There are no versions

Why not?

Let’s start with the semantic version, SEMVER.

Semantic versioning does what its name suggests, giving meaning to each addition of a version number. This allows developers to quickly understand the changes to the upgrade and makes it easier and safer for third-party tools such as NPM to operate.

A semantic version consists of three numbers:

The major version number Second version number Revision number
Disruptive change Function added without destructive change Bug fixes, no destructive changes

The rule for increasing the version number is as follows:

  1. Major version number: When you make incompatible API changes,

  2. Minor version number: When you make a backward-compatible feature addition,

  3. Revision number: When you make a backward compatible problem fix.

The prior version number and version build information can be added to the major version number. Second version number. Revision number “is followed as an extension.

See this link for detailed documentation of SEMVER

Why is there no Angular 3 version

After Angular2, we started using semver’s semantic version and did a version alignment

Core presents inventory in a single lot repository, located in All of these are versioned in the same way, but distributed as different NPM packages:

The package name version
@angular/core v2.3.0
@angular/compiler v2.3.0
@angular/compiler-cli v2.3.0
@angular/http v2.3.0
@angular/router v3.3.0

You can see that the @angular/ Router version is currently unaligned. This misalignment of the Router package versions has caused some confusion. The Angular team decided to go straight to Angular V4. This way, all core packages are aligned, which is easier to maintain and helps avoid future clutter.

Why is the router at v3.x.x? This is the official announcement when the Angular team released the Router V3.

In addition, it’s important to understand how Angular is used and integrated in Google (Igor talks about this in his keynote here). All Google apps use Angular versions equal to the main branch of the current Angular repository on GitHub. Every time a new submission arrives at Master, it will be integrated into Google’s separate and massive Mono-Repo, which also has other products like Maps, Adsense, etc. Therefore, all project suites that use Angular inside Google will run their extensive tests against this new release. This gave the team the confidence to tailor a new version that would contain a fully assembled version of Angular packages already tested in Google. Thus, versions with alignment make perfect sense and are easier to maintain over time, which in turn helps teams be more productive in releasing new features.

Tentative release schedule

The Angular team’s time-based release strategy takes place in three cycles:

  • Patches are released weekly.

  • Release 3 times a month after major release.

  • The main version, replaced every 6 months, is easy to migrate.

Other versions:

  • Angular 2.0 content
  • Angular version 3.0?
  • Anguar version 4.0 brings those updates
  • Updated content in Angular 5.0