Android4.4 does not support the video TAB

Technical aspects

1. RN); Webview component nested H5 project; 2. System version android4.4;Copy the code

The problem

1. No sound is displayed in the video area; The progress bar is running; Full screen display. Can display. 2. The video is not displayed. No sound. Unable to load.Copy the code

The solution

1. Upgrade the Android System WebView; The latest; Stop the existing component; Or unloading. My mobile phone Opop R9; Leeco Crown Princess 1S; Samsung Galaxy; You can install this component. 2. Video coding; Adopt uniform H.264 coding MP4; Tools such as format factories. 3. Upgrade the system player; Or unload; Install the new player as the default player. 4. Set the CSS property of the VIDEO label to Position: Absolute. top:0px; left:0ox; Make it fake full screen. Take it out of the document flow; Let the video playback from the browser to the Android system built-in player management.Copy the code