Version emperor, as the name suggests. For users, there are joys and sorrows. The good news is that the dev team works hard to keep up, the bad news is that they have to download and download again to keep up. Of course, from a usage point of view, it’s better to actively update than not to update all the time.

Here are some of the most popular open source projects (Star>10000) with more than 50 releases in 2016.

Data statistics from January 1, 2016 to December 15, 2016, version statistics include official version, Beta, Alpha, RC and other releases, but do not include the development snapshot, there are a lot of data, omissions, errors are inevitable. Welcome to ridicule!!

1.React Native

Version span: V0.18.0 RC (2016.1.6) — V0.40.0 RC4 (2016.12.13)

Version Number of releases: 101

Brief introduction:

React Native allows you to build first-class Native apps with a completely consistent development experience based on Javascript and React. Focus on improving the effectiveness of multi-platform development — learn once, write for any platform.

Main features:

  • The native components
  • Asynchronous execution
  • Touch event handling

  • Elastic boxes (Flexbox) and styles

  • Compatible with general standards

  • expanding

2, the Vue. Js

Version span: V1.0.14 (2016.1.12) — V2.1.6 (2016.12.14)

Number of releases: 70

Brief introduction:

Vue.js is a JavaScript library for building Web interfaces, providing data-driven components, and a simple and flexible API to make MVVM simpler.

Main features:

  • Extensible data binding

  • Use ordinary JS objects as models

  • A clean API

  • Componentized UI building

  • Cooperate with other libraries

3, Docker

Version span: V1.10.0RC1 (2016.1.16) — V1.12.5rC1 (2016.12.15)

Version Number of releases: 53

Brief introduction:

Docker is an open source application container engine that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container and then distribute them to any popular Linux machine, as well as virtualization.

Containers are completely sandboxed and have no interface to each other (like iPhone apps). It has almost no performance overhead and can easily run on machines and data centers. Most importantly, they don’t rely on any language, framework, or packaging system.


Modules beta3 (2016.1.9) — 1.4.3 beta1 (2016.12.6)

Version Number of releases: 169

Brief introduction:

Meteor is a new set of technologies for building high quality Web applications, offering off-the-shelf packages that can be run directly in a browser or cloud platform.

You no longer have to build server environments, deploy apis in the cloud, manage databases, wrestle with ORM layers, switch between JavaScript and Ruby, or deal with “broadcasting data failures to clients”.

5, Node. Js

Version span: V5.4.0 (2016.1.7) — V7.2.1 (2016.12.7)

Number of releases: 74

Brief introduction:

Node.js is a Javascript runtime environment. It’s essentially a encapsulation of the Google V8 engine. The V8 engine executes Javascript very fast and performs very well. Node.js optimizes some special use cases and provides alternative apis to make V8 work better in non-browser environments.

Main features:

  • RESTful API
  • Single thread
  • Non-blocking IO
  • V8 virtual machine
  • event-driven

6, Discourse

Version span: V1.5.0 beta8 (2016.1.9) — V1.7.0 beta10 (2016.12.15)

Number of releases: 50

Brief introduction:

Discourse is a new open source forum project by Jeff Atwood, co-founder of Stack Overflow, with the aim of transforming forum software that has not changed for a decade. It abandons the topic discussion form of traditional forum, has self-learning system, full Web application is suitable for both desktop and mobile terminal. Developed based on Ruby on Rails and ember.js, the database uses PostgreSQL and Redis.

7, Kubernetes

Version span: V1.1.4 (2016.1.9) — V1.5.2 beta0 (2016.12.14)

Version Number of releases: 111

Brief introduction:

Kubernetes is an open source container cluster management system from Google Cloud Platform. Build a container scheduling service based on Docker. The system can automatically select a working container from a container cluster for use. The core concept is the Container Pod.

Main features:

8 the Babel.

Version span: V6.4.0 (2016.1.7) — V6.20.3 (2016.12.8)

Number of releases: 63

Brief introduction:

Babel is the compiler that writes the next generation of JavaScript.

Main features:

  • ES2015 and beyond. Babel uses a set of ES2015 syntax converters by default, allowing you to use new syntax without waiting for browser support.
  • JSX and React. Built-in Babel support for JSX, combined with the Babel-sublime package, takes syntax highlighting to the next level.
  • Pluggable. Babel supports user plug-ins. Allows you to insert powerful Babel transformation layers.

9, presents/AngularJS

Version span: V1.5.0rC1 (2016.1.16) — V4.0.0 beta0 (2016.12.15)

Version number of releases: 73 (Angular 48, AngularJS 25)

Brief introduction:

Angular is a popular and useful Web front-end framework currently maintained by Google. Since Angular 2 is officially maintained separately from its predecessor, Angular.js (both have different GitHub addresses and project home pages), the data is also counted separately.

Main features:

  • cross-platform
  • Code generation, code splitting

  • Angular command line tools

  • All kinds of IDE

  • Rich template

10 and Ember. Js

Version span: V2.2.1 (2016.1.15) — V2.11.0 beta4 (2016.12.14)

Number of releases: 73

Brief introduction:

Ember.js is a Javascript framework that dramatically reduces the time, effort, and resources required to build any Web application. It focuses on making developers as productive as possible by performing all the common, repetitive, but essential tasks involved in most Web development projects.

Ember.js also provides top-level access to Javascript, HTML, and browsers, providing everything you need to create the next killer web application.


Version span: 5.5.0 (2016.1.8) — 5.14.1 (2016.12.6)

Number of releases: 50

Brief introduction:

Video.js is an open source Html5 jquery Video plug-in, which can be used to process Flash videos. It is also a multi-platform supported product.

Moreover, videos from YouTube, Vimeo and so on can be played very well through this plugin. The plugin also supports desktop applications and other handheld devices.

12, Syncthing

Version span: V0.12.11 (2016.1.3) — V0.14.14 (2016.12.14)

Number of releases: 51

Brief introduction:

Syncthing is a private and secure synchronization tool for synchronizing files/folders between computers with the following objectives:

  • Define a file library synchronization protocol between a specified number of nodes. Protocols should be well defined, unambiguous, easy to understand, free to use, efficient and secure.
  • Provides a reference implementation example of protocol availability. This is asyncthingThe utility. It is expected to be an alternative and compatible protocol implementation.

13, Black Screen

Version span: V0.0.1 (2016.1.21) — V0.2.105 (2016.12.12)

Number of releases: 195

Brief introduction:

Black Screen is a modern terminal emulator (and shell) based on Electron that, unlike other terminal emulators, uses today’s user interface.

14, Symfony

Version span: V2.3.37 (2016.1.14) — V3.2.1 (2016.12.13)

Version Number of releases: 59

Brief introduction:

Symfony is an open source PHP Web framework. Based on best Web development practices, several Web sites have fully adopted this framework to speed up the creation and maintenance of Web applications.

Main features:

  • Cache management
  • Custom URLs
  • Set up some basic modules
  • Multilingual with I18N support
  • Adopt object model to separate MVC
  • Ajax support
  • Suitable for enterprise application development.

15, NPM

Version span: V3.6.0 (2016.1.22) — V4.0.5 (2016.12.2)

Version Number of releases: 59

Brief introduction:

NPM is a javascript package manager. Find, share, and reuse code packages from thousands of developers – and combine them in powerful new ways.

16, TextMate

Version span: 2.0 Beta 8.6 (2016.2.8) — 2.0 RC7 (2016.12.5)

Version Number of releases: 57

Brief introduction:

TextMate is a popular text editor for the Mac, along with BBEdit, known as Emacs and Vim on the Mac. Especially suitable for programmers to use, can customize many intimate use of the function.

TextMate Bundles are one of the highlights of TextMate, which can effectively speed up development.

17, the Mongoose

Version span: 3.8.38 (2016.1.8) — 4.7.2 (2016.12.8)

Number of releases: 50

Brief introduction:

Mongoose is a software package that is based on NodeJS and uses javascript programming to connect to mongodb database, so that the document data model of mongodb becomes elegant and convenient for connection, addition, deletion, modification and checking of mongodb document database and other conventional data operations.

18, PHP,

Version span: 7.0.2/5.5.31 (2016.1.6) — 7.1 (2016.12.1) / 5.6.29 (2016.12.8)

Version Number of releases: 71

Brief introduction:

PHP is a general open source scripting language, which absorbs the characteristics of C language, Java and Perl. It is easy to learn and widely used, and is mainly suitable for Web development. PHP’s unique syntax is a mix of C, Java, Perl, and PHP’s own syntax. It can execute dynamic web pages faster than CGI or Perl.

19 and mongo

Version span: R3.2.1 RC3 (2016.1.6) — R3.4.1 RC0 (2016.12.15)

Number of releases: 69

Brief introduction:

MongoDB is a product between relational database and non-relational database. Among non-relational databases, it has the most rich functions and is the most similar to relational database. It can store complex data types.

The biggest feature of Mongo is that the query language it supports is very powerful. Its syntax is somewhat similar to object-oriented query language. It can almost achieve most functions similar to single table query of relational database, and it also supports data indexing.


20, GitLab

Version span: V8.3.3 (2016.1.12) — V8.15.0rC1 (2016.12.9)

Number of releases: 211

Brief introduction:

GitLab is an open source application developed using Ruby on Rails to implement a self-hosted Repository of Git projects that can be accessed via a Web interface to both public and private projects.

It has similar functionality to Github, with the ability to browse source code and manage defects and comments. Manages team access to the repository, makes it easy to browse committed versions and provides a file history library. It also provides a snippet collection feature that makes it easy to reuse code for later lookup when needed.

21, the Linux Kernel

Version span: V4.4RC8 (2016.1.4)/V3.10.95 (2016.1.24) — V4.9 (2016.12.12)

Number of releases: 135

Brief introduction:

Linux is the most popular kernel for free computer operating systems. It is a UNIx-like operating system written in C and conforming to POSIX standards.

Linux is technically a kernel. “Kernel” refers to a system software that provides a hardware abstraction layer, disk and file system control, multitasking, and so on. A kernel is not a complete operating system. A complete operating system based on the Linux kernel is called the Linux operating system, or GNU/Linux.