This article represents personal position only, interest is not relevant.


When I arrived at the company this morning, I found someone in the group said that the style of ANTD component had changed and all Button components had been snowflake. Then I saw the issue on GitHub, and almost all front-end related groups were discussing this matter. The defenders of ANTD on the right seem not to realize the seriousness of this issue, and even made the following reply:

I was ready to get yelled at.

As a result, Chinese developers suddenly became completely fried, directly turning GitHub into Baidu Tieba. There are some jokes about losing their jobs in order to catch people’s attention, and some people go straight to the level of personal attacks. At around 11 p.m., the official release of the new eggs removed. Later, the rightist wrote that this behavior was entirely due to his own reasons and admitted his mistake. Yu Bo also posted that this behavior is really inappropriate. But trolls and jokers have until now taken it easy, making sarcastic comments and even threatening to fire the author in the commit.


So far – apart from the authorities – ant’s classmates have been largely silent, presumably to prevent the situation from spreading. As an outsider, I have a lot to say. Especially for mindless trolls, it’s great to use when you have a component library BUG that you can’t clearly describe. In the end, he would not let go of a mistake.

I don’t want to say how much the ANTD team contributed to the development of the React stack in China. How many people chose the React stack because of the component library? I do not want to say how much the design concept of ANTD makes the middle and background interface more useful, how much efficiency, you will say that beautiful can eat food; I don’t want to say that the design of the ANTD API taught front-end engineers how to design an elegant, progressive interface, and you could say that the documentation was still incomprehensible; Bisheng behind ANTD, babel-plugin-import, code organization, etc., you won’t understand.

I had a similar experience working with a bunch of third party companies who didn’t know how to do anything, and complained to me because I wrote an F**K in the commit. My first reaction was that you don’t care, why don’t you learn how to write code and how to parse two-layer objects? But then I obediently changed, and it’s really my problem.

Finally, I would like to say that although AntD team has made mistakes, it should never suffer such abuse and slander!