CustomRequest allows you to customize your own upload method

Demand scenarios

In the background management system, the UI framework is Ant Design of Vue and the Upload component is used to Upload pictures.

Requirement description: Upload the image and convert it to Base64

Implementation method

In the API method, there is a custom upload behavior method, by overwriting the default upload behavior, you can customize your own upload implementation

CustomRequest Custom upload method

    v-decorator="['zp', validatorRules.zp]"
    <img v-if="picUrl" :src="getAvatarView()" alt="Avatar" style="height:104px; max-width:300px"/>
    <div v-else>
      <a-icon :type="uploadLoading ? 'loading' : 'plus'" />
      <div class="ant-upload-text">upload</div>
Copy the code

The uploaded image is converted to Base64

// Handle uploaded files
selfUpload ({ action, file, onSuccess, onError, onProgress }) {
     console.log(file, 'action, file');
     const base64 = new Promise(resolve= > {
         const fileReader = new FileReader();
         fileReader.onload = () = > {
              // this.formImg = fileReader.result;}}); }Copy the code