Nine feet of Taiwan, began with micro, knowledge is also by little by little accumulation from today, slowly put their own learning a little bit of knowledge summed up regularly updated, strive for two a week…

Recently added (6.23)

  • Recent articles are on the Nuggets homepage
    • Jetpack–Lifecycle usage introduction and source code analysis
    • What the hell is Https? (Https encryption process full resolution)
    • Why do networks need to be layered? (TCP/IP protocol family)
    • Android or front-end development — Cookie, Authorization
    • Encoding and encryption
    • The principle and working mechanism of HTTP
    • Retrofit’s design philosophy (look for the first time reading source code)

Directories (using Ctrl+F)

Note: The link is not yet written (wait patiently for updates)

  • Give me something nice first

    • What sites would a serious programmer treasure? (Out of my heart)
  • Java based

    • Collection:

      • Hashmapjdk1.7/1.8 source code comparison Analysis
    • JVM

      • Jvm memory model
      • GC
      • Class loading process
    • Concurrent programming

      • thread
      • The lock
      • ThreadLocal
      • atomic
      • visibility
      • order
    • Design patterns

      • Design mode – Proxy Proxy
  • Network programming

    • OSI five layer model
      • Why do networks need to be layered? (TCP/IP protocol family)
      • OSI five Layer Model (Open System Interconnect Communication Reference Model)
      • Build an Internet from 0 (physical layer – Data link layer – Network layer)
    • TCP Connection Procedure
      • Tcp connection (three-way handshake), transmission, and disconnection (four-way wave) process verification
    • Http and Https
      • What the hell is Https? (Https encryption process full resolution)
      • The principle and working mechanism of HTTP
  • Encoding and encryption

    • Encoding and encryption
  • Android

    • Login authorization
      • Android or front-end development — Cookie, Authorization
    • retrofit
      • Retrofit’s design philosophy (look for the first time reading source code)
    • OKHttp
      • 5. Look at HTTP from OkHttp source code
    • handler
      • Handle mechanism (Schematic)
    • Binder mechanism
      • Binder Mechanism (Schematic)
    • animation
    • Dispatching events
      • Android Event Distribution
    • The custom view
    • Common Android Architectures
      • MVC, MVP, MVVM
    • Android startup process
      • Android startup process
      • Android Startup Process (Diagram)
    • Scheduling function of system services
    • The essence of four components
    • Jetpack
      • Jetpack–Lifecycle usage introduction and source code analysis
    • extension
      • Kotlin
      • Flutter
      • Compose
  • System programming

  • algorithm

    • The sorting
    • Graph algorithm
  • The data structure

    • Red and black tree
      • Red and black tree

Slowly add…