Product – directly related to the survival of an enterprise

This is a book written primarily for people in product manager positions.

Corporate executives, interaction designers, visual designers, project managers, marketers, developers — these people would probably benefit more from reading than professional product managers!

This book introduces the practical experience and concept of modern software product management from the perspectives of personnel, process and product.


It defines the positions needed to design a product, and the differences and boundaries between those positions


How to explore and define a good product that the public likes, and how to cooperate with each other


Tell us, what are the characteristics of a product that users love and can buy and use

The greatest value of this book is to tell everyone that the post of product manager, the basic skills of designing a product is what, let the product manager know, from 0-1 to create a product, is a matter of rules to follow!

Good products depend on design


Post division of labor

The main responsibilities of the product manager are:

  • Assess product opportunities
  • Define the product to be developed

Team relationship

  • High fidelity prototype
  • Change requirements as little as possible during development

This is the ability of the product manager

The product manager

The product manager’s job can be evaluated:Find out if users are willing to recommend your product to others


Assess product opportunities

This is the most important section of the product development process

Define the product to be developed

Difference between large and small factories


Good products are based on precise needs

The bottom need — emotion

  • Think product from the bottom upSeven deadly SINS

  • Demand identification tool —KANO

The difference between different types of products


Original mind map links

Gitmind. Cn/app/doc / 3 e0…

The three words “basic skills” are not lofty words, however, all lofty things begin with the basic. Creative ideas are wonderful, but they are rarely found. It is these super basic things that can ensure that each of us, every ordinary person, step by step is closer to a product with a high success rate.

Pay attention to Xin Ge, share together, progress together!