• Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

Is that what you want to achieve first?

If so, just read this one, I will write it in detail!

The first step is to insert a table into the table

   <template #expandedRowRender="{ record }">
Copy the code

Key attributes:

ExpandedRowRender: This is the property that makes the list collapsible

Record: This is all the properties of the click row; If you don’t know how to insert a table, I’ll show you the blue, okay

Expand: Triggered when you click on the expanded icon to get the row data. There are two callback arguments, Function(expanded(Boolean), record(row data).

Data to be obtained

const zi = (expanded, record) = > {
      if (expanded) {
        data2.value = [];
            url: `http://*****`,
          .then((res) = > {
            data2.value = res.data.list;
Copy the code

Here is the data returned by the callback:

Here, since clicking triggers this function, I use a judgment to request data only when true

The last

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