The announcement

  1. You are welcome to advertise on our platform. If you want to advertise in our columns, documents or emails, please prepare pictures of various sizes and exclusive links to contact Xianyu (QQ 1034616238).
  2. We have organized an open source mutual assistance platform for open source organizations and BIG VS to get to know each other, help each other and integrate resources. Please reply to this thread with your organization/personal information to apply.
  3. Please reply to this post to recommend what you want translated. If you come across a good tutorial or translation project, you can also recommend it to us. We will contact the project maintainers and work together to make it better.
  4. Each of our public platforms accepts contributions of personal learning blog posts, paper interpretation, contest results and other AI-related articles. Please send the link of the article here. We will select two of the submitted blog posts every day and push them on the whole platform of ApacheCN.
  5. In order to make open source bigger and stronger, ApacheCN needs to cooperate with public welfare foundations (IT, education). We welcome your help. We also accept donations from all walks of life.
  6. If you don’t want to receive any more emails from us, please directly shield us and don’t waste each other’s time. Thank you for your cooperation.
  7. ByteInAI is an AI vertical we-media jointly launched by us, Datawhale, AI Youdao, Dr. Huang Huang and other organizations or individuals. It is a pure commercial project. If you are interested in investing in this project, please contact Datawhale (wechat QR code) or Xianyu (QQ 1034616238).

Organize tasks

Claim Instructions:

  1. Please chat privately (529815144), xianyu (1034616238), or Flying Dragon (562826179) to claim the task, we will pull you into the partnership.
  2. No new directors will be accepted for existing translation projects other than those listed. If you plan to contribute, submit the Pull Request directly.
  3. If your ideas are not listed (including but not limited to translation projects), you are also welcome to talk to us privately.

Translation proofreading activities

UIUC CS241 System Programming Chinese Handout

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 1/78, proofread: 0/78

chapter contributors The progress of
# Informal vocabulary
#Piazza: When and how to ask for help
Programming skills, Part 1
System programming short stories and songs
C programming, Part 1: Introduction @blue-bird1
C programming, part 2: text input and output
C programming, Part 3: Frequently asked Questions
C programming, Part 4: Strings and structures
C programming, Part 5: Debugging
C programming, review problems
Processes, Part 1: Introduction
Bifurcation, part 1: Introduction
Forks, Part 2: Fork, Exec, etc
Process control, part 1: Using signal wait macros
Progress review questions
Memory, Part 1: An introduction to heap memory
Memory – Part 2: Implementing a memory allocator
Memory, Part 3: Shredding stack example
Memory review problems
Pthreads, Part 1: Introduction
Pthreads, part 2: Usage in practice
Pthreads, Part 3: Parallel problems (Bonus)
Pthread review questions
Synchronization, Part 1: Mutex
Synchronization, part 2: Calculating semaphores
Synchronization, part 3: Using mutex and semaphore
Synchronization, part 4: critical region problems
Synchronization, part 5: Conditional variables
Synchronization, part 6: Obstacles to implementation
Synchronization, part 7: reader writer problems
Synchronization, Part 8: Annular buffer example
Synchronous review problems
Deadlocks, Part 1: Resource allocation diagrams
Deadlocks, part 2: Deadlock conditions
Deadlock, Part 3: Dining Philosophers
Deadlock review problem
Virtual memory, Part 1: Introduction to virtual memory
Pipelines, Part 1: Introduction to pipelines
Piping – Part 2: Piping programming secrets
Files, Part 1: Using files
Scheduling, part 1: scheduling process
Scheduling, part 2: Scheduling processes: algorithms
The IPC review questions
POSIX, Part 1: Error handling
Networking, Part 1: Introduction
Networking, part 2: Using getaddrInfo
Networking, Part 3: Building a simple TCP client
Networking, Part 4: Building a simple TCP server
Networking, part 5: Closing ports, reusing ports, and other tips
Networking, part 6: Creating a UDP server
Networks, Part 7: Nonblocking I O, SELECT (), and epoll
RPC, Part 1: Introduction to remote procedure calls
Network review problems
File systems, Part 1: Introduction
File systems, Part 2: Files are inodes (everything else is just data…)
File systems, part 3: permissions
File systems, part 4: Using directories
File systems, part 5: virtual file systems
File systems, part 6: Memory-mapped files and shared memory
File systems. Part 7: Extensible and reliable file systems
File systems, Part 8: Removing preinstalled malware from Android devices
File systems, Part 9: Disk block examples
File system review questions
Process control, part 1: Using signal wait macros
Signals, part 2: signals to be processed and signal masks
Signalling, part 3: enhancing signalling
Signals, part 4: signals
Signal review problem
Test subject
C programming: review questions
Multithreaded programming: review questions
Concept of synchronization: review questions
Memory: review questions
Pipes: Review questions
File systems: Review questions
Network: review questions
Signal: Review questions
System programming jokes

Cython 3.0 英 文 版

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 0/37, proofread: 0/37

chapter contributors The progress of
Cython – overview
Install Cython
Build the Cython code
Faster code through static typing
Basic tutorial
Call C function
Use the C library
Extension type (aka.cdef class)
PXD file
Unicode and passing strings
Memory allocation
Pure Python mode
Use NumPy
Using Python arrays
Further reading
Related work
Addendum: Install MinGW on Windows
Language foundation
Extension type
Special methods for extending types
Share declarations between Cython modules
Connect to external C code
Source files and compilations
Early binding speed
Use C ++ in Cython
Fusion type (template)
Port the Cython code to PyPy
The difference between Cython and Pyrex
Type in memory view
Implement buffer protocol
Use parallelism
Debug your Cython program
Cython for NumPy users
Pythran acts as a Numpy back end

Numba 0.44 中文 版

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 1/79, proofread: 1/79

chapter contributors The progress of
1. User manual
1.1. Numba’s about 5 minute guide @saltball 100%
1.2. An overview of the
1.3. The installation
1.4. use@jitCompiling Python code
1.5. use@generated_jitSpecialize flexibly
1.6. Create Numpy generic functions
1.7. Compile Python classes with @jitClass
1.8. use@cfuncCreate the C callback
1.9. Pre-compile code
1.10. use@jitAutomatic parallelization
1.11. use@stencilA decorator
1.12. Callbacks from JIT code to the Python interpreter
1.13. Performance tip
1.14. Thread layer
1.15. Troubleshooting and hints
1.16. Q&A
1.17. The sample
1.18. Talks and tutorials
2. Refer to the manual
2.1. Type and signature
2.2. Instantaneous compiling
2.3. To compile
2.4. utilities
2.5. The environment variable
2.6. Supported Python features
2.7. Supported NumPy functionality
2.8. Deviations from Python semantics
2.9. Floating trap
2.10. Python 2.7 End-of-life plan
Numba for CUDA Gpus
3.1. An overview of the
3.2. Write a CUDA kernel
3.3. Memory management
3.4. Write device functions
3.5. Python features supported in CUDA Python
3.6. Supported atomic operations
3.7. Random number generation
3.8. Equipment management
3.10. The sample
3.11. Debugging CUDA Python using CUDA emulators
3.12. The GPU to reduce
3.13. CUDA Ufuncs and generalized Ufuncs
3.14. Share CUDA memory
3.15. CUDA array interface
3.16. CUDA FAQs
CUDA Python Reference
4.1. CUDA host API
4.2. CUDA kernel apis
4.3. Memory management
Numba for AMD ROC Gpus
5.1. An overview of the
5.2. Write the HSA kernel
5.3. Memory management
5.4. Write device functions
5.5. Supported atomic operations
5.6. The agent
5.7. ROC Ufuncs and generalized Ufuncs
5.8. The sample
6. Expand the Numba
6.1. Advanced extension API
6.2. Low-level extension API
6.3. Example: Interval type
7. Developer manual
7.1. Contribution to the Numba
7.2. Numba building
7.3. Polymorphic dispatch
7.4. Notes on generators
7.5. Notes about Numba Runtime
7.6. Use Numba Rewrite Pass for fun and optimization
7.7. Real-time variable analysis
7.8. listed
7.9. Template annotation
7.10. Notes on custom pipes
7.11. Environment object
7.12. Hashing considerations
7.13. Numba Project roadmap
8. Numba enhancement recommendations
9. The glossary

Scrapy 1. Scrapy 2.

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 0/44, translation: 0/44

chapter proofreader The progress of
Introduction to the
Scrapy at a glance
The installation guide
Scrapy tutorial
The instance
Command line tool
The selector
Item loader
Scrapy shell
Pipeline project
Feed export
Request and response
Link extractor
Set up the
Statistical data set
Send an email
Remote Login to the Console
The Web service
Debug the spiders
Spiders contracts
Common practice
General crawler
Use your browser’s developer tools to crawl
Debugging memory leaks
Download and process files and images
The deployment of spiders
AutoThrottle extension
Operations: Pause and resume crawling
Architecture Overview
Downloader middleware
Spiders middleware
Core API
Item exporter
Release notes
Contributing to Scrapy
Version control and API stability

A hundred pages short book on machine Learning

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 10/12, translation: 1/12

chapter contributors The progress of
Zero, preface, @PEGASUS1993 100%
Introduce a, @PEGASUS1993
Symbols and definitions @PEGASUS1993
Third, basic algorithm @Rachel-Hu
Four, linear algorithm analysis @P3n9W31
5. Basic practice @chengchengbai
Neural networks and deep learning @Everfighting
7. Questions and answers
8. Advanced practice
9. Unsupervised learning @onlyonewater
Other forms of learning @kjlintong
Xi. Conclusion @kjlintong

Collection of Short Stories

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

About convolutional neural networks: Claim: 2/12, proofread: 2/12

chapter contributors The progress of
About convolutional neural networks
1 @daewis 100%
2.1.1-2.1.3 @daewis 100%
2.2.2, 2.2.3

JavaScript for Impatient Programmers

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 32/42, proofread: 31/42

chapter contributors The progress of
1. About this Book (ES2019 Edition) @YouWillBe 100%
2. FAQ: This book @huangzijian888 100%
3. History and evolution of JavaScript
4. Common problems: JavaScript
An overview of the 5. @kj415j45 100%
6. Grammar @lq920320 100%
7. Print messages on the console (console.*) @lq920320 100%
8. Assertions API @lq920320 100%
9. Getting started with quizzes and exercises @so-hard 100%
Variables and assignments @so-hard 100%
Values of 11. @lq920320 100%
12. The operator @wizardforcel 100%
13. The valueundefinedandnull @wizardforcel 100%
14. Boolean value @wizardforcel 100%
15. Digital @wizardforcel 100%
16. Math @wizardforcel 100%
17. Unicode – Brief Introduction (Advanced) @wizardforcel 100%
18. The string @wizardforcel 100%
19. Use template literals and tag templates @wizardforcel 100%
Symbols 20. @wizardforcel 100%
Control flow statement @wizardforcel 100%
22. Exception handling
23. Callable values
24. The module
25. Single object
26. Prototype chains and classes @lq920320 100%
27. Iterate synchronously @lq920320 100%
28. Array (Array) @52admln 100%
29. Typed Arrays: Handling binary data (advanced)
30. Mapping (Map) @so-hard 100%
31. WeakMaps (WeakMap)
32. (Set) @liuyepiaoxiang 100%
33. WeakSets (WeakSet)
34. Deconstruction @Kavelaa 100%
35. Synchro Generator (Advanced)
36. Asynchronous programming in JavaScript @Kavelaa 100%
37. Promise of asynchronous programming @iChrisJ 100%
38. Asynchronous functions @iChrisJ 100%
39. Regular expressions (RegExp) @iChrisJ 100%
40. Date (Date) @facebesidewyj 100%
41. Create and parse JSON (JSON) @xdyushenli
42. Where are the rest of the chapters? @wizardforcel 100%

Seaborn 0.9 中文 版

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Identification: 64/74, translation: 51/74

The serial number chapter The translator The progress of
1 An introduction to seaborn @yiran7324 100%
2 Installing and getting started @neolei 100%
3 Visualizing statistical relationships @JNJYan 100%
4 Plotting with categorical data @hold2010 100%
5 Visualizing the distribution of a dataset @alohahahaha 100%
6 Visualizing linear relationships @friedhelm739
7 Building structured multi-plot grids @keyianpai 100%
8 Controlling figure aesthetics @P3n9W31 100%
9 Choosing color palettes @Modrisco 100%
10 seaborn.relplot @Stuming
11 seaborn.scatterplot @tututwo
12 seaborn.lineplot @tututwo
13 seaborn.catplot @LIJIANcoder97 100%
14 seaborn.stripplot @LIJIANcoder97 100%
15 seaborn.swarmplot @LIJIANcoder97 100%
16 seaborn.boxplot @FindNorthStar 100%
17 seaborn.violinplot @FindNorthStar 100%
18 seaborn.boxenplot @FindNorthStar 100%
19 seaborn.pointplot @FindNorthStar 100%
20 seaborn.barplot @melon-bun
21 seaborn.countplot @Stuming 100%
22 seaborn.jointplot @Stuming
23 seaborn.pairplot @Stuming
24 seaborn.distplot @hyuuo 100%
25 seaborn.kdeplot @hyuuo 100%
26 seaborn.rugplot @P3n9W31 100%
27 seaborn.lmplot @P3n9W31 100%
28 seaborn.regplot @P3n9W31 100%
29 seaborn.residplot @P3n9W31 100%
30 seaborn.heatmap @hyuuo 100%
31 seaborn.clustermap
32 seaborn.FacetGrid @hyuuo 100%
33 @sfw134 100%
34 seaborn.FacetGrid.map_dataframe @sfw134 100%
35 seaborn.PairGrid @sfw134
36 @sfw134
37 seaborn.PairGrid.map_diag @sfw134
38 seaborn.PairGrid.map_offdiag @sfw134
39 seaborn.PairGrid.map_lower @sfw134
40 seaborn.PairGrid.map_upper @sfw134
41 seaborn.JointGrid
42 seaborn.JointGrid.plot
43 seaborn.JointGrid.plot_joint
44 seaborn.JointGrid.plot_marginals
45 seaborn.set @lbllol365 100%
46 seaborn.axes_style @lbllol365 100%
47 seaborn.set_style @lbllol365 100%
48 seaborn.plotting_context
49 seaborn.set_context
50 seaborn.set_color_codes
51 seaborn.reset_defaults
52 seaborn.reset_orig
53 seaborn.set_palette @Modrisco 100%
54 seaborn.color_palette @Modrisco 100%
55 seaborn.husl_palette @Modrisco 100%
56 seaborn.hls_palette @Modrisco 100%
57 seaborn.cubehelix_palette @Modrisco 100%
58 seaborn.dark_palette @Modrisco 100%
59 seaborn.light_palette @Modrisco 100%
60 seaborn.diverging_palette @Modrisco 100%
61 seaborn.blend_palette @Modrisco 100%
62 seaborn.xkcd_palette @Modrisco 100%
63 seaborn.crayon_palette @Modrisco 100%
64 seaborn.mpl_palette @Modrisco 100%
65 seaborn.choose_colorbrewer_palette @Modrisco 100%
66 seaborn.choose_cubehelix_palette @Modrisco 100%
67 seaborn.choose_light_palette @Modrisco 100%
68 seaborn.choose_dark_palette @Modrisco 100%
69 seaborn.choose_diverging_palette @Modrisco 100%
70 seaborn.load_dataset @Modrisco 100%
71 seaborn.despine @Modrisco 100%
72 seaborn.desaturate @Modrisco 100%
73 seaborn.saturate @Modrisco 100%
74 seaborn.set_hls_values @Modrisco 100%

Git 中文 版

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 14/83, proofread: 12/83

The serial number chapter contributors The progress of
1 git
2 git-config @honglyua 100%
3 git-help @honglyua 100%
4 git-init @honglyua 100%
5 git-clone @honglyua 100%
6 git-add @yulezheng 100%
7 git-status @honglyua 100%
8 git-diff @honglyua 100%
9 git-commit @yulezheng
10 git-reset @honglyua 100%
11 git-rm @honglyua 100%
12 git-mv @honglyua 100%
13 git-branch @honglyua 100%
14 git-checkout
15 git-merge
16 git-mergetool
17 git-log
18 git-stash
19 git-tag
20 git-worktree
21 git-fetch
22 git-pull @Mrhuangyi 100%
23 git-push @Mrhuangyi
24 git-remote
25 git-submodule
26 git-show
27 git-log
29 git-shortlog
30 git-describe
31 git-apply
32 git-cherry-pick
34 git-rebase
35 git-revert
36 git-bisect
37 git-blame
38 git-grep
39 gitattributes
40 giteveryday
41 gitglossary
42 githooks
43 gitignore
44 gitmodules
45 gitrevisions
46 gittutorial
47 gitworkflows
48 git-am
50 git-format-patch
51 git-send-email
52 git-request-pull
53 git-svn
54 git-fast-import
55 git-clean
56 git-gc
57 git-fsck
58 git-reflog
59 git-filter-branch
60 git-instaweb
61 git-archive
62 git-bundle
63 git-daemon
64 git-update-server-info
65 git-cat-file
66 git-check-ignore
67 git-checkout-index
68 git-commit-tree
69 git-count-objects
70 git-diff-index
71 git-for-each-ref
72 git-hash-object
73 git-ls-files
74 git-merge-base
75 git-read-tree
76 git-rev-list
77 git-rev-parse
78 git-show-ref
79 git-symbolic-ref
80 git-update-index
81 git-update-ref
82 git-verify-pack
83 git-write-tree

HBase 3.0 Chinese Reference Guide

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 14/31, proofread: 14/31

chapter contributors The progress of
Preface @xixici 100%
Getting Started @xixici 100%
Apache HBase Configuration @xixici 100%
Upgrading @xixici 100%
The Apache HBase Shell @xixici 100%
Data Model
HBase and Schema Design @RaymondCode 100%
RegionServer Sizing Rules of Thumb
HBase and MapReduce @BridgetLai 100%
Securing Apache HBase
In-memory Compaction @mychaow 100%
Backup and Restore @mychaow 100%
Synchronous Replication @mychaow 100%
Apache HBase APIs @xixici 100%
Apache HBase External APIs @xixici 100%
Thrift API and Filter Language @xixici 100%
HBase and Spark @TsingJyujing 100%
Apache HBase Coprocessors
Apache HBase Performance Tuning
Troubleshooting and Debugging Apache HBase
Apache HBase Case Studies
Apache HBase Operational Management
Building and Developing Apache HBase
Unit Testing HBase Applications
Protobuf in HBase
Procedure Framework (Pv2): HBASE-12439
AMv2 Description for Devs

UCB Prob140: probability theory for data science 【翻译】

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 22/25, translation: 19/25

The title The translator Translation progress
A basis, dragon 100%
Second, calculate the odds dragon 100%
Random variables dragon 100%
Four, the relationship between events @biubiubiuboomboomboom 100%
5. Event set > 0%
6. Random counting @viviwong 100%
Poisson chemistry @YAOYI626 100%
Eight, expectations 50%
Ix. Conditions (Continued) @YAOYI626 100%
Markov chain Meow. 100%
11. Markov Chain (Continued) Meow. 100%
Xii. Standard Deviation Missing only samoyed 100%
Variance and covariance Missing only samoyed 100%
Central limit theorem Meow. 100%
15. Continuous distribution @ThunderboltSmile
Xvi. Transformation @hellozhaihy
17. Joint density @Winchester-Yi 100%
The normal and Gamma families @Winchester-Yi 100%
Distribution of and The routine day 100%
20. Estimation method The routine day 100%
Beta and binomial @lvzhetx 100%
22. Forecast 50%
Joint normal random Variables @JUNE951234
Simple linear regression @ThomasCai 100%
Multiple regression @lanhaixuan 100%

Machine Learning Mastery

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Keras: Claim: 0/46, proofread: 0/46

XGBoost: Claim: 0/18, proofread: 0/18

chapter contributors The progress of
Deep learning and Keras
The 5-step life cycle of neural network model in Keras
Apply deep learning in Python mini-lessons
Keras deep learning library binary classification tutorial
How to Construct multi-layer perceptron Neural Network model with Keras
How do I examine the deep learning model in Keras
10 command line cheats for deep learning in Amazon Web Services
Crash course in machine learning convolutional Neural networks
How do I use Keras for deep learning metrics in Python
Deep learning books
Deep learning courses
Deep learning as you know it is a lie
How to set up Amazon AWS EC2 GPU to train Keras Deep learning model (in steps)
What is the difference between batch and iteration in neural networks?
Present the history of deep learning model training at Keras
Dropout Regularization in deep learning models based on Keras
Evaluate the performance of the deep learning model in Keras
How to evaluate the skills of deep learning models
Small batch gradient descent and how to configure batch size
9 Ways to Get Deep Learning help in Keras
How to use Keras to grid search hyperparameters of deep learning models in Python
Handwritten number recognition using convolutional neural networks in Python with Keras
How to predict with Keras
Image enhancement using Keras for deep learning
8 inspiring applications of Deep learning
Introduction to Keras, the Python deep learning library
Introduction to Python deep learning library TensorFlow
Introduction to the Python deep learning library Theano
How to use Keras functional API for deep learning
Keras Deep learning library multi-class classification tutorial
Crash course in Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks
Object recognition in Keras Deep Learning Library based on convolutional Neural network
Popular deep learning libraries
Predicting emotions in movie reviews with Deep learning
A return to Keras deep learning library in Python
How can I use Keras to get reproducible results
How to run deep learning experiments on a Linux server
Save and load your Keras deep learning model
Step-by-step development of the first neural network in Python with Keras
Understanding stateful LSTM recurrent neural networks in Python with Keras
Use the Keras deep learning model and Scikit-learn in Python
How to classify objects in photos using pre-trained VGG models
Use learning rate scheduling for deep learning models in Python and Keras
How to visualize deep learning neural network model in Keras
What is deep learning?
When to use MLP, CNN and RNN neural networks
Why initialize a neural network with random weights?
Avoid overfitting by using XGBoost to stop early in Python
How do I tune XGBoost’s multithreading support in Python
How to configure the gradient lifting algorithm
Use XGBoost to prepare data for gradient elevation in Python
How to develop your first XGBoost model in Python using SciKit-learn
How do I evaluate gradient elevation models in Python using XGBoost
Feature importance and feature selection using XGBoost in Python
A brief introduction to machine learning gradient lifting algorithm
Introduction to XGBoost applying machine learning
How do I install XGBoost for Python on macOS
How do I save gradient elevation models in Python using XGBoost
Starting with gradient lifting, 13 algorithms on 165 data sets were compared
Use XGBoost and SciKit-learn for random gradient lifting in Python
How do I use Amazon Web Services to train the XGBoost model in the cloud
Use XGBoost in Python to adjust the learning rate of gradient elevation
How do I use XGBoost in Python to adjust the number and size of decision trees
How to visualize gradient elevation decision trees using XGBoost in Python
Get started with XGBoost’s 7-step mini-course in Python

Pytorch 1.0 中文 版

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 22/76, proofread: 1/76

chapter The translator The progress of Check the The progress of
The tutorial section
Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz @bat67 100% @AllenZYJ
What is PyTorch? @bat67 100% @AllenZYJ
Autograd: Automatic Differentiation @bat67 100% @AllenZYJ
Neural Networks @bat67 100% @AllenZYJ
Training a Classifier @bat67 100% @AllenZYJ
Optional: Data Parallelism @bat67 100%
Data Loading and Processing Tutorial @yportne13 100%
Learning PyTorch with Examples @bat67 100% @Smilexuhc
Transfer Learning Tutorial @jiangzhonglian 100% @infdahai
Deploying a Seq2Seq Model with the Hybrid Frontend @cangyunye 100%
Saving and Loading Models @bruce1408 100% @luxinfeng
What is torch.nn really? @lhc741 100% @luxinfeng
Finetuning Torchvision Models @ZHHAYO 100% @luxinfeng
Spatial Transformer Networks Tutorial @PEGASUS1993 100% @Smilexuhc
Neural Transfer Using PyTorch @bdqfork 100%
Adversarial Example Generation @cangyunye 100% @infdahai
Transfering a Model from PyTorch to Caffe2 and Mobile using ONNX @PEGASUS1993 100%
Chatbot Tutorial @a625687551 100% @enningxie
Generating Names with a Character-Level RNN @hhxx2015 100% @hijkzzz 100%
Classifying Names with a Character-Level RNN @hhxx2015 100% @hijkzzz
Deep Learning for NLP with Pytorch @bruce1408 100%
Introduction to PyTorch @guobaoyo 100%
Deep Learning with PyTorch @bdqfork 100%
Word Embeddings: Encoding Lexical Semantics @sight007 100% @Smilexuhc
Sequence Models and Long-Short Term Memory Networks @ETCartman 100%
Advanced: Making Dynamic Decisions and the Bi-LSTM CRF @apachecn 100% @enningxie
Translation with a Sequence to Sequence Network and Attention @mengfu188 100%
DCGAN Tutorial @wangshuai9517 100% @infdahai
Reinforcement Learning (DQN) Tutorial @friedhelm739 100% @infdahai
Creating Extensions Using numpy and scipy @cangyunye 100%
Custom C++ and CUDA Extensions @P3n9W31 100%
Extending TorchScript with Custom C++ Operators @apachecn 100% @sunxia233
Writing Distributed Applications with PyTorch @firdameng 100%
PyTorch 1.0 Distributed Trainer with Amazon AWS @yportne13 100%
ONNX Live Tutorial @PEGASUS1993 100%
Loading a PyTorch Model in C++ @talengu 100%
Using the PyTorch C++ Frontend @solerji 100%
Document parts
Autograd mechanics @PEGASUS1993 100%
Broadcasting semantics @PEGASUS1993 100%
CUDA semantics @jiangzhonglian 100%
Extending PyTorch @PEGASUS1993 100%
Frequently Asked Questions @PEGASUS1993 100%
Multiprocessing best practices @cvley 100%
Reproducibility @apachecn 100% @bruce1408
Serialization semantics @yuange250 100%
Windows FAQ @PEGASUS1993 100%
torch @infdahai 100%
Tensors @infdahai
Random sampling @apachecn 100%
Serialization, Parallelism, Utilities @apachecn 100%
Pointwise Ops @apachecn 100%
Reduction Ops @apachecn 100%
Comparison Ops @apachecn 100%
Spectral Ops @apachecn 100%
Other Operations @apachecn 100%
BLAS and LAPACK Operations @apachecn 100%
torch.Tensor @hijkzzz 100%
Tensor Attributes @yuange250 100%
Type Info @PEGASUS1993 100%
torch.sparse @hijkzzz 100%
torch.cuda @bdqfork 100%
torch.Storage @yuange250 100%
torch.nn @gongel 100%
torch.nn.functional @hijkzzz 100%
torch.nn.init @GeneZC 100%
torch.optim @apachecn 100% @zonasw
Automatic differentiation package – torch.autograd @gfjiangly 100%
Distributed communication package – torch.distributed @univeryinli 100%
Probability distributions – torch.distributions @hijkzzz 100%
Torch Script @keyianpai 100%
Multiprocessing package – torch.multiprocessing @hijkzzz 100%
torch.utils.bottleneck @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.checkpoint @belonHan 100%
torch.utils.cpp_extension @belonHan 100% @BXuan694 100%
torch.utils.dlpack @kunwuz 100%
torch.hub @kunwuz 100%
torch.utils.model_zoo @BXuan694 100%
torch.onnx @guobaoyo 100%
Distributed communication package (deprecated) – torch.distributed.deprecated @luxinfeng 100%
torchvision Reference @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.datasets @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.models @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.transforms @BXuan694 100%
torchvision.utils @BXuan694 100%

OpenCV 4.0 中文 版

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 29/51, proofread: 29/51.

chapter contributors The progress of
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to OpenCV-Python Tutorial @wstone0011 100%
1.2 install OpenCV — Python @wstone0011 100%
2. GUI function
2.1 Introduction to Images @ranxx 100%
2.2 Video Introduction @ranxx 100%
2.3 Drawing Function @ranxx 100%
2.4 Mouse as brush @ranxx 100%
2.5 As the tracking bar for the color palette @ranxx 100%
3. Core operations
3.1 Basic image operations @luxinfeng 100%
3.2 Image arithmetic operation @luxinfeng 100%
3.3 Performance measurement and improvement techniques @luxinfeng 100%
4. Image processing
4.1 Change the color space @friedhelm739 100%
4.2 Geometric transformation of images @friedhelm739 100%
4.3 Image threshold @friedhelm739 100%
4.4 Smoothing images @friedhelm739 100%
4.5 Morphological Transformation @friedhelm739 100%
4.6 Image Gradient @friedhelm739 100%
4.7 Canny edge detection
4.8 Image Pyramid
4.9 outline
4.10 the histogram
4.11 Image conversion
4.12 Template Matching
4.13 Hough line transformation
4.14 Hough circle transformation
4.15 Image segmentation based on watershed algorithm
Interactive foreground extraction based on GrabCut algorithm
5. Feature detection and description
5.1 Understanding Functions @3lackrush 100%
5.2 Harris Corner detection
5.3 Good characteristics of Shi-Tomasi corner detection and tracking
5.4 SIFT Introduction (Scale-invariant Feature Transform)
5.5 Introduction to SURF (Accelerated Robust Features)
5.6 FAST algorithm for corner detection
5.7 Introduction (Basic Features of Binary Robust Independence)
5.8 ORB (Directional Fast and Fast Rotation)
5.9 Feature Matching
5.10 Feature Matching + Homography Search for objects
Video analysis
6.1 Meanshift and Camshift @xmmmmmovo 100%
6.2 the light flow @xmmmmmovo 100%
6.3 Background subtraction @xmmmmmovo 100%
7. Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction
7.1 Camera Calibration @xmmmmmovo 100%
7.2 Posture Estimation @xmmmmmovo 100%
7.3 Polar geometry @xmmmmmovo 100%
7.4 Depth map of stereo image @xmmmmmovo 100%
8. Machine learning
8.1 K- Nearest Neighbor @wstone0011 100%
8.2 Support Vector Machine (SVM) @wstone0011 100%
8.3 K Means clustering @wstone0011 100%
Computational photography
9.1 Image denoising
9.2 Image Restoration
9.3 High Dynamic Range (HDR)
10. Target detection
10.1 Face detection using Haar Cascades @jiangzhonglian 100%
11. OpenCV – Python bindings
11.1 How does the Opencv-Python binding work? @daidai21 100%

Run out

UCB CS61b: Data Structures in Java

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 12/12, translation: 10/12

Note-taking activities

CS224n Natural language processing

How to participate:…

Overall progress:…

Project warehouse:…

Claim: 12/20, tidy: 1/20

chapter contributors The progress of
Lecture 1 @cx123cx456
Lecture 2 @AllenZYJ
Lecture 3 @cx123cx456
Lecture 4 @ZSIRS
Lecture 5 @ZSIRS
Lecture 6 @ZSIRS
Lecture 7 @neolei
Lecture 8 @Qichao-Ge
Lecture 9 @NewDreamstyle192
Lecture 10 @enningxie
Lecture 11
Lecture 12
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17 @pingjing233
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Lecture 20 @Willianan 100%

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