Apifox Interface documentation, debugging, Mock, automated testing, 10 times more efficient!

Efficient and powerful interface management platform

Visual interface document management

  1. Convenient and fast visual interface document management tool, double enhance team multi-person collaboration efficiency.
  2. Support data structure (JSON Schema) management, multiple interfaces can reuse the same data structure.

Interface debugging

Apifox has all of Postman’s features, such as environment variables, pre-executed scripts, post-executed scripts, Cookie/Session global sharing, and is just as efficient as Postman.

Automatic validation of data structures

During interface debugging, the system automatically verifies whether the returned data structure complies with the definition of the interface document and discovers interface data anomalies with one click.

Interface data Mock

  1. The built-in mock. js rule engine makes it easy to Mock out all kinds of data and write Mock rules while defining data structures.
  2. Supports custom expectations and flexibly returns different data contents based on parameter values.
  3. Mock out very human data with zero configuration

Automated testing

  1. Perfect interface automation test function to ensure the correctness of interface data.
  2. Supports custom scripts to automatically check data correctness. Custom script syntax is 100% Postman compatible, reducing learning costs.

Data import/export

  1. Data formats such as OpenApi (Swagger), Markdown, and Html can be exported.
  2. Data formats such as OpenApi (Swagger), Postman, HAR, RAP2, YAPI, Eolinker, DOClever, ApiPost, and Apizza can be imported.

¥: XX $: XX support platform

  • Windows
  • UWP
  • Mac
  • IOS
  • Linux
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