Rongcloud. js this is my package integration of rongcloud module

Link to melt cloud step login -> Initialize IM -> link

To use some resources link below links:… Extraction code: UBS7


var appKey = "Your appkey";
var appSecret = "The appSecret you";
var statusDesc = {
    CONNECTED: "Connection successful".CONNECTING: "Connected".DISCONNECTED: "Disconnect".KICKED: "User's account is logged in from another device, this opportunity will be kicked off.".NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE: "Network unavailable".SERVER_INVALID: "Server is abnormal or disconnected".TOKEN_INCORRECT: "Token incorrect",}var disConnectReasonDesc = {
    1: 'Your party cancels the call request'.2: 'Your party refused to receive a call request'.3: 'Hang up your side'.4: 'Own busy'.5: 'Your side is not answering'.6: 'Current engine not supported'.7: 'Own network error'.8: 'Your camera initialization error, maybe camera permission is not enabled'.9: 'Other end has answered'.11: 'Cancel the call request'.12: 'Call request rejected by the other party'.13: 'Caller hangs up during call'.14: '对方忙碌'.15: 'There is no answer'.16: 'The other engine is not supported'.17: 'Peer network error'.18: 'IM IPC service is disconnected',}function RongCloud() {
    this.appReception = true
    this.nowTargetId = ' '
    this.rong = api.require('rongCloud2');
    this.messageType = {
        'RC:VSTMsg': '[Video call]'.'RC:ImgMsg': '[images]'.'RC:VcMsg': '[Voice message]'}}function stringifyParse(stringify) {
    return JSON.parse(stringify)

function date_format(micro_second) {
    / / the total number of seconds
    var second = Math.floor(micro_second / 1000);
    / / number of days
    // var day = Math.floor(second / 3600 / 24);
    / / hour
    var hr = Math.floor(second / 3600 % 24);
    / / minute
    var min = Math.floor(second / 60 % 60);
    / / SEC.
    var sec = Math.floor(second % 60);
    return (hr < 10 ? '0' + hr : hr) + ":" + (min < 10 ? '0' + min : min) + ":" + (sec < 10 ? '0' + sec : sec);
RongCloud.prototype.login = function (id, zh, tx, callback) {
    / / access token
    var userId = id;
    / / member id
    var name = zh;
    // Member nicknames
    var portraitUri = tx;
    // Member profile picture

    var nonce = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
    / / random number
    var timestamp =;
    / / timestamp
    var signature = sha1("" + appSecret + nonce + timestamp);
    // Data signature (hash encryption)
        url: "".method: "post".headers: {
            "RC-App-Key": appKey,
            "RC-Nonce": "" + nonce,
            "RC-Timestamp": "" + timestamp,
            "RC-Signature": "" + signature,
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        data: {
            values: {
                userId: userId,
                name: name,
                portraitUri: portraitUri
    }, function (ret, err) {
        if (ret) {
        } else {
                msg: 'Communication link failed 🔗~'.duration: 3000.location: 'bottom'}); }}); } RongCloud.prototype.stopVideo =function () {
    var that = this
RongCloud.prototype.startVideo = function () {
    var that = this
        path: 'widget://image/chat/voice.amr' // The sound is placed in the call folder. If you want to change the location, note that this should also be changed
    }, function (ret, err) {}); that.timer =setInterval(function () {
            path: 'widget://image/chat/voice.amr' // The sound is placed in the call folder. If you want to change the location, note that this should also be changed
        }, function (ret, err) {}); },5000)

RongCloud.prototype.removeConversation = function (targetId, winName, functionName) {
    var that = this;
        conversationType: 'PRIVATE'.targetId: targetId
    }, function (ret, err) {
            name: winName,
            script: 'vm.' + functionName + '('+ JSON.stringify(ret) +') '
RongCloud.prototype.init = function (callback) {
    var that = this;
    that.rong.init({}, function (ret, err) {
        if (ret.status == 'success') {
            that.rong.setConnectionStatusListener(function (ret, err) {
            apiAddEventListener('removeConversation'.function (ret, err) {
                that.removeConversation(ret.value.targetId, ret.value.winName, ret.value.functionName)
            apiAddEventListener('pause'.function (ret, err) {
                that.appReception = true
            apiAddEventListener('resume'.function (ret, err) {
                that.appReception = false
            apiAddEventListener('setNowTargetId'.function (ret, err) {
                if (ret.value.targetId) {
                    that.nowTargetId = ret.value.targetId
                } else {
                    that.nowTargetId = ' '}}); apiAddEventListener('startVideo'.function (ret, err) {
            apiAddEventListener('stopVideo'.function (ret, err) {
            apiAddEventListener('noticeclicked'.function (ret, err) {
                if (ret.value) {
                    var value = JSON.parse(ret.value);
                    if (ret.type == 0) {
                        newOpenWindow(, {
                            targetId: value.message.targetId
                        //APICloud push content
                    } else if (ret.type == 1) {
                        newOpenWindow(, {
                            targetId: value.message ? value.message.targetId : value.targetId
                        // The developer defines the message}}}); that.rong.setOnReceiveMessageListener(function (ret) {
                apiSendEvent('receiveMessage', ret.result)
                if ((ret.result.message.targetId == that.nowTargetId) && that.appReception) {
                        messageId: ret.result.message.messageId,
                        receivedStatus: 'READ'
                    }, function () {
                        apiSendEvent('getConversationList')})}else {
                    apiSendEvent('notificationYN', ret.result)
                    apiSendEvent('getConversationList')}// console.log(JSON.stringify(ret))
            apiAddEventListener('notificationYN'.function (ret) {
                    notify: {
                        title: 'Buoyant psychology'.content: ret.value.message.objectName == 'RC:TxtMsg' ? ret.value.message.content.text : ('You have one' + that.messageType[ret.value.message.objectName] + 'message'),
                        extra: ret.value
        callback(ret, err)
RongCloud.prototype.setCallListener = function () {
    var that = this;
    // Call received event
        target: 'didReceiveCall'
    }, function (ret, err) {
        var callId = ret.callSession.callId;
        var uid = ret.callSession.targetId;
        // // is to enter the video interface, uid and callId need not be changed here. CallStatus indicates the button status. 3 indicates the call display.
        newOpenWindow(pageUrl.showVideo, {
            uid: uid,
            callId: callId,
            callStatus: 3.mediaType: ret.callSession.mediaType
        console.log('call' + JSON.stringify(ret))
        // Play the sound
            path: 'widget://image/chat/voice.amr' // The sound is placed in the call folder. If you want to change the location, note that this should also be changed
        }, function (ret, err) {}); that.timer =setInterval(function () {
                path: 'widget://image/chat/voice.amr' // The sound is placed in the call folder. If you want to change the location, note that this should also be changed
            }, function (ret, err) {}); },5000)});// // Event that a call is connected
        target: 'didConnect'
    }, function (ret) {
        console.log('Call connected event' + JSON.stringify(ret))
        // Turn off the sound

    // // Indicates that the peer user joins the call
        target: 'remoteUserDidJoin'
    }, function (ret) {
        console.log('Event that peer User joined a call' + JSON.stringify(ret))
        that.rong.getCallSession(function (ret) {
            console.log('Conversation message' + JSON.stringify(ret))
            apiSendEvent('myRemoteUserDidJoin', ret)
            // The code to perform the call is placed here, not in didConnect above.
            // api.execScript({
            // name: 'showVideo_win',
            // frameName: 'showVideo_frm',
            // script: 'window.rootVue.setCallStatus('+2+'); '// the showVideo_win page is also in the call folder. Change callStatus to 2
            // });
            //callerUserId ID of the user who makes the call
            //selfUserId SelfId
            //targetId Specifies the ID of the peer
            // api.execScript({
            // name: 'showVideo_win',
            // script: 'window.rootVue.showVideo("'+ret.selfUserId+'","'+ret.targetId+'"); '// leave the selfUserId and targetId untouched.
            // });
            // Re-open showVideo_frm and bring the frame button to the front of video
            // api.execScript({
            // name: 'showVideo_win',
            // script: 'openFram(); '
            // });
        // Turn off the sound
    // // Event that the peer user's phone is ringing
        target: 'remoteUserDidRing'
    }, function (ret) {
        console.log('Event that peer user is ringing' + JSON.stringify(ret))
    // // The event that the peer user changed the media type
        target: 'remoteUserDidChangeMediaType'
    }, function (ret) {
        console.log('Event where peer user switched media type' + JSON.stringify(ret))
    // // Indicates the event that the peer user enables or disables the camera
        target: 'remoteUserDidDisableCamera'
    }, function (ret) {
        console.log('Event when the peer user turns on or off the camera state' + JSON.stringify(ret))
    // // The call ended
        target: 'didDisconnect'
    }, function (ret) {
        console.log('Call Ended Event' + JSON.stringify(ret))
        apiSendEvent('didDisconnect', {
            targetId: ret.userId,
            messageDirection: ret.callerUserId == ret.userId ? 'RECEIVE' : 'SEND'.objectName: 'RC:VSTMsg'.sentTime: new Date().getTime(),
            content: {
                activeTime: ret.startTime,
                endTime: ret.endTime,
                hangupReason: ret.disConnectReason,
                mediaType: ret.mediaType,
            name: 'showVideo'
    // The peer user hangs up
        target: 'remoteUserDidLeft'
    }, function (ret) {
        console.log('Peer User Hangs up' + JSON.stringify(ret))
            name: 'showVideo'

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / voice/video surveillance / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
RongCloud.prototype.connect = function (token, callback) {
    var that = this;
        token: token
    }, function (ret, err) {

        callback(ret, err)

RongCloud.prototype.startCall = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;
    newHasPermission('This feature requires you to grant microphone and camera permissions'[{name: 'microphone'.failDesc: 'Failed to authorize microphone permission'
    }, {
        name: 'camera'.failDesc: 'Failed to grant camera permissions'}].function () {
        that.rong.startCall(params, function (ret, err) {
            // api.startPlay({
            Widgets: / / / path: '/ image/chat/voice. Amr' folder / / voice in the call, if you want to change the position, pay attention to here will also change
            // }, function (ret, err) {});
            // that.timer = setInterval(function () {
            // api.startPlay({
            Widgets: / / / path: '/ image/chat/voice. Amr' folder / / voice in the call, if you want to change the position, pay attention to here will also change
            // }, function (ret, err) {});
            // }, 5000)
            callback(ret, err)

RongCloud.prototype.setVideoView = function (params) {
    var that = this;
    if(! params.rect) { params.rect = {x: 0.y: 0.w: api.winWidth,
            h: api.winHeight
    if(! params.userId) { mineAlert("Missing open video object")
        return false
        rect: params.rect,
        userId: params.userId,
        bg: '#ff0000'.renderModel: 'hidden'.fixedOn: api.frameName,
        fixed: true
RongCloud.prototype.accept = function (params) {
    var that = this;
    newHasPermission('This feature requires you to grant microphone and camera permissions'[{name: 'microphone'.failDesc: 'Failed to authorize microphone permission'
    }, {
        name: 'camera'.failDesc: 'Failed to grant camera permissions'}].function () {
        params.mediaType ? ' ' : (params.mediaType = 'video');

RongCloud.prototype.hangup = function () {
    var that = this;
RongCloud.prototype.getConversationList = function (callback) {
    var that = this;
    that.rong.getConversationList(function (ret, err) {

RongCloud.prototype.setMessageReceivedStatus = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;
    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    that.rong.setMessageReceivedStatus(params, function (ret, err) {
RongCloud.prototype.clearMessagesUnreadStatus = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;
    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    that.rong.clearMessagesUnreadStatus(params, function (ret, err) {
RongCloud.prototype.sendTextMessage = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;
    // GROUP (GROUP)
    // a CHATROOM
    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    if(! params.targetId) { mineAlert("Missing sending object")
        return false
    if(! params.text) { mineAlert("Please enter what you want to send")
        return false
    that.rong.sendTextMessage(params, callback)

RongCloud.prototype.sendVoiceMessage = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;

    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    if(! params.targetId) { mineAlert("Missing sending object")
        return false
    if(! params.voicePath) { mineAlert("Missing contents to send")
        return false
    // conversationType: 'PRIVATE',
    // targetId: '9527',
    // oldestMessageId: 688,
    // count: 20
    that.rong.sendVoiceMessage(params, callback)
RongCloud.prototype.sendImageMessage = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;

    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    if(! params.targetId) { mineAlert("Missing sending object")
        return false
    if(! params.imagePath) { mineAlert("Missing contents to send")
        return false
    // function(ret, err) {
    // if (ret.status == 'prepare')
    // api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(ret.result.message) });
    // else if (ret.status == 'progress')
    // api.toast({ msg: ret.result.progress });
    // else if (ret.status == 'success')
    // api.toast({ msg: ret.result.message.messageId });
    // else if (ret.status == 'error')
    // api.toast({ msg: err.code });
    // }
    that.rong.sendImageMessage(params, callback);
RongCloud.prototype.sendSightMessage = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;

    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    if(! params.targetId) { mineAlert("Missing sending object")
        return false
    if(! params.sightPath) { mineAlert("Missing contents to send")
        return false
    // conversationType: 'PRIVATE',
    // targetId: '9527',
    // thumbPath: 'fs:///xxx/xxx/picture.jpg',
    // sightPath:'',
    // duration: 10, 
    // extra: ''
    // function(ret, err) {
    // if (ret.status == 'prepare')
    // api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(ret.result.message) });
    // else if (ret.status == 'progress')
    // api.toast({ msg: ret.result.progress });
    // else if (ret.status == 'success')
    // api.toast({ msg: ret.result.message.messageId });
    // else if (ret.status == 'error')
    // api.toast({ msg: err.code });
    // }
    that.rong.sendSightMessage(params, callback);
RongCloud.prototype.getHistoryMessages = function (params, callback) {
    var that = this;
    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    if(! params.targetId) { mineAlert("Missing sending object")
        return false
    that.rong.getHistoryMessages(params, callback);
RongCloud.prototype.getConnectionStatus = function (callback) {
RongCloud.prototype.getUnreadCount = function (params, callback) {
    params.conversationType = 'PRIVATE'
    this.rong.getUnreadCount(params, callback);
RongCloud.prototype.setMuted = function (muted) {
    var that = this;
        muted: muted
    }, function (ret) { })
RongCloud.prototype.setSpeakerEnabled = function (speakerEnabled) {
    var that = this;
        speakerEnabled: speakerEnabled
    }, function (ret) {


RongCloud.prototype.logout = function (callback) {
    var that = this;
    that.rong.logout(function (ret, err) {

function encodeUTF8(s) {
    var i, r = [],
        c, x;
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
        if ((c = s.charCodeAt(i)) < 0x80) r.push(c);
        else if (c < 0x800) r.push(0xC0 + (c >> 6 & 0x1F), 0x80 + (c & 0x3F));
        else {
            if ((x = c ^ 0xD800) > >10= =0) // Convert to Unicode for four-byte UTF-16
                c = (x << 10) + (s.charCodeAt(++i) ^ 0xDC00) + 0x10000,
                    r.push(0xF0 + (c >> 18 & 0x7), 0x80 + (c >> 12 & 0x3F));
            else r.push(0xE0 + (c >> 12 & 0xF));
            r.push(0x80 + (c >> 6 & 0x3F), 0x80 + (c & 0x3F));
    return r;
// The string is encrypted into the hex string
function sha1(s) {
    var data = new Uint8Array(encodeUTF8(s))
    var i, j, t;
    var l = ((data.length + 8) > > >6 << 4) + 16,
        s = new Uint8Array(l << 2);
    s.set(new Uint8Array(data.buffer)), s = new Uint32Array(s.buffer);
    for (t = new DataView(s.buffer), i = 0; i < l; i++) s[i] = t.getUint32(i << 2);
    s[data.length >> 2] | =0x80< < (24 - (data.length & 3) * 8);
    s[l - 1] = data.length << 3;
    var w = [],
        f = [
            function () {
                return m[1] & m[2] | ~m[1] & m[3];
            function () {
                return m[1] ^ m[2] ^ m[3];
            function () {
                return m[1] & m[2] | m[1] & m[3] | m[2] & m[3];
            function () {
                return m[1] ^ m[2] ^ m[3];
        rol = function (n, c) {
            return n << c | n >>> (32 - c);
        k = [1518500249.1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514],
        m = [1732584193, -271733879.null.null, -1009589776];
    m[2] = ~m[0], m[3] = ~m[1];
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i += 16) {
        var o = m.slice(0);
        for (j = 0; j < 80; j++)
            w[j] = j < 16 ? s[i + j] : rol(w[j - 3] ^ w[j - 8] ^ w[j - 14] ^ w[j - 16].1),
                t = rol(m[0].5) + f[j / 20 | 0]() + m[4] + w[j] + k[j / 20 | 0] | 0,
                m[1] = rol(m[1].30), m.pop(), m.unshift(t);
        for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) m[j] = m[j] + o[j] | 0;
    t = new DataView(new Uint32Array(m).buffer);
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) m[i] = t.getUint32(i << 2);

    var hex = Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(m).buffer), function (e) {
        return (e < 16 ? "0" : "") + e.toString(16);
    return hex;
Copy the code
Vm.rong. Login (Unique identifier of a user, user name, user profile picture,function (res) {
        if (res.code == 200 && res.token) {
            var token = res.token
            apiAddEventListener('rongLogout'.function (ret) {
                vm.rong.logout(function (ret) {})}); vm.rong.init(function (ret, err) {
                vm.rong.connect(token, function (ret, err) {
                    if (ret.status == 'success') {
                        onlineAndOffline(1.function () {

                        apiSendEvent('getConversationList'); // Refresh the list of message menus after re-logging in
                        // apiAddEventListener('setConversationList', function (ret) {
                        // vm.rong.getConversationList(function (ret) {
                        // apiSendEvent('getConversationList', ret);
                        / /})
                        // });
                        // apiAddEventListener('setHistoryMessages', function (ret) {
                        // vm.rong.getHistoryMessages(ret.value,function (ret) {
                        // apiSendEvent('getHistoryMessages', ret);
                        / /})
                        // });
                    } else {
                        mineAlert("Communication login error, please log in again")}})})}else {
            mineAlert("Communication link failed 🔗")}})Copy the code

Here’s the chat screen


    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
        content="Maximum - scale = 1.0, the minimum - scale = 1.0, user - scalable = 0, width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0" />
    <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no,email=no,date=no,address=no">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /css/aui.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /css/common.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /css/aui-flex.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /css/index.css" />
        html.body {
            background: #EBEBEB;

        input.textarea {
            /* -webkit-user-select: auto; * /
            /* WebKit browser */
            /* margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none; * /

        .emoji:active {
            background: rgba(;

        .backgroundR {
            background: rgba(;

        .aui-chat .aui-chat-content {
            color: # 444

        .aui-chat .aui-chat-left .aui-chat-content {
            background-color: #fff;

        .aui-chat .aui-chat-left .aui-chat-arrow {
            background: #fff ! important;

        .aui-chat .aui-chat-right .aui-chat-content {
            background-color: #4070FF;
            color: #fff

        .aui-chat .aui-chat-right .aui-chat-arrow {
            background: #4070FF ! important;

        .van-image {
            display: flex;
            align-content: flex-start;

    <div v-cloak id="app">
        <van-overlay :custom-style="{'height':'calc( 100vh - ' + keyboardHeight + 'px )'}" :show="recordingStatus">

        <div @touchstart="emojiShow = false; addShow = false; recordStatus = false; blur()"
            :style="{'height': '100vh','overflow':(chatBoxStatus ? 'hidden' : 'auto')}" id="chatBox">
            <! -- translateStatus && -->
            <div :style="{'transform': 'translateY('+ (((emojiShow || recordStatus || focusStatus || addShow)) ? -keyboardHeight : 0) +'px)'}"
                id="chat" class="box_relative">
                <van-pull-refresh pulling-text="Scroll down for more history..." loosing-text="Release to load..." v-model="isLoading"
                    <section id="chat1" @click="emojiShow = false; addShow = false" class="aui-chat">
                        <div v-if="showTop">
                                class="aui-margin-t-10 aui-margin-b-10 aui-chat-header aui-flex-col aui-flex-center aui-flex-middle">
                                <div class=" color_999 aui-font-size-13 aui-padded-l-5 aui-padded-r-5">There is no more history</div>
                        <template :key="index" v-for="(item,index) in messagesList">
                                <div class="aui-chat-header aui-flex-col aui-flex-center aui-flex-middle">
                                    <div class="bg_CCC color_fff aui-font-size-13 aui-padded-l-5 aui-padded-r-5"
                                        style="Border - the radius: 0.21 rem;">
                                :class="['aui-chat-item', item.messageDirection == 'RECEIVE' ? 'aui-chat-left' : 'aui-chat-right']">
                                <div class="aui-chat-media">
                                    <van-image round width="2rem" height='2rem' fit="cover"
                                        :src="item.messageDirection == 'RECEIVE' ? otherInfo.headPortrait : userInfo.headPortrait">
                                <div class="aui-chat-inner">
                                    <div class="aui-chat-name">{{item.messageDirection == 'RECEIVE' ? otherInfo.nickName :}}</div>
                                    <div class="aui-chat-content">
                                        <div :style="item.objectName == 'RC:VSTMsg' ? 'width:auto':''"
                                        <template v-if="item.objectName == 'RC:TxtMsg'">
                                                v-if="item.content.extra && stringifyParse(item.content.extra).type && stringifyParse(item.content.extra).type == 'call'">
                                                <div @click="startCall" style="flex-wrap: nowrap;"
                                                    class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle">
                                                    <img style="Width: 0.85 rem;" class="aui-margin-r-5"
                                                        :src=" item.messageDirection == 'RECEIVE' ? '.. /.. /image/chat/callyou.png' : '.. /.. /image/chat/callme.png'" />
                                                    {{item.content ?
                                                    item.content.text : ''}}
                                            <div v-else>
                                                {{item.content ?
                                                item.content.text : ''}}
                                        <template v-else-if="item.objectName == 'RC:VSTMsg'">
                                            <div @click="startCall" style="flex-wrap: nowrap;"
                                                class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle">
                                                <img style="Width: 0.85 rem;" class="aui-margin-r-5"
                                                    :src=" item.messageDirection == 'RECEIVE' ? '.. /.. /image/chat/callyou.png' : '.. /.. /image/chat/callme.png'" />
                                                <div style="white-space: nowrap;"
                                                    v-if="item.content.hangupReason ! = 11 && item.content.activeTime ! = 0 && item.content.endTime ! = 0">Call End {{date_format(item.content.endtime-item.content.activeTime)}}</div>
                                                <div v-else>

                                        <template v-else-if="item.objectName == 'RC:ImgMsg'">
                                            <div class="box_relative">
                                                <div v-if="item.progress && (item.progress ! = 100 || == 1)"
                                                    class="box_absolute aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle aui-font-size-14 color_fff aui-flex-center"
                                                    style="z-index:100; left: 0; width: 100%; top: 0; height: 100%; Background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.39);">
                                                <van-image @click="chatPhoto(index)" fit="cover"
                                                    :src="item.content ? item.content.imageUrl : ''">

                                        <template v-if="item.objectName == 'RC:VcMsg'">
                                            <div class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle aui-flex-center"
                                                <img style="Width: 1.2 rem;" class="aui-margin-r-5"
                                                    :src="item.start ? '.. /.. /image/chat/playing.gif' : item.messageDirection == 'RECEIVE' ? '.. /.. /image/chat/stop.png' : '.. /.. /image/chat/myS.png'" />
                                                {{item.content ? item.content.duration : ''}}s
                                    <div v-if=" == 1" class="aui-chat-status">
                                        <i class="aui-iconfont aui-icon-info aui-text-danger"></i>
                                    <div v-if="item.loading == 1" class="aui-chat-status">
                                        <van-loading size="0.78 rem." "></van-loading>
                        <! -- "{'height': 'calc( 5rem + ' + ((emojiShow) ? keyboardHeight : 0 ) + 'px )'}" -->
                        <div class="aui-chat-item aui-font-size-15" :style="{'height': 'calc( 5rem )'}">


            <! -- -->
        <footer @touchstart="chatBoxStatus = true" @touchmove="touchmove" @touchend="chatBoxStatus = false" id="textBox"
            ref="footer" style="bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%;" class="bg_EBEBEB box_fixed footer">
            <div class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-between aui-padded-r-10 aui-padded-l-10 aui-flex-middle"
                style="flex-wrap: nowrap; border-top: 1px solid #e2e2e2; border-bottom: 1px solid #e2e2e2;">
                <div @click="recordStatus = ! recordStatus">
                    <img style="Width: 1.36 rem;"
                        :src="recordStatus ? '.. /.. /image/chat/auido_acitve.png' : '.. /.. /image/chat/audio.png'" />
                <div class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-auto aui-padded-10">
                    <div class="bg_F5F5F5 aui-padded-10" style="Border - the radius: 0.32 rem. width: 100%; height:100%;">
                        <textarea @click="showList = [0,current]; emojiShow = false" @blur="blur" @focus="focus"
                            ref="textarea" v-model="content" id="textarea" class="message"
                            style="Height: 1.5 em."></textarea>
                <div style="flex-wrap: nowrap;" class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle">
                    <div class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle"
                        @click="setTimeout(function(){emojiShow = ! emojiShow},10) ">
                        <img style="Width: 1.36 rem;"
                            :src="emojiShow ? '.. /.. /image/chat/expression_active.png' : '.. /.. /image/chat/expression.png'" />
                    <div class="aui-flex-auto" v-if="content">
                        <van-button @click="sendTextMessage" class="aui-margin-l-10"
                            style="Height: 1.496 rem. width: auto;" block :color="themeColor" type="primary">
                            <span class="aui-font-size-15 color_fff ">send</span>
                    <div v-else @click="setTimeout(function(){addShow = ! addShow},10) "
                        class="aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle aui-padded-l-10">
                        <img style="Width: 1.36 rem;"
                            :src="addShow ? '.. /.. /image/chat/add_active.png' : '.. /.. /image/chat/add.png'" />
            <! -- <transition name="van-slide-up"> -->
            <div :style="'height:calc(' + keyboardHeight + 'px ); '" v-show="recordStatus">
                <div class="aui-flex-col aui-padded-30">
                    <div class="aui-flex-row aui-flex-middle aui-flex-center" style="margin-top: 10%; width: 100%;">
                        <div class="aui-text-center aui-margin-b-10 aui-font-size-14 color_666">{{recordingStatus ? 'Release send' : 'Hold speak '}}</div>
                        <div :class="recordingStatus ? 'backgroundR' : 'bg_fff'" @touchstart="startRecord"
                            class="aui-shadow aui-flex-col aui-flex-middle aui-flex-center"
                            style="Height: 4.2 rem. Width: 4.2 rem; border-radius: 50%;">
                            <img style="width: 60%;" src=".. /.. /image/record.png" />
            <div :style="'height:calc(' + keyboardHeight + 'px ); '" v-show="addShow">
                <div class="aui-flex-col aui-padded-30">
                    <div @click="selectPic1(1,sendImage)" style="Width: 3.4 rem. Height: 3.4 rem; Border - the radius: 0.45 rem."
                        class="aui-margin-r-15 emoji aui-flex-col aui-flex-center aui-flex-middle bg_fff">
                        <img style="width: 56%;" src=".. /.. /image/crame.png" />
                    <div @click="selectPic1(2,sendImage,3)" style="Width: 3.4 rem. Height: 3.4 rem; Border - the radius: 0.45 rem."
                        class="emoji aui-margin-r-15 aui-flex-col aui-flex-center aui-flex-middle bg_fff">
                        <img style="width: 56%;" src=".. /.. /image/photo2.png" />
                    <! "> <div @click="startCall" style="width: 3.4rem; Height: 3.4 rem; Border - the radius: 0.45 rem." class="emoji aui-flex-col aui-flex-center aui-flex-middle bg_fff"> <img style="width: 56%;" src=".. /.. /image/videoPlay.png" /> </div> -->

            <! -- </transition> -->

            <! -- <transition name="van-slide-up"> -->

            <div id="emojiBox1" ref="emojiBox" @click="stop" class="">
                <van-swipe :touchable="touchable" v-show="emojiShow" ref="swipe" @change="onChange">
                    <template v-for="(item,index) in emojiconfig" :key="index">
                        <van-swipe-item :style="'height:calc(' + keyboardHeight + 'px - 1.96rem);overflow: scroll;'"
                            <template v-if="showList.indexOf(index) != -1">
                                <div style="The line - height: 2.2 rem. The font - size: 1.25 rem."
                                    class="aui-text-center aui-flex-col">
                                    <div :value="items" class="emoji" style="Width: 12.5%; Height: 2.2 rem. ""
                                        v-for="(items,i) in item.alias">
                    <template slot="indicator">
                        <div id="myTab" style="flex-wrap: nowrap; overflow-y: scroll;" class="aui-flex-col">
                            <div :key="index" v-for="(item,index) in emojiconfig">
                                <van-button :class="'tab' + index" style="Height: 1.96 rem." " @click="current = index"
                                    :color="current == index ? themeColor : ''" type="default">
            <! -- </transition> -->

<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/api.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/vue.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/jq.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/component.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/vant.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/js/emojisort.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/js/textarea.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/rongcloud.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    if(! HTMLElement.prototype.addTapEvent) { HTMLElement.prototype.addTapEvent =function (callback) {
            var tapStartTime = 0,
                tapEndTime = 0,
                tapTime = 250.//tap wait time under which to release the trigger method
                tapStartClientX = 0,
                tapStartClientY = 0,
                tapEndClientX = 0,
                tapEndClientY = 0,
                tapScollHeight = 0.// If you move more than 15px horizontally or vertically, it will be cancelled.
                cancleClick = false;
            this.addEventListener('touchstart'.function (event) {
                tapStartTime = event.timeStamp;
                var touch = event.changedTouches[0];
                tapStartClientX = touch.clientX;
                tapStartClientY = touch.clientY;
                cancleClick = false;
            this.addEventListener('touchmove'.function () {
                var touch = event.changedTouches[0];
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                if ((Math.abs(tapEndClientX - tapStartClientX) > tapScollHeight) || (Math.abs(tapEndClientY - tapStartClientY) > tapScollHeight)) {
                    cancleClick = true; }})this.addEventListener('touchend'.function (event) {
                tapEndTime = event.timeStamp;
                if(! cancleClick && (tapEndTime - tapStartTime) <= tapTime) { callback(event); }}}})var emojiconfigElement = []
    for (var key in emojiconfig) {

    var innerHeight = window.innerHeight
    var vm = new Vue({
        el: "#app".data: function () {
            return {
                showTop: false.rong: null.targetId: "".count: 8.messagesList: [].content: "".textareaHeight: 0.footHeight: 0.keyboardHeight: 346.textBoxRect: {},
                emojiShow: false.emojiconfig: emojiconfigElement,
                current: 0.showList: [0].touchable: true.textBoxRect: {},
                textarea: null.focusStatus: false.addShow: false.chatBoxStatus: false.recordStatus: false.recordingStatus: false.isLoading: false.fontSize: null.translateStatus: true.userInfo: {},otherInfo: {}}}.watch: {
            translateStatus: function (newValue) {
                if(! newValue) { vm.$nextTick(function () {
                        chatBox.scrollTo(0, chat1.offsetHeight)
            current: function (newValue) {
                if (vm.showList.indexOf(newValue) == -1) {
            addShow: function (newValue) {
                if (newValue) {
                    vm.emojiShow = false
                    vm.recordStatus = false}},recordStatus: function (newValue) {
                if (newValue) {
                    vm.emojiShow = false
                    vm.addShow = false}},emojiShow: function (newValue) {
                // if(newValue)this.$refs.swipe.resize();
                this.$nextTick(function () {
                    if (newValue) {
                        vm.addShow = false
                        vm.recordStatus = false
                        // window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + vm.keyboardHeight + vm.footHeight)
                        console.log(vm.keyboardHeight, vm.footHeight)
                    } else {
                        if (window.scrollY + innerHeight < chat.offsetHeight) {
                            // window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY - (vm.keyboardHeight + vm.footHeight))}}})},footHeight: {
                handler: function () {
                    this.$nextTick(function () {
                        // vm.textareaHeight = this.$refs.footer.offsetHeight})},// execute the handler method immediately after declaring firstName in wacth
                immediate: true
            keyboardHeight: function (newValue) {}},mixins: [mix],
        mounted: function () {
            // this.$nextTick(function () {
            // vm.init()
            // })
        methods: {
            chatPhoto(index) {
                var imageUrlList = []
                var findIndex = 0
                vm.messagesList.forEach(function (ele, i) {
                    if (ele.objectName == 'RC:ImgMsg') {
                findIndex = imageUrlList.findIndex(function (ele) {
                    return ele == vm.messagesList[index].content.imageUrl
                photoBrowser(imageUrlList, findIndex)
            startRecord: function () {
            // Customize the permission application method
                hasPermission('Sending voice messages requires microphone recording audio rights'.'microphone'.function (flag) {
                    if (flag) {
                        vm.recordingStatus = true
                        var savePath = 'fs://paxl_' + (+new Date()) + '.amr';
                            path: savePath }); }})// api.notification();

            startPlay(index, voicePath) {
                vm.messagesList.forEach(function (ele) {
                    if (ele.start) {
                        Vue.set(ele, 'start'.false)
                vm.messagesList[index].start = true
                Vue.set(vm.messagesList, index, vm.messagesList[index])
                    path: voicePath
                }, function (ret, err) {
                    if (ret) {
                        vm.messagesList[index].start = false
                        Vue.set(vm.messagesList, index, vm.messagesList[index])
                    } else {
                        mineAlert("Playback failed")}}); },sendRecord: function (ret, err) {
                if (ret.duration <= 1) {
                    mineAlert("Keystroke time is too short")
                    return false
                vm.sendVoiceMessage({ duration: ret.duration, voicePath: ret.path })
                return false
            stopRecord: function (callback) {
                vm.recordingStatus = false
            touchmove: function () {
                // event.preventDefault()
                // console.log(
                // event.cancelBubble()

            insertText: function (val) {
                var textarea = this.$refs.textarea
                var str = val;
                var startPos;
                var endPos;
                if (document.selection) {
                    var sel = document.selection.createRange();
                    sel.text = str;
                } else if (typeof textarea.selectionStart === 'number' && typeof textarea.selectionEnd === 'number') {
                    startPos = textarea.selectionStart;
                    endPos = textarea.selectionEnd;
                    var tmpStr = textarea.value;
                    textarea.value = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + str + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length);
                } else {
                    textarea.value += str;
                this.content = textarea.value
                if(api.systemType ! ="ios") { textarea.focus(); textarea.selectionStart = startPos + str.length; textarea.selectionEnd = endPos + str.length; textarea.blur(); }},onChange(index) {
                this.current = index;
            offsetLeft: function () {
                let offsetLeft = 0
                if (this.emojiconfig.length / 2 + 1> =this.current) {
                    offsetLeft = $('.tab' + this.current)[0].offsetLeft - $('.tab1') [0].offsetLeft * 1.25
                } else {
                    offsetLeft = $('.tab' + this.current)[0].offsetLeft
                $('#myTab').animate({ scrollLeft: (offsetLeft) }, 200);
            stop: function (e) {
                if(api.systemType ! ="ios") {
                    let target = ? : e.srcElement
                    let value = target.getAttribute('value')
                    value && vm.insertText(value)
            focus: function () {
                vm.$nextTick(function () {
                    vm.focusStatus = true
                    vm.addShow = false
                    vm.recordStatus = false
                    if (window.scrollY + innerHeight < chat.offsetHeight) {
                        // window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + vm.keyboardHeight + vm.footHeight)}})},blur: function () {
                vm.$nextTick(function () {
                    vm.focusStatus = false
                    if (window.scrollY + innerHeight < chat.offsetHeight) {
                        // window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY - (vm.keyboardHeight + vm.footHeight))}})},toBottom() {
                setTimeout(function () {
                    vm.$nextTick(function () {
                        chatBox.scrollTo(0, chat1.offsetHeight)
                }, 300)},countKeyboardHeight: function () {
                vm.$nextTick(function () {

                    if (api.systemType == "ios") {
                        vm.$refs.emojiBox.addTapEvent(function (e) {
                            // console.log(event)
                            let target = ? : e.srcElement
                            let value = target.getAttribute('value')
                            value && vm.insertText(value)
                        vm.touchable = false
                        var textBoxRect = textBox.getBoundingClientRect()
                        if (vm.textBoxRect.y - textBoxRect.y > 0) {
                            vm.keyboardHeight = vm.textBoxRect.y - textBoxRect.y
            init: function () {
                var fontSize = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementsByTagName('html') [0]).fontSize)
                fontSize = (isNaN(fontSize) ? 20 : fontSize);
                vm.fontSize = fontSize
                autoTextarea(textarea, 0, fontSize * 3.function (height) {
                    vm.footHeight = height
                vm.getHistoryMessages(function () {
                    vm.$nextTick(function () {
                        if(api.systemType ! ="ios") {
                            const h = api.winHeight
                            window.onresize = function () { // If the current window is smaller than the height originally recorded, make the current window equal to the height originally recorded
                                var keyboardHeight = h - api.winHeight
                                if (keyboardHeight > 0) {
                                    setTimeout(function () {
                                        vm.keyboardHeight = keyboardHeight
                                    }, 0)}}}else {
                            vm.textBoxRect = textBox.getBoundingClientRect()
                chatBox.onscroll = function () {
                    var windowH = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
                    var documentH = chat1.offsetHeight;
                    var scrollH = chatBox.scrollTop;
                    console.log(windowH, documentH, scrollH)
                    if (windowH + scrollH >= documentH - 20) {
                        //do something
                        vm.translateStatus = false
                    } else {
                        vm.translateStatus = true
                // vm.getUnreadCount()
            getUnreadCount() {
                // Count all unread messages of the current chat object
                var obj = {
                    targetId: vm.targetId,
                vm.rong.getUnreadCount(obj, function (ret) {
                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret))})},clearMessagesUnreadStatus() {
                // Clears all unread messages for the current chat object
                var obj = {
                    targetId: vm.targetId,
                vm.rong.clearMessagesUnreadStatus(obj, function (ret) {
                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret))})},startCall() {
                return false
                var params = {
                    targetId: vm.targetId + ' '.mediaType: 'video'.conversationType: 'PRIVATE'.userIdList: [vm.targetId + ' ']
                vm.rong.startCall(params, function (ret) {
                    vm.sendTextMessage(1."Made a video call.", { type: 'call' })
                    newOpenWindow(pageUrl.showVideo, { uid: vm.targetId, callId: ret.callSession.callId, callStatus: 1.mediaType: params.mediaType })
            getHistoryMessages(callback) {
                var obj = {
                    targetId: vm.targetId,
                    oldestMessageId: vm.messagesList.length > 0 ? vm.messagesList[0].messageId : -1.count: vm.count,
                vm.rong.getHistoryMessages(obj, function (ret) {
                    if (ret.result) {
                        vm.messagesList = [].concat(ret.result, vm.messagesList)
                    } else {
                        vm.showTop = true

                    if(!!!!! callback) { callback(ret) } }) },sendImage(ret) {
                if (typeof ret == "string") {
                } else {
                    ret.forEach(function (element) { vm.sendImageMessage(element) }); }},sendVoiceMessage(params) {
                var obj = {
                    targetId: vm.targetId,
                    voicePath: params.voicePath,
                    duration: params.duration,
                    extra: {}}var length = 0
                vm.rong.sendVoiceMessage(obj, function (ret) {
                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret.result))
                    var data = ret
                    switch (ret.status) {
                        case 'prepare':
                            data.result.message.loading = 1
                            length = vm.messagesList.length
                        case 'progress':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].progress = ret.result.progress
                        case 'success':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].loading = 0
                        case 'error':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].fail = 1
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].loading = 0
                            mineAlert("Send failed")

                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret))})},sendImageMessage(imagePath) {
                var obj = {
                    targetId: vm.targetId,
                    imagePath: imagePath,
                    extra: {}}var length = 0
                vm.rong.sendImageMessage(obj, function (ret) {
                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret.result))
                    var data = ret
                    switch (ret.status) {
                        case 'prepare':
                            data.result.message.loading = 1
                            length = vm.messagesList.length
                        case 'progress':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].progress = ret.result.progress
                        case 'success':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].loading = 0
                        case 'error':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].fail = 1
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].loading = 0
                            mineAlert("Send failed")

                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret))})},sendTextMessage(a, text, params) {

                var obj = {
                    targetId: vm.targetId,
                    text: a == 1 ? text : vm.content,
                    extra: {
                var length = 0
                vm.rong.sendTextMessage(obj, function (ret) {
                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret.status))
                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret.result))
                    var data = ret
                    switch (ret.status) {
                        case 'prepare':
                            data.result.message.loading = 1
                            vm.content = ""
                            if (vm.fontSize) {
                       = vm.fontSize + 'px'
                            length = vm.messagesList.length
                        case 'success':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].loading = 0
                        case 'error':
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].fail = 1
                            vm.messagesList[length - 1].loading = 0
                            mineAlert("Send failed")

                    // alert(JSON.stringify(ret))})},onRefresh: function () {
                vm.getHistoryMessages(function () {
                    vm.isLoading = false
    apiready = function () {
        getLoginInfo(function (res) {
                vm.userInfo = res
        apiAddEventListener('upDateUserInfo'.function () {
            getLoginInfo(function (res) {
                vm.userInfo = res
        vm.targetId = api.pageParam.targetId
            vm.otherInfo = res
        vm.rong = new RongCloud()
        apiSendEvent('setNowTargetId', { targetId: vm.targetId });
        vm.rong.getConnectionStatus(function (ret) {
            // alert(JSON.stringify(ret))
            // alert(statusDesc[ret.result.connectionStatus])
            if (ret.result.connectionStatus == 'CONNECTED') {}else {
                mineAlert("Chat initialization failed. Please log in again.")

        apiAddEventListener('didDisconnect'.function (ret) {
        apiAddEventListener('receiveMessage'.function (ret) {
            if (ret.value.message.senderUserId == vm.targetId) {
        // api.setRefreshHeaderInfo({
        // bgColor: '#ccc',
        // textColor: '#fff',
        // textDown: 'Drop down to load more... ',
        // textUp: 'Release load... ',
        //     textLoading: "加载中..."
        // }, function (ret, err) {
        // // loads the data from the server here and calls methods to restore the component to its default state when the load is complete
        // //

        // });


Copy the code

Video Call interface

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
        content="Maximum-scale =1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
    <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no, email=no, date=no, address=no">

    <div id="app">

<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/api.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/vue.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/vant.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/rongcloud.js"></script>

    // Initialize vue
    var vm = new Vue({
        el: '#app'.data: function () {
            return {
                uid: ' '.callId: ' '.mediaType:""}},methods: {
            // Open the video
            showVideo: function (uid1, uid2) {   //uid Indicates your own ID, uid2 indicates someone else's ID
                    rect: {
                        x: 0.y: 0.w: api.winWidth,
                        h: api.winHeight
                    userId: uid2,
                    bg: '#ff0000'.renderModel: 'hidden'.fixed: true
                // Open your own video
                    rect: {
                        x: api.winWidth - 130.y: + 20.w: 110.h: 180
                    userId: uid1,
                    bg: '#ff0000'.renderModel: 'hidden'.fixed: true
            // Re-open the video
            resetVideoView: function (uid) {
                var rong = api.require('rongCloud2');
                    userId: uid }); }},// mounted: function () {
        // setTimeout(function () {
        // openFram();
        / /}, 500)
        // }
    apiready = function () {
        vm.callStatus = api.pageParam.callStatus
        vm.callId = api.pageParam.callId
        vm.mediaType = api.pageParam.mediaType
        vm.uid = api.pageParam.uid
        open_frame(api.pageParam.url,, false, {callId:api.pageParam.callId,callStatus:api.pageParam.callStatus,mediaType:api.pageParam.callStatus,uid:vm.uid});
            name: 'keyback'
        }, function (ret, err) {
                script: 'window.vm.hangup(); '


Copy the code

Action buttons that hover over the call screen distinguish between calling and being called

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
        content="Maximum-scale =1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
    <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no, email=no, date=no, address=no">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /css/aui.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /css/common.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /css/aui-flex.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".. /.. /script/index.css" />
        html {
            background-color: rgba(}body {
            background: transparent;
            height: 100vh;

    <! CallStatus ===3. When answering a call, the profile picture of the person who dialed the call should be displayed -->
    <div id="app" style="height: 100%;" class="aui-flex-row aui-flex-between" v-cloak>
        <div class="aui-clearfix ">
            <div style="Margin - top: 13.6 the vh;" class="aui-flex-row aui-flex-center aui-flex-middle">
                <van-image fit='cover' style="Border - the radius: 0.24 rem. overflow: hidden" width='4.71 rem' height='4.71 rem'
                <div class="aui-margin-t-10 aui-text-center color_fff aui-font-size-18 aui-font-weight">
        <div style="padding-bottom: 5vh;" class="nor_box color_fff aui-font-size-13">
            <template v-if="start">
                <div class="aui-padded-l-15 aui-padded-r-15 aui-flex-col aui-flex-between">
                    <div @click='muted = ! muted' class="aui-text-center ">
                        <img style="Width: 3.3 rem;"
                            :src="muted ? '.. /.. /image/chat/call3-close.png' : '.. /.. /image/chat/call3-on.png'" />
                        <div class="aui-margin-t-5">mute</div>
                    <div @click="hangup" class="aui-text-center ">
                        <img style="Width: 3.3 rem;" src=".. /.. /image/chat/call2.png" />
                        <div class="aui-margin-t-5">Hang up</div>
                    <div @click='speakerEnabled = ! speakerEnabled' class="aui-text-center ">
                        <img style="Width: 3.3 rem;"
                            :src="speakerEnabled ? '.. /.. /image/chat/call1-on.png' :'.. /.. /image/chat/call1-close.png'" />
                        <div class="aui-margin-t-5">hands-free</div>
            <template v-else>
                <template v-if="callStatus == 1">
                    <div class="aui-padded-l-15 aui-padded-r-15 aui-flex-col aui-flex-center">
                        <div @click="hangup" class="aui-text-center ">
                            <img style="Width: 3.3 rem;" src=".. /.. /image/chat/call2.png" />
                            <div class="aui-margin-t-5">Hang up</div>
                <template v-else>
                    <div class="aui-padded-l-15 aui-padded-r-15 aui-flex-col aui-flex-between">
                        <div @click="hangup" class="aui-text-center ">
                            <img style="Width: 3.3 rem;" src=".. /.. /image/chat/call2.png" />
                            <div class="aui-margin-t-5">Hang up</div>
                        <div @click="accept" class="aui-text-center ">
                            <img style="Width: 3.3 rem;" src=".. /.. /image/chat/call4.png" />
                            <div class="aui-margin-t-5">answer</div>

<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/api.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/vue.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/vant.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".. /.. /script/rongcloud.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var vm = new Vue({
        el: '#app'.data: function () {
            return {
                rong: null.mediaType: "".callId: "".callStatus: "1".muted: false.speakerEnabled: false.start: false.uid:"".headPortrait: "".name: ""}},watch: {
            muted: function (newValue) {
                vm.rong.setMuted(newValue, function () {})},speakerEnabled: function (newValue) {
                vm.rong.setSpeakerEnabled(newValue, function () {})}},methods: {
            init: function () {},accept: function () {
                vm.rong.accept({ mediaType: vm.mediaType, callId: vm.callId })
            hangup() {
                apiSendEvent('stopVideo'); api.closeWin(); }}}); apiready =function () {
        vm.callStatus = api.pageParam.callStatus
        vm.callId = api.pageParam.callId
        vm.mediaType = api.pageParam.mediaType
        vm.rong = new RongCloud()
        vm.uid = api.pageParam.uid
        getAccount(vm.uid, function (res) {
            if (res) {
       = res.nickName
                vm.headPortrait = res.headPortrait
        apiAddEventListener('myRemoteUserDidJoin'.function (ret) {
            vm.start = true
                userId: ret.value.targetId,
            // Open your own video
                rect: {
                    x: api.winWidth - 130.y: + 20.w: 110.h: 180
                userId: ret.value.selfUserId,

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