API framework provides rich wechat native API, which can easily adjust the capabilities provided by wechat, such as access to user information, local storage, payment functions, etc. The Wx. on API is an API that listens for an event and accepts a CALLBACK function as a parameter. When the event is raised, the CALLBACK function is called. Unless specified, other apis accept an OBJECT as an argument. OBJECT You can specify success, fail, and complete to accept the result of the interface call. Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description SUCCESS Function No Callback Function fails to be invoked by the interface. Fail Function No callback Function fails to be invoked by the interface. Complete Function No Callback Function ends by the interface. API List: Network API list: DownloadFile Downloads a file. Wx. connectSocket Creates a WebSocket connection. Wx. onSocketOpen listens Wx. onSocketError Listens for WebSocket error wx.sendSocketMessage sends WebSocket messages wx.onSocketMessage receives WebSocket messages CloseSocket closes the WebSocket connection wx.onSocketClose listens for the list of WebSocket closed media apis: Wx. chooseImage selects an image from the album, StartRecord start recording wx.stopRecord end recording wx.playVoice playVoice wx.pauseVoice pause playVoice wx.stopVoice End broadcast voice wx. GetBackgroundAudioPlayerState acquiring wx. Music playback state playBackgroundAudio play music wx. PauseBackgroundAudio suspend play music Wx. seekBackgroundAudio Controls the progress of music playback. Wx. stopBackgroundAudio Stops music playback. Wx. onBackgroundAudioPlay Listens to music playback Wx. OnBackgroundAudioPause listening music to suspend wx. OnBackgroundAudioStop listening music end wx. ChooseVideo choose video album, or shoot file API list: GetSavedFileList Obtains the list of saved files. Wx. getSavedFileInfo Obtains information about saved files. Wx. removeSavedFile Deletes information about saved files Wx. openDocument open file data API list: GetStorage Obtains the local data cache. Wx. getStorageSync Obtains the local data cache. Wx. setStorage Sets the local data cache GetStorageInfo Obtains information about the local cache. Wx. getStorageInfoSync Obtains information about the local cache. Wx. removeStorage Deletes local cache content Wx. clearStorage Clears local data cache wx.clearStorageSync Clears local data cache location API list: ChooseLocation open the map select location wx.openLocation Open the built-in map wx.createMapContext Control device API list: Wx. getNetworkType Obtains the network type. Wx. onNetworkStatusChange Listens for network status changes Wx. onAccelerometerChange Listens to acceleration data. Wx. startAccelerometer Starts listening to acceleration data. Wx. stopAccelerometer Stops listening to acceleration data StartCompass Starts listening for compass data wx.stopCompass Stops listening for compass data wx.setClipboardData Sets the clipboard content wx.getClipboardData Obtains the clipboard content Wx. makePhoneCall Make phone calls wx.scanCode Scan interface API list: ShowLoading Displays the loading prompt. Wx. hideToast Hides the prompt. Wx. hideLoading hides the prompt Wx. ShowActionSheet display menu list wx. SetNavigationBarTitle wx. Set the current page titles showNavigationBarLoading show the navigation bar loading animation Wx. HideNavigationBarLoading hide the navigation bar loading animation wx. NavigateTo wx. The new window to open the page redirectTo wx. The original window open page switchTab switch to the tabbar page CreateAnimation wx.createContext Creates the drawing context wx.drawCanvas drawing wx.stopPullDownRefresh Stops the pull-down refresh animation WXML node information API list: Wx.createselectorquery Creates a query request. Selectorquery. in specifies which custom component to select a node from SelectorQuery. SelectAll choose according to the selector selectorQuery. All nodes selectViewport choose display area nodesRef. BoundingClientRect for location and size Nodesref. scrollOffset gets the scrolling position nodesRef.fields Gets any field selectorQuery.exec Executes the query request WXML node layout intersection state: API specification wx. CreateIntersectionObserver create IntersectionObserver object IntersectionObserver. RelativeTo specified reference node IntersectionObserver. RelativeToViewport specified page display area as a reference area intersectionObserver. Observe the specified target node and began to listen IntersectionObserver. Disconnect to stop listening to open interface: Wx. login login to wx.getUserInfo to obtain user information wx.chooseAddress to obtain user’s delivery address wx.requestPayment to initiate wechat payment wx.addCard addCard coupon wx.openCard Open the card voucher
Micro channel small program development artifact “micro channel small program automatic slice generation layout software”, can quickly automatically generate small program front layout and code, there are free tutorials and technical support. The functions are as follows: 1. Slicing function: This part of the original handwritten work can be cut by slicing software. After cutting, it can automatically generate WXML, WCSS, JS files. 2, text recognition function: the text on the effect drawing can be recognized by automatic text recognition, improve the speed of input, reduce the workload. 3, archiving function: the design of the slice file can be archived, so that the next time needed to be taken to re-edit. As long as there is a slice file in the program can also show and edit. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions! Q Q: 348961183 official website: www.ymznkf.com/index.aspx?… Software download address: www.ymznkf.com/new_view_55…