• Android development in the androidmanifest. XML configuration root node <manifest> configuration details
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  • The <manifest> subtag configuration of androidmanifest.xml in Android development
  • Android manifest.xml configuration <activity> tag configuration details
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  • Androidmanifest.xml configuration for implicit Intent tags
  • Android development in the Androidmanifest. XML configuration of service, receiver tag configuration details

This article focuses on sharing the configuration of the Activity node. If there are any mistakes, please correct them. More Android technology sharing can pay attention to my Android technology circle, you can also join the QQ group number :690347536, exchange and learn Android development skills.

1. Android :allowEmbedded Indicates whether this Activity can be started as an embedded child of another Activity.

2. The android: allowTaskReparenting like attributes with the same role in the Application, please see the label before rounding to share.

3. The android: alwaysRetainTaskState system is always maintain the status of Activity in the task.

4. The android: autoRemoveFromRecents is not retained in the recent open application list.

Typically used in AndroidTV, it provides a default banner for a particular Activity.

6. The android: clearTaskOnLaunch every time from the main screen start this application, whether to clear all the Activity of root Activity.

7. Android :colorMode Requests the Activity to be displayed in wide-gamut mode on compatible devices.

8. Android :configChanges Closes the Activity and restarts it by default when a configuration change occurs at runtime, but declaring the configuration using this property prevents the Activity from restarting. Instead, the Activity remains running. And the system calls its onConfigurationChanged() callback method. Density: Display density change (API>=24). FontScale: Font scaling factor changed. Keyboard: The keyboard type is changed. KeyboardHidden: The keyboard accessibility is changed. LayoutDirection: the layoutDirection is changed. Locale: The language area changes. MCC :IMSI Mobile Device Country/Area code (MCC) has been changed. MNC: THE IMSI Mobile Device Network code (MNC) has been changed. Orientation: The screen orientation changes. ScreenLayout: the screenLayout has changed (API>=13). SmallestScreenSize: The physical screen size is changed. Touchscreen: the touchscreen is changed. UiMode: Interface mode has changed, such as night mode (API>=8). \

9. Android :directBootAware Activity supports world startup when the user is unlocked.

10. The android: documentLaunchMode specified every time start the task, how to add new Activity instance.

11. Whether the Android: Enabled Activity can be instantiated.

12. The android: whether excludeFromRecents should begin from the most recently used application list, eliminate the Activity start the task.

13. The exported element sets whether an Activity can be started by a component of another application.

14. Android: finishOnTaskLaunch every time the application starts, whether the Activity is done.

15. The android: hardwareAccelerated whether to start the hardware acceleration.

16. Android: Icon Activity icon.

17. Android: Immersive Activity

18. The labels displayed in android: Label Activity are mainly displayed in the Actionbar or ToolBar.

19. Android :launchMode Starts Activity mode. Standard: By default, the system clock creates a new Activity instance in the target task and delivers an Intent to it. SingleTop: If an Activity instance already exists at the top of the target stack, onNewIntent() is called; otherwise, a new instance is created and placed at the top of the stack. SingleTask: If an instance of an Activity exists in the target stack, the system clears other activities on that instance and calls onNewIntent() for that instance, otherwise a new instance is created and placed in the target stack. SingleInstance: Same as singleTask, but the system does not launch any other Activity into the stack containing this instance, which is always the only Activity in its stack.

20. Android :lockTaskMode Determines how the system displays the Activity when the device is running in locked task mode.

21. Android :maxRecents Specifies the maximum number of recent tasks in the Activity list that are at the root of the Activity.

22. Android :maxAspectRatio Activity Maximum aspect ratio supported.

23. Android: MultiProcess can be instantiated to other processes.

24. Android: Name Activity full class name.

25. Android :noHistory When the user leaves the Activity and the Activity is no longer displayed on the screen, whether to remove it from the Activity stack and call the Finish () method.

26. The android: parentActivityName Activity logic parent class name.

27. Android :persistableMode defines how an Activity instance is preserved in a containment task when the device restarts. PersistRootOnly: The default value, which preserves the Activity task when the system restarts, but only uses the Intent that the root Activity starts. (This value will affect the behavior of the application only if it is set on the root Activity of the application.) PersistAcrossReboots: The system will retain the state of this Activity and the state of the Activity in the stack on top of it that also has this property value set. PersistNever: The system does not persist the state of Activity.

Permission required to start the Activity.

Android: Process Activity Specifies the name of the running process.

30. The android: relinquishTaskIdentity Activity will its task identifier to task on its Activity in the stack.

31. Whether resizeableActivity supports multiple Windows.

32. The android: screenOrientation Activity shows the direction of the. Unspecified: The default value, which is determined by the system. Behind: The same direction as the Activity immediately following in the Activity stack. Landscape: horizontal. Portrait: the longitudinal. Reverselscape: Landscape as opposed to normal landscape. ReversePortrait: Portrait in reverse of the normal portrait. SenserLandscape: landscape, but can be adjusted to normal or reverse landscape according to the equipment sensor. SenserPortrait: Portrait, but can be adjusted to normal or reverse according to the device sensor. UserLandscape: Landscape, but normal or reverse landscape can be adjusted according to sensors and user preferences. UserPortrait: Portrait, but normal or reverse portrait can be adjusted based on sensor and user preferences. Senser: Direction is determined by device sensors. Fullsenser: determined by using the device orientation sensor in any of the four directions. Nosenser: Has nothing to do with the physical direction sensor. User: indicates the current preferred direction of the user. FullUser: If the user locks sensor-based rotation, it behaves the same as user, otherwise it behaves the same as fullSenser. Locked: The screen is locked in any rotation direction. (API>=18)

33. Android :showForAllUsers Specifies whether to display the Activity when the current user of the device is not the user who started the Activity.

34. Android :stateNotNeeded Can stop and restart an Activity without saving its state.

35. SupportsPictureInPicture Whether picture in picture is supported.

36. Android :taskAffinity Activity stack name.

37. Android: Theme Activity

Android :uiOptions Additional options for ActivityUI. None: default value, no interface option. SplitActionBarWhenNarrow: when horizontal space is restricted, at the bottom of the screen to add a column, to display the action items in the application bar.

39. The android: windowSoftInputMode Activity of the interaction between the main window and contains a soft keyboard window way. StateUnspecified: The system does not specify the state of the soft keyboard, but selects the appropriate state or relies on Settings in the theme. The default value for the soft keyboard is unspecified. StateUnchanged: Left the last state of the soft keyboard when the Activity came to the foreground. StateHidden: Hides the soft keyboard when the user selects Activity. StateAlwaysHidden: Always hide the soft keyboard when the Activity’s main window has an input focus. StateVisible: Displays the soft keyboard under normal conditions. StateAlwaysVisible: Displays the soft keyboard when the user selects Activity. AdjustUnspecified: It does not specify whether the main window of the Activity has been resized to make room for the soft keyboard, or whether it has been panning the window contents to show the current focus on the screen. This is the default setting for the behavior of the main window. AdjustResize: Always adjust the Activity main window size to make room for the soft keyboard. AdjustPan: I don’t adjust the size of the Activity main window to make space for the adjustPan, but the window can automatically adjust, so that the soft keyboard can not block the focus of the current adjustPan, so that users can always see what they input.

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