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The TCP three-way handshake is a must for the interview, so it is not only necessary to master the whole TCP handshake process, but also some small details are more favored by the interviewer.
For this part of mastery and TCP’s four waves, the deer will be animated for everyone, making complex knowledge much simpler and easier to understand, especially for beginners.
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What is TCP?
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented, reliable, byte stream – based transport layer communication Protocol.
We have seen the definition of TCP above. In popular terms, TCP is a standard standard (protocol) for communication between two parties.
Before we learn TCP handshake, you must first understand TCP packet head some marking information, because in the process of TCP handshake, will use these message information, if do not have this information, in the process of learning to shake hands, the whole person in meng force state, is also to be able to further the principle of TCP three-way handshake.
TCP header packets
2.1 source port
和 distination port
The source port number and destination port number are respectively. The source port is a local port, and the destination port is a remote port.
After a packet (pocket) is decapsulated into a segment, the problem of the port connecting the upper layer protocol will be involved.
In this way, we can imagine that the sender has many Windows, and the receiver also has many Windows. These Windows are marked with different port numbers. The source port number and destination port number respectively represent the window from which the specified serial port is sent to the receiver. Different levels of application have different ports, as mentioned in the previous article on network layering.
Extension: The port number of the application program and the IP address of the host where the application program resides are collectively called sockets. IP: The port number, which uniquely identifies each application program on the Internet. The source port + source IP+ destination port + destination IP is called a socket pair. A connection between a client and a server.
2.2 Sequence Numbe
This is called the serial number. The number of each byte of the byte stream in a certain transmission direction during TCP communication to ensure the order of data communication and avoid out-of-order problems on the network. According to this number, the receiving end confirms that the segmented data segment is in the position of the original packet.
PS: The initial sequence number is determined by itself, and the sequence number of the subsequent thread is determined by the ACK of the peer end: SN_x = ACK_y (the sequence number of X = the ACK sent by Y to X), which will be described later.
2.3 Acknowledgment Numbe
It is called “confirmation serial number”. The acknowledgement sequence number is the next sequence number that the receiving acknowledgement expects to receive. The acknowledgement sequence number should be the sequence number of the last successfully received data byte plus 1. This field is valid only when the ACK flag in the flag bit is 1. Mainly used to solve the problem of packet loss.
If the confirmation number is N, it indicates that all data up to serial number N-1 has been correctly received.
Here, now we only need to know what its role is, is in the data transmission is a section, are identified by the serial number, so that each receiving end receives a section, after the next section of the serial number is called “confirmation sequence number”.
2.4 TCP Flag
There are six flag bits in the TCP header, many of which can be set to 1 at the same time. They are mainly used to control the TCP state machine: URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN.
It is not required for beginners to master them all, but there are only three important flags:
Against 2.4.1ACK
This identifier can be understood as the sender sends data to the receiver, and ACK is 0 when it is sent, indicating that the receiver has not responded yet. Once the receiver receives data, ACK is set to 1. After receiving data, the sender knows that the receiver has received data.
This flag indicates that the reply field is valid. That is, the TCP reply number mentioned above will be included in the TCP packet. There are two values: 0 and 1. If the value is 1, the response field is valid; otherwise, it is 0.
2.4.2 SYN
It is the first packet sent in the TCP handshake.
Used to establish TCP connections. The SYN flag bit is used with the ACK flag bit. When a connection request is made, the SYN=1, ACK=0 is used with the ACK flag bit. Packets with this flag are often used for port scanning. The scanner sends a packet containing only SYN, and if the host responds with a packet, it indicates that the host has the port. Watch the animation below:
2.4.3 FIN
Indicates that the sender reaches the end of data transmission, that is, no data can be transmitted. After the TCP packet with the FIN flag is sent, the connection is disconnected. Packets with this flag are also often used for port scanning.
This is very easy to understand, that is to say, the sender only has the last piece of data, and at the same time to tell the receiver that there is no data to accept behind it, so use FIN to identify it, the receiver sees the FIN, oh! This is the last data to be accepted and then closed. The animation is as follows:
2.5 Window size
It’s called sliding window size. The sliding window is used for flow control.
3. Why the TCP three-way handshake?
If you are not familiar with network layering before, I recommend reading this article.
Do you really understand network layer protocol?
First, to confirm whether the receiving and sending capabilities of both parties are normal. Second, specify your own initialization sequence number in preparation for reliable delivery later. Third, if HTTPS protocol is used, the three-way handshake process will also carry out the verification of digital certificate and the generation of encryption key to.
If you know anything about UDP, the advent of TCP officially compensates for the unreliable transport of UDP. However, the birth of TCP inevitably increased the complexity of the connection.
4. TCP three-way handshake?
The most important two points to master the TCP three-way handshake are the state changes of the client and server. The other is the change of the flag information during the three-way handshake. Then it is much easier to master the TCP three-way handshake. Let’s break down the three-way handshake in animation.
- The initial state: The client is in the state
Closed (close)
Status: The server is inListen (listen)
- First handshake: Indicates that the client sends a request packet
SYN = j (1)
Initialize the sequence number and send it to the clientSYN_Send
- Second handshake: The server receives
After the request message, if the connection is agreed, will use its ownSYN(server) = K (0)
andAck (1) = SYN(client) + 1(ACK = 1)
The server uses the packet as the replySYN_Receive
- Third handshake: The client receives the packet from the server
And then sendAck = SYN(server) + 1(ACK = 1)
The acknowledgement packet is a reply, and the client is convertedestablished
5. Why not a handshake or two?
This prevents the server from wasting resources by waiting.
An error occurs in case an invalid connection request segment is suddenly sent to the server. If the client sends a delayed handshake message to the server, the server responds, thinking that the client wants to establish a connection with the server. At this point, the client does not want to establish a connection, but the server thinks that the new transport connection has been established, and waits for the data from the client. As a result, many of the server’s resources are wasted.
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【 author 】 : Deer
[Original public account] Deer animation learning programming
[Introduction] : I learned programming from the ground up with Lu through animation, and presented the Web front-end field, data structure and algorithm, network principle and other easy-to-understand to my friends. Public reply “information” to send a from zero self-study information package!
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