Writing in the front
There are plenty of articles on the web about how Android unit tests are configured, and I won’t repeat them here.
But unit testing is more than just configuration. How to actually test some real points is the focus of this document.
How do I check if an Activity starts another Activity with startActivity
// Robolectric version is currently used: 4.2
ShadowActivity shadowActivity = Shadows.shadowOf(activity);
/ /.. Perform startForActivity..
Intent intent = shadowActivity.peekNextStartedActivityForResult().intent;
assertEquals(intent.getComponent().getClassName(), NextActivity.class.getName());
// Further tests can be performed on data in the intent, which is skipped here
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How do YOU simulate the Activity lifecycle
// Launch, the default is create -> start -> resume, and the RESUMED is RESUMED
They are DESTROYED if you finish the launch in onCreate
try(ActivityScenario<YourActivity> scenario = ActivityScenario.launch(YourActivity.class)) { scenario.onActivity(activity - > {/ / pause execution
/ / stop execution
/ / perform to destroy
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How to pass parameters to an Intent when launching an Activity
Intent launchIntent = new Intent(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), YourActivity.class);
try (ActivityScenario<YourActivity> scenario = ActivityScenario.launch(launchIntent)) {
scenario.onActivity(activity -> {
// blablabla
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How to mock a static method using Mockito
Mockito after 3.5.0, it was possible to mock static methods by relying on mockito-inline
Javadoc. IO/doc/org. Moc…
try (MockedStatic<YourClass> mockYourClassStatic = Mockito.mockStatic(YourClass.class)) {
mockYourClassStatic.when(() -> YourClass.staticMethod()).thenReturn("mockResult");
// This can also be verified
mockYourClassStatic.verify(() -> YourClass.staticMethod2());
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Note that this scope is limited to the current thread only
How do I replace a singleton with a mock or spy
Typically, we’ll replace the singleton with a mock object so that it can return the desired value later in the program
Alternatively, we’ll replace it with a Spy object, which can be used for Verify or partial mocks
Mock getInstance (spy); // Mock getInstance (spy)
YourClass yourClass = YourClass.getIntance();
YourClass spyYourClass = Mockito.spy(yourClass);
MockedStatic<YourClass> mockStaticYourClass = Mockito.mockStatic(YourClass.class);
mockStaticYourClass.when(() -> YourClass.getIntance()).thenReturn(spyYourClass);
// To return a mock, just return the mock object in thenReturn
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How do I delay unit tests
There is a case, there is a button on the click event happens, did shake the processing, the way he used is called SystemClock. ElapsedRealtime () to get the time, and last time to exceed the threshold can point.
Therefore, in this case, when the interface starts up, there is actually a very short time, and the button cannot be clicked, but the user cannot touch this situation.
UnitTest can be timed using Robolectric, using the following code
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How to make RxJava asynchronous to synchronous
Here we use RxJava 1, EMMM
RxJavaPlugins.getInstance().registerSchedulersHook(new RxJavaSchedulersHook() {
public Scheduler getIOScheduler(a) {
returnSchedulers.trampoline(); }}); RxAndroidPlugins.getInstance().registerSchedulersHook(new RxAndroidSchedulersHook() {
public Scheduler getMainThreadScheduler(a) {
returnSchedulers.immediate(); }});Copy the code
How do I get arguments passed in using Mockito mock methods
when(yourMock.func(any(), any())).then(new Answer<Object>() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
int arg1 = invocation.getArgument(0);
String arg2 = invocation.getArgument(1);
return null; }});Copy the code
How to mock a method that returns void using Mockito
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(To be continued)