ApiServer core functions

  • API entry for cluster management
  • Resource configuration control entry
  • Provides a comprehensive cluster security mechanism

API Server is serviced by the Kube-Apiserver process. By default, rest services (–insecure-port) are provided on port 8080. HTTPS secure port (–secure-port=6443) can also be enabled.

roger@microk8s:~$ curl localhost:8080/api
  "kind": "APIVersions",
  "versions": [
  "serverAddressByClientCIDRs": [
      "clientCIDR": "",
      "serverAddress": ""
Copy the code

You can see that the API version is V1

Use the following URL to query resources

curl localhost:8080/api/v1/serivces curl localhost:8080/api/v1/pods curl localhost:8080/api/v1/replicaioncontrollers Curl localhost:8080/apisCopy the code

Note that the preceding commands are executed on the master node

Expose REST apis

  1. Method 1
kubectl proxy --reject-paths="/api/v1/replicationcontrollers" ---port=8001
Copy the code

The above command in 8001 exposed outside rest API for/API/v1 / replicationcontrollers apis are not allowed to access

  1. Way 2

You can also specify the access whitelist using the –accept-hosts parameter

kubectl proxy --accept-hosts="^localhost.^127\\.0\\.0\\.1$,\\[::1\\]$" ---port=8001
Copy the code
  1. Methods 3

Call API Server programmatically. This approach generally falls into two scenarios

  • User processes running in POD need to call API Server to obtain cluster information, which is usually applied to distributed cluster construction targets, such as ES cluster.
  • Develop management platform based on K8S.

In the first scenario, apiserver is represented in the K8S cluster as a service named Kubernetes

roger@microk8s:~$ kubectl get service --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE default Default-http-backend ClusterIP < None > 80/TCP 18D default HTTP-SVC ClusterIP < None > 80/TCP 18D default kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 87D Kube-system Heapster ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 18d kube-system kube-DNS ClusterIP < None > 53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP 28d kube-system Kubernetes-dashboard ClusterIP < None > 443/TCP 18D Kube-System Monitoring - Grafana ClusterIP < None > 80/TCP 18D Kube-system monitoring- ClusterIP < None > 8083/TCP,8086/TCP 18DCopy the code

API Server architecture parsing

  1. API layer: Mainly provides external REST apis
  2. Access control layer: verifies identity and authentication, and determines whether access is allowed according to the configured Adminssion control logic
  3. Registration surface: K8S stores all objects in Registry, defines object types for each resource object in Registry, how to create resource objects, how to convert different versions, and how to encode and decode resources into JSON or Protobuf format for storage.
  4. Etcd database: Used to persistently store fast S resource objects.

API Server List Watch mechanism parsing

API Server monitors resource changes through etCD’s Watch interface. When an event occurs, ETCD will notify API Server, such as Step 3. In order to make other components of K8S independent of ETCD, API Server provides a watch mechanism imitating ETCD. When an event occurs, it notifies the corresponding component, such as practice 0 in step 4, 8 and 12, indicating that watch monitoring is carried out initially.

API server API version control

API Server introduces a relatively inconvenient version of Interal for each resource, and all other versions of resource objects (data structures) can be interchangeable with other versions of objects as long as they support conversion to internal.

customer resource definition CRD

K8S built-in resources contain the following main functions

  1. Resource object metadata (Schema) definition: it can be understood as a database table definition, defines the data structure of the resource, the official recommendation of built-in resource object metadata definition fixed in the source code.
  2. Resource object validation logic: Ensures the validity of the properties of the resource object submitted by the user
  3. CRUD operation code for a resource object: CRUD code that can be cracked into a database table.
  4. Automatic control related to resource objects, such as the controller behind the Deployment object. This is a very important function. The user gives the desired resource object declaration, and the “automatic controller” is responsible for selecting the best during the operation to ensure that the number, state, and behavior of the corresponding resource object are as expected.

Now CRD 1-3 unordered programming implementation, directly write YAML, the fourth part, by calling the API server to achieve.

K8s Proxy API interface

The Proxy API interface is a special interface that API Server forwards REST requests to its K8S component and other components (such as Kubelet) respond to them.

For example, node-related interfaces are responded to by Kubelet

/ API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/ PODS # Obtain all pods/API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/stats # Obtain physical resource statistics of nodes / API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/spec # Obtain node summary informationCopy the code

Note that {name} is the name or address of the node. The data obtained here is from Kubelet instead of ETCD. The following interfaces are added to the Proxy API if Kubelet is started with –enable–debugging-handlers=true

/ API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/run/API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/exec / API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/attach # Attach a container/API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/portForwad # Implement POD port forwarding on the node / API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/log/tallylog lastlog WTMP PPP/SHSM/audit/ tuned/ annaconda / API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/metrics/API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/ runningPods / API /v1/proxy/nodes/{name}/debug/pprof # Lists the current node Web service status including CPU usage and memory usage ingkuang.Copy the code

Communication between cluster function modules

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