Good article

  • Code that Android developers have to collect (in constant update)

  • Android Open Source project recommended “Network request which strong”

  • A five-year Android developer baidu, Ali, Jumei, Inke interview heart

  • Android develops solutions to all kinds of common errors

  • Create the strongest RecyclerView Item side slide menu long press drag Item slide delete Item

Excellent Open Source Projects

It is probably the closest image compression algorithm to wechat circle of friends

Amazing Material Login effect

Do you remember playing black and white handheld games when you were a kid?

You can play it like this!

Make your native android Toasts Tasty

An ExpandableRecycleradapter with Recyclerview

An interesting drop-down refresh

The big event

This week’s biggest event than once every four years, 2016 Brazil Rio official start of the Olympic Games, finally have to stay up late reason again, as the saying goes: love sports programmers are not good jokes, see the Olympic is not just to see which country won the most MEDALS, there is also a witness human limit, let’s cheer for the Chinese athletes, cheer for the Olympic Games!

This article was originally published in wechat public number “Googdev”, reproduced please be sure to indicate the source!