Official account: Java Xiaokaxiu, website:

Author: ADMIN, link: leanote. ZZZMH. Cn/blog/post / 5…


Nginx visual management, for example

  • Configuration management
  • Performance monitoring
  • Log monitoring
  • Other configuration


At present, the first two have been implemented: configuration management, and performance monitoring log analysis monitoring, but also need to find another solution to achieve!

Github nginx-GUI github address:…

This thing really want to blow a wave, too easy to use and open source, to solve my Java origin Linux novice problem!

Screen shot:


First of all, I also just now learn, just write down the process of torturing and encountered the problem of detailed usage and so on or suggest to visit the author’s github and the author’s blog to check the author github:… Author’s blog:…

Note that the Linux version has a description that should not be ignored

The configuration procedure is as follows:

1 Download and decompress

2 Modify the configuration file location: conf/

Nginx installation path

Nginx. Path = / usr/local/Cellar/nginx / 1.15.12

Nginx configuration file full path

Nginx. Config = / Users/GSK/dev/apps/nginx – 1.15.12 / conf/nginx. Conf

Admin = admin 3 Rename the java_VMS file in lib/bin/ of the Linux 64-bit version to java_vMS_nginx_gui based on the author’s description

Two run on the server before the steps are completed, packaged directly to the server


sudo chmod -R 777 nginx-gui/

The background to start

Nohup bash /root/web/nginx-gui/ > logs/nginx-gui.out & Access the default port 8889 Default account password is admin


The current implementations are

  • Performance monitoring
  • Visual configuration

What didn’t happen

  • Log analysis
  • Access statistics

The current plan is to take a look at github’s source code later when we have more time and see if we can implement the rest of the functionality ourselves.


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