loading, but the developer subsequently fixed the application and it has been approved;
  • iLoveWiFi! , by iCloseBy LLC, was rejected because it used undocumented application protocols (it has not been resubmitted as of the date of this letter);
  • SlingPlayer Mobile, by Sling Media, Initially rejected because redirecting a TV signal to an iPhone using AT&T’s cellular network is prohibited by AT&T’s Customer Terms of Service, but the developer subsequently fixed the application to use WiFi only and it has been approved; and
  • Lingerie Fantasy Video (Lite), by On The Go Girls, LLC, was initially rejected because it displayed nudity and explicit sexual content, but the developer subsequently fixed the application and it has been approved with the use of a 17+ age rating.


  • Twittelator, developed by Stone Design. The app was initially rejected because it crashed during the download process, but the developer later fixed the issue and got Apple’s approval.
  • iLoveWiFi! , developed by iCloseBy. The app was rejected because it used an unprovenance protocol and has not yet been reapplied.
  • SlingPlayer Mobile, developed by Sling Media. The app was rejected because AT&T’s customer service terms forbid the iPhone from receiving TV signals on AT&T’s wireless network; But the developer then adjusted to use only WiFi, and later reapplied and was approved.
  • Lingerie Fantasy Video (Lite), developed by On The Go Girls. The app was rejected because it showed nudity and pornography, but the developer later fixed the issue and was approved based on an over 17 rating.

6. 2019: CNBC reveals the secrets of Apple’s audit team

From 2009 to 2019, that’s ten years! Apple’s review team was shrouded in mystery until CNBC revealed it, proving that the company has done a good job of keeping it secret. CNBC probably paid a lot of money to get the inside scoop.

Most of the inside information revealed by CNBC has already been mentioned and summarized in the previous article. About three points:

  1. Every App and update on Apple’s App Store platform is approved by an Apple employee in a department called App Review, a person familiar with the matter told CNBC.
  2. Tough approvals can be made by a panel called the Executive Review Committee, led by Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of marketing.
  3. Apple says it created the review system to reassure iPhone users that apps downloaded from the App Store are safe and can’t be scammed.

You can check out How Apple’s App Review Process for the App Store Works.

7. 2021: Epic Games vs. Apple

On August 24, 2011, Apple’s board announced that Steve Jobs had resigned as CEO and the board named former Apple COO Tim Cook as the company’s new CEO.

7.1. Apple from hardware to software

Apple’s official App Store blurb reads:

Since the launch of The App Store in 2008, the iOS App economy has become one of the rapidly developing economic sectors. Thanks to the App Store, more and more developers are turning their creative ideas into reality with enthusiasm and ambition.

The App Store has become even more important as Apple pushes its software services. Since 2008, there have been more than 2 million apps on the App Store, over 170 billion downloads, and over $130 billion spent by users.

The app review process has become increasingly important as Apple focuses more on the app Store service as a new revenue source and a key selling point for iPhone security and privacy.

On the one hand, the payment rate of iPhone users is much higher than that of Android users. On the other hand, Apple gets 30% of the revenue. From the point of view of large companies, the small gains become more and more big cake!

For example:

According to a financial statement filed by Epic for January 2020, Fortnite generated $5.477 billion in 2018 and $3.709 billion in 2019, bringing its cumulative revenue over the two years to $9.186 billion. At the same time, the report forecasts revenue of $2.771 billion in 2020. In total, Epic generated $5.628 billion in revenue in 2018 and $4.221 billion in 2019, meaning Fortnite accounted for a significant portion of Epic’s revenue (97% in 2018 and nearly 88% in 2019). One game has changed Epic’s life. Source: Game top

Fortnite for iOS has been on the market for two years, and Apple has earned over $100 million in revenue!

Michael Schmid, head of Games development for Apple’s App Store, testified on Wednesday that Apple earned more than $100 million in commissions from Epic Games’ Fortnite in the two years it was available on the App Store. Apple previously said Epic earned $700 million from Fortnite for iOS, but did not disclose its commission revenue. Source: Home of IT

For Epic, that 30% is worth more than $100 million. And for users, more concerned about the application audit security, from here you can understand, Epic’s intention, here is not much to say. Let’s go back to technology

Testimony by Trystan Kosmynka, Senior Director of the App Store Review Team

Trystan Kosmynka, senior director of the App Store review team, testified about the App Store review team during the Epic Games vs. Apple lawsuit.

More than 40 percent of apps or updates submitted to Apple are rejected. As you can see from the chart above, Between 2017 and 2019, Apple received an average of 5 million App submissions per year. Between 33% and 36% of apps submitted are rejected by Apple’s review team, an average of 1.7 million rejects per year.

There are a lot of division of labor in the application review team, such as routine audit, new release function audit, etc. It involves understanding the content, such as copyright, law, etc. There are user benefits, such as payments, Iaps, privacy; Developer accounts and so on.

From this we can see that human intervention is very necessary, that is, the importance of application review is not to say.

The App Store supports 81 different languages, and it has 100,000 App submissions per ‮ weekly, with a review team of 500.

Here’s an example. The user experience for Web apps, in a nutshell, is what the App Store approval guide says:

If the App Store model and guidelines don’t fit perfectly with your App or business philosophy, that’s fine. Our Safari browser also provides a great web experience.

Your App is too simple, please use web App! Your application does not comply with the policy, please use the web App!

The App Store review process is divided into Static Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, MOZART, and Magellan. (Note: MOZART and Magellan tools, the specific function is not clear.)

The first is static analysis, which includes:

  • DT App Analyer
  • App Similarity
  • Z Strings
  • App Transparency

Static analysis examines the size of the application, rights, in-application purchases, keywords, instructions, and so on.

The key principles of static analysis, as shown in the figure above, are not much solved here. Those who understand it naturally understand it, and those who do not understand it will ignore it

Dynamic analysis of workflows, including:

  • App Transparency
  • Mercury

Dynamic testing includes everything from battery use to file system access and privacy requests for access to device hardware such as camera hardware and microphones.

What is Mercury? The tool allows Apple to look inside applications to check for hidden code or abuse, along with other review tools called “Magellan” and “Columbus.” Take a look at the next picture:

The Mercury dynamic analysis tool is supposed to automate the post-application dynamic analysis and so on. Right? (If you know about it, you can discuss it together in the comment section.)

After automated testing, the application moves into the human review phase.

Speed of application review

And the principle of dynamic analysis is, you know, API calls.

Then, through the static analysis + dynamic analysis = apply the signature.

And then, when you review, you can compare the signatures of the applications in the database, and if they’re the same, you get the idea.

Finally, in order to reduce the review team’s manual review and audit time, it is precisely these tools ~

Audit needs resources, a total of 20, what is specific xiaobian also do not know, know the friend, can leave a message to communicate with ah ~

Potential Acquisition: Apple acquired talent and tools through SourceDNA, including static analysis tools and code similarity checks.

Acquisition of AppThority for technical talent, static and dynamic analysis tools. In short, the Apple review team, through various ways, just to improve the review speed and efficiency!

Review time reduced to 48 hours behind the story

In 2009, 95% of applications were approved within 14 days of being submitted. If the iOS development before 2015 must know, the average review time is also about 7 days, the old app update is generally expected to take half a month, if it is a new app, generally need to reserve more than 2 months, because the new app, basically can not be reviewed once, if rejected, the revised submission, wait for 7 days. So, it was pretty easy for Apple to approve? Haha, xiaobian also don’t remember ~

On May 16, 2016, Apple apparently sped up the process of reviewing apps, which used to take more than a week to review, to the day after they were submitted.

What’s going on?

This picture is very significant! Remember the SLA on this graph?

SLA It stands for Service-level Agreement. Apple’s goal is to review 50 percent of apps within 24 to 48 hours.

So, in fact, through the acquisition of these automated tools and technical talent, Apple began to accelerate the review process in 2016! As you can see from the figure, the target date is: WWDC 2016! The plan has come true!

Background story

This accelerated plan must be a strong executive manager, we should be able to guess ah, yes! It’s Phil Schiller!

When Phil Schiller took over apple’s internal App Store team in 2016, the review time for all stores was reduced from weeks to “about a day,” and review times have now been stable for about three years. In my opinion, the problem has been completely solved. In 2016 Phil Schiller took over the App Store group inside Apple and pretty quickly review times reduced from weeks to About a day across all of the stores and review times have now been consistent for about three years. In my mind this Problem is totally solved.

To put this in context, prior to 2016, apple’s review process was so long, taking 7 to 10 days, that iOS developer @Daveverwer – Twitter wrote this:, which collects iOS developer feedback on reviewtimes.

In the App Store review of the developer account weight – Shaming big guy article, steal a picture to let everyone see:

As can be seen from the figure, the review time decreased from 2016 to 48 hours. Because of this acceleration 5 years ago! In fact, it’s a very exciting time, and it’s also a very painful time for iOS development right now, so now it’s too soon to know the results, and people are even more confused

The 48-hour SLAs ratio is now 96.6%, which means that 96.6% of apps submitted for review will be reviewed within 48 hours!

Ok, we said audit speed up, continue to read the audit team work ~

7.3 review the working environment of the team

Work stations for human auditors: an iMac, MacBook Pro, multiple iOS devices, game controllers, etc. Apple family barrel good place!

Normal application review process. You can see more by following the links in the figure.

At this point, apple audit revealed content, this ends!

At this point, apple audit revealed content, this ends!

At this point, apple audit revealed content, this ends!

Next, let’s talk about reviewers and developers at Apple

Apple reviewers and developers

8.1, the auditor work is very easy

Software + manual review: The reviewed application is first queued in the software system, and then pre-reviewed by the software. If the application passes, the system will assign the application review task to each person’s task list according to their rights and language ability. Once the employee gets the task, the status will change to “under review”.

When the App Store launched in 2008, there were only 800 apps. Now there are over 2 million!

  • Each member reviews ‮, 200 apps per week
  • Work 40 apps per day (assuming each person works 8 hours per day)
  • The average App review takes just 12 minutes

The particularity of application audit leads to:

  • The technology content is not high, the repetitive work content is extremely boring.
  • The pressure is enormous, the tasks pile up and never get done.
  • Not belonging to the powerful department, and even looked down upon by other departments.
  • There’s a lot of criticism from the outside, but there’s nowhere to vent.
  • It’s depressing to censor disgusting content all day.
  • The pay isn’t high, and life in Silicon Valley is stressful.

Auditors are very hard, in the face of a variety of apps:

Moderators are not usually faced with gruesome or illegal content on a regular basis, with one saying: “In one case they found child pornography in a pending app.” “The reviewer added that the app was not approved and that the incident was later reported to the FBI.

While the App Store’s review process is notoriously rigorous, it’s hard not to miss out.

Sometimes they will approve an app that appears to be valid, but the developer may change it on the server, making it a scam app that violates Apple’s guidelines. And the assessors sometimes get blamed for that.

So, we are looking at the audit problems ~

8.2 review the existing problems

  • fraud
  • Betting scam
  • Security vulnerabilities
  • Violation of user privacy

Refer to Apple announcement: App Store Prevents More than $1.5 billion in Potentially fraudulent transactions in 2020 – News – Apple Developer

  • Fraudulent ratings and reviews
  • Account fraud
  • Payment and credit card fraud
  • Stores have too much power
Fake ratings and fake reviews

The chaos in the App Store, sometimes can not help people worry: a variety of waistcoat and change the skin of the App to dominate the list, keyword stack, brush review and brush ranking has become the mainstream, App Store on the impression of the instant collapse!

Pay for fraud

For example, the irresistible inducement of in-app purchase, such as: the application of “special price of 8 yuan for a limited time” of the false discount, while the payment page of in-app purchase items constantly pop up, if accidentally touched will be deducted 998 yuan. Source: Love fan son

Now apple has fixed this issue with iOS 14:

Can you see the difference between price and payment? Let’s discuss it in the comments section

8.3. Apple’s audit improvement

Report a problem

If you are defrauded, you can go to Apple’s website to report or apply for a refund: Report a problem – Apple. Of course, Apple only introduced refund notifications to developers last year, so until then, players weren’t usually told how to get their money back.

To report infringement

Apple has a special complaint web page, Apple-legal-itunes App Store Content Dispute, for reporting that you believe that an App provided by The App Store infringes your intellectual property rights.

Of course, email to [email protected] and take a screenshot of the App.

8.4. How to improve the overreview rate?

In 2020, the rejection rate ‮ was nowhere near 40 percent, with 215,000 apps rejected for violating privacy policies, or 40 percent of all App submissions in 2020.

Only 1% of rejected developers complain

If an App is rejected, Apple notifys the developer of the reason why it was not approved for the App Store. Developers can either resubmit their apps after addressing the errors pointed out by Apple, or contact the company to appeal the rejection. However, an Apple official said, “Less than 1 percent of developers have complained about the rejection.”

Why are so few people complaining?

You know why.

IOS Top 10 Reasons for Rejection

Top 10 reasons Why Apple rejects apps:

  1. Article 2.1.0: Performance: App completion
  2. Article 2.1.0: Performance: More information is needed
  3. Clause Other: Other
  4. Article 5.1.1: Law: Data collection and storage
  5. Clause 4.3.0: Design: Duplicate App
  6. Clause 2.3.3: Performance: Relevant screenshots
  7. Clause 2.3.1: Performance: Includes hidden, hibernated, or unrecorded functionality
  8. Article 5.2.1: Law: Unauthorized use of protected third party materials (e.g., trademarks, copyrighted works, patented designs) in app
  9. Clause 4.0.0: Design: General
  10. Clause 3.1.1: Business: In-app purchases

There is a small partner on Zhihu do very well, is a typical example of the auditor as a customer to serve:

Before submitting, a detailed video of the use will be recorded and put on YouTube. All features will be tested next to each other and all possible scenarios will be considered. Every time In Review is seconds. Auditors estimate the pressure is also big, a day to see so much, you want them to slowly explore an App, not as good as to help them do this thing, as long as they open and see the same in the video, directly through.

If it’s not convenient to video, in addition to a tip: think about it is it possible to let the user confusion in the application of place, if can’t figure out, to find a friend who isn’t familiar with the App under test for you, then you must use the audit information bar to the right of the “note”, as the chart, do some fool guidance and explanations, 4000 characters limit, generally will be enough.

As it turns out, the audit staff will carefully look at the remarks area. Take this opportunity to show your heart and move them. It will save their time to explore by themselves, and they will also be convenient for you.

It is said that if you follow these methods, the review rate can be increased by more than 60%! Source: Sha Ming

4.3 the problem

Clause 4.3.0: Design: Duplicate App

  • I. 4.3 problems at the code level
  • Ii. 4.3 problems at the design level
  • 4.3 Problems related to device, IP, developer account, contact, bank card binding and other information

Well, you know what I’m talking about. How to solve the problem of 4.3 rejection of Apple iOS App – Zhihu


Finally! That’s it! Friends, at this moment, should do something: give a like!

Finally, let’s summarize the Apple review team. Apple both sets the rules for the App Store and competes with many developers. Apple also makes a lot of its own apps, and as competition between Apple apps and apps from outside developers grows, it’s inevitable that there will be a conflict between Apple and developers. In 2020, Epic Games finally reacted to this competition.

We talked about the past and present of Apple’s app review. As aN iOS developer, we may not be able to compete with Apple as much as Epic Games. However, we are in the trial, still very angry!

  • Unwarranted audit rejection
  • Feedback information of template rejection
  • There are hundreds of reasons to refuse

Make the developer mad but helpless at the same time! They are mysterious and low-key, in addition to appeal channels, do not do any communication with the outside world!

So, xiaobian decided: “the auditor as a customer, always remember that there is a sentimental person, save their time is to help themselves, the rate of rejection will be greatly reduced.” .

The last of the last:

We are: 37 mobile game iOS technology operation team, sharing technology trends, practice and thinking! Love, openness, rigor, responsibility ~ Welcome to pay attention to us, learn more about iOS and Apple ~

Ten, reference

  • Argument: iOS security, why audit?
  • Wang Leehom’s Micro blog
  • Apple Management – Apple (Mainland China)
  • Phil Schiller – Wikipedia
  • Phil Schiller promoted to Apple Fellow – Apple (Mainland China)
  • Phil Schiller advances to Apple Fellow – Apple
  • Trystan Kosmynka – Crunchbase Person Profile
  • Trystan Kosmynka – Director – Apple |
  • Trystan K. | LinkedIn
  • TestFlight – Apple Developer
  • Recruiting talents (China)
  • In-App Purchase – Apple Developer
  • Apple March 6 Event: iPhone Software Roadmap on Apple Podcasts
  • Astrologer Apple Events (video) on Apple Podcasts
  • App Store Review Guide – Apple Developer
  • App Review – App Store – Apple Developer
  • Ratings, reviews, and responses – App Store – Apple Developer
  • Privacy – Tags – Apple (Mainland China)
  • Apple Answers the FCC’s questions-Apple
  • Apple responds to FCC’s challenge to explain why it rejected Google Voice
  • Apple related Controversy – Wikipedia
  • Apple announced today that there will be no more… – zhihu
  • How Apple’s app review process for the App Store works
  • Fortnite grossed over $9 billion in 2 years! Epic apple lawsuit begins, more financial data exposed
  • In the two years fortnite has been on the market for iOS, Apple has earned more than $100 million in revenue — the home of IT
  • Saying goodbye to App Review Times – Dave Verwer’s Blog
  • App Store Review Times for iOS – Approval Time for Apps
  • Dave Verwer (@daveverwer) / Twitter
  • App Store approved developer account weight – Sha Ming
  • App Store Prevents More than $1.5 billion in potentially fraudulent transactions in 2020 – News – Apple Developer
  • IOS review these pits, Tencent games also stepped on – Tencent WeTest
  • Apple this mysterious team, in the hands of the App Store 2 million App “life and death power” | love snowboarding progresses
  • App Store white list, apple will “see dish plate under the” news · JMedia | interface
  • Compaction hammer! Apple is hiring an APP review team in Shanghai, China.
  • Inside apple’s APP review: The man who holds the power of life and death over all the world’s apps
  • First exposure! Apple’s chief executive has been reassigned, triggering a battle over the rights to the life and death of millions of apps
  • Apple’s App review team: Each reviews 100 apps a day, and reviewers are proficient in 81 languages
  • Apple of serial fickle Gemini constellation: the strongest in the history of apple audit team up bottom | everyone is the product manager
  • Epic vs. Apple: These App Store review ‘inside stories’ revealed for the first time – Seven Mai Research Institute
  • App Store approved developer account weight _APP promotion _ bird brother notes
  • Here is an article that lets you know the secret of iOS 11 ratings and reviews – Zhihu
  • Apple’s App review team: More than 300 people evaluate every app and its updates – Tencent Tech
  • I have a special review technique for iOS app launch
  • The secrets of dealing with the App Store
  • How to solve the problem of 4.3 rejection of Apple iOS App

  • If there is infringement, contact will be deleted ~
  • If there is anything wrong, please correct me ~
  • If you have any questions, please join us in the comments section