
Based on user feedback, answer two frequently asked code writing questions about the open source project: Go-Gin-API.

Take the following code snippet as an example:

  1. Line 8, what does that mean?
  2. Line 11, why define an I () method?

Problem a

var _ Signature = (*signature)(nil)
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What does this code mean?

If you force *signature to implement the signature interface, the compiler will check if the *signature type implements the signature interface.

Here’s an example:

package main

import "fmt"

var _ Study = (*study)(nil)

type study struct {
	Name string

type Study interface {
	Listen(message string) string

func main() {
	fmt.Println("hello world")
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Does the above code print Hello world?


This will print:

./main.go:5:5: cannot use (*study)(nil) (type *study) as type Study in assignment:
	*study does not implement Study (missing Listen method)
Copy the code

If I remove this line:

var _ Study = (*study)(nil)
Copy the code

And now you can print Hello World.

Question 2

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Why is an I () method defined in an interface?

Force all methods in the Signature interface to be implemented only in this package and not in other packages. Because the interface has lower-case methods, they cannot be implemented in other packages. I () is a lowercase method, or any other name is fine.

Here’s an example:

package study

type Study interface {
	Listen(message string) string

func Speak(s Study) string {
	return s.Listen("abc")
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Defines a Study interface that contains two methods, including one I ().

Defines a Speak method with the Study interface as its input and the body of the method to Listen in the interface.

Next, look at another file:

Type stu struct {Name string} func (s *stu) Listen(message string) string {return + "Listen" + message} func (s) *stu) i() {} func main() { message := study.Speak(new(stu)) fmt.Println(message) }Copy the code

Defines a STU structure that implements the methods in the Study interface. Does the program output normally?


This will print:

./main.go:19:28: cannot use new(stu) (type *stu) as type study.Study in argument to study.Speak:
	*stu does not implement study.Study (missing study.i method)
		have i()
		want study.i()
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If I () is removed from the interface, the following output is displayed: Listen to ABC


These are two of the most common questions that readers ask when learning code, and I hope this will help you solve them.

For example, if a function has an indeterminate parameter, do you use it like this?

Recommended reading

  • Understanding of distributed transactions
  • Based on consumer feedback, two new features have been added to the open source project Go-Gin-API
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