Learning Android so far, there are many pits, big and small. Fortunately, with the help of the powerful search engine and selfless people, all pits I have encountered have been successfully filled.

In order to avoid the trouble of searching again when I encounter the same problem in the future, I formed the habit of bookmarking, and as the bookmarks (Tips) accumulated over time, I thought it was time for this project.

If you’re new to Android, I hope this list serves as an incomplete manual for when you step into a pit.

Of course, this list is bound to have omissions, if unfortunately, there is no pit you stepped on, or you have a better tip on a problem, welcome to share, let us maintain the project together! You can use Commit or Pull requests, but also Star and Fork

As the target group of this project is beginners, the list of knowledge points is mainly primary, and most of the resources are in Chinese. If you cannot access a few of them, please bring your own ladder.



  1. Android ADB common commands
  2. Android development debugging tool ADB use
  3. Installing ADB on Windows 7
  4. Adb Connection Error: The remote host forced an existing connection to close
  5. Android uses Wifi to debug your apps


  1. Simple universal SimpleBaseAdapter for Android
  2. Android Data Adapter optimization: Use efficient ViewHolder
  3. Android Rapid Development series to build a versatile ListView GridView adapter


  1. Android interprocess communication: Use AIDL
  2. Android AIDL usage details
  3. Android Interprocess Communication (IPC): Use AIDL
  4. Implementation of cross-process communication in Android (a) — Remote call procedure and AIDL
  5. How to configure AIDL files in Android Studio


  1. Android-async-http in the Quick Android Development Web series
  2. Android – Async – HTTP framework library use basis


  1. AQuery Image Loading
  2. Android-query framework for Android development (1)


  1. Android AsyncTask complete parsing, take you from the source point of view of a thorough understanding
  2. Simple usage of AsyncTask in Android
  3. Android developer: Can you really use AsyncTask?



  1. The image processing
  2. Android custom layout to load images bitmapFactory. options details
  3. Android Learning Notes Advanced 16 BitmapShader
  4. Android optimizes bitmaps to avoid OutofMemoryErrors
  5. Android loads images asynchronously, using LruCache and SD card or phone cache, and the results are very smooth


  1. 【Android】BroadCast BroadCast mechanism application and examples
  2. Playing with Android — Components — Broadcast Receiver
  3. [Android] Dynamically register broadcast receivers



  1. How to Define Callbacks in Android?
  2. A classic example will give you a thorough understanding of the Java callback mechanism
  3. Java Design patterns – callback functions and observer patterns


  1. Android5.0 new control CardView introduction and use
  2. Android CardView Example
  3. Android CardView Widget – Add Cards to a List using RecyclerView


  1. How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android?

Configuration Change

  1. Android Configuration change causes problems and solutions
  2. Handling Runtime Changes


  1. Android learning — Context and getApplicationContext()
  2. Android Context details — Context you don’t know


  1. CoordinatorLayout and scroll processing
  2. Handling Scrolls with CoordinatorLayout



  1. Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog
  2. Java server side support breakpoint continuation source code [support express, Thunder]
  3. Java multithreaded breakpoint download file
  4. Android Background Service Download (1)
  5. Android Network programming – Breakpoint continuation download files
  6. Android multithreading resumable download a



  1. How to use EventBus (1) — Use EventBus initially
  2. EventBus in the Quick Android Development series


Pieces of fragments –

  1. Android Fragment fully parses, everything you need to know about fragments
  2. Android Fragment Everything you need to know
  3. Fragment (2) — Fragment lifecycle and return stack
  4. Android (9) – Fragment Life cycle and Rollback stack
  5. Fragment notes
  6. Android Combat Tips: Fragments of those pits
  7. Android Fragments: Manage Fragments
  8. Use Nested Android Fragments



  1. Glide is a dedicated image loading and caching library for smooth scrolling
  2. Google recommended picture loading library Glide introduction


  1. Build your Android applications with Gradle
  2. Android Studio tutorial 4 — Gradle Basics
  3. Build Android projects using Gradle
  4. Use Gradle to manage your Android Studio projects
  5. Flexible and powerful build system Gradle
  6. Gradle Android Could not find method testPackage()
  7. Android Studio 1.0 Gradle Error with getConfiguration()


  1. ORM framework greenDAO use experience
  2. SQLite database framework ORMLite and GreenDao simple comparison
  3. Introduce GreenDAO in Android Studio


  1. The GridView of Android
  2. Use Volley to get the GridView to load network images



  1. [Android] ImageView.ScaleType

Immersive Full-Screen Mode

  1. Using Immersive Full-Screen Mode
  2. Full-screen immersive apps


  1. Intents and Intent Filters(1)
  2. Android can also be Serializable,Parcelable, and Serializable.
  3. Intentfilter: IntentFilter: IntentFilter: IntentFilter: IntentFilter: IntentFilter: IntEntFilter
  4. startActivityForResult
  5. Android Development Notes — Class objects are passed through intEnts



  1. Android Series – JSON data parsing
  2. Android JSON parsing and simple examples
  3. Android open source library – Gson is Google’s official JSON parsing library



  1. Android App Component ListFragment – description and examples
  2. Android uses ListFragment to display lists


  1. The Activity responds to the button click event inside the ListView



  1. Java using MessageDigest to get string or file MD5 details
  2. Class MessageDigest

Material Design

  1. Google Material Design: Everything You Need to Know
  2. An exploration in Material Design
  3. Thank you Google god for passing on my 30 years of animation design expertise
  4. Codelab for Android Design Support Library used in I/O Rewind Bangkok session


  1. Android – Notifications notes
  2. Simple use of Notification for Android learning



  1. Android Rapid Development series ORMLite framework best practices
  2. ORMLite for Android ORM framework



  1. Android Parcelable interface usage


  1. Android to obtain the application (package) information – PackageManager use (a)
  2. [Android] Obtain the apK file information (PackageInfo, ResolveInfo)(app image, app name, package name, etc.)
  3. Android gets installed app information (icon, name, version number, package)
  4. How to install apK in Assets file on Android


  1. Extracting Colors to a Palette with Android Lollipop
  2. New feature for Android Lollipop – Palette


  1. PreferenceActivity (Preference Settings page)
  2. Android Settings interface and Preference use


  1. Official Picasso website and Javadoc
  2. Android image download cache Picasso parse



  1. Java reference StrongReference, SoftReference, WeakReference, and PhantomReference
  2. Java 7 basics – Strong, weak, soft, virtual references


  1. RecyclerView Use details (a)
  2. Android RecyclerView uses fully analytic experience art like controls
  3. A Guide to Android RecyclerView and CardView
  4. Android-RecyclerView-Item Click event Settings
  5. Why doesn’t RecyclerView have onItemClickListener()? And how RecyclerView is different from Listview?


  1. Java RandomAccessFile usage



  1. The difference between Parcelable and Serializable in Android
  2. Android: Difference between Parcelable and Serializable?


  1. Everything you need to know about the Android Service
  2. Understanding and use of ExecutorService
  3. Android Basics: Use of IntentService


  1. Android SharedPreferences
  2. Google OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener why such design


  1. Android application performance optimization using SparseArray instead of HashMap
  2. Android SparseArray
  3. Android performance optimization uses SparseArray instead of HashMap


  1. Android SQLite application details
  2. ANDROID development SQLite details
  3. Use an embedded relational SQLite database to store data

Support Library

  1. Android Support package details


  1. Android SwipeRefreshLayout



  1. Remove underline from links in TextView


  1. How ThreadPoolExecutor works
  2. ThreadPoolExecutor uses and thinks (top)- The thread pool size setting differs from the three implementations of BlockingQueue
  3. Java concurrent programming: Callable, Future, and FutureTask
  4. Java 7 multi-threaded thread pool – Callable and Future
  5. Java 7 Multithreaded Thread Pooling (1)
  6. Java Synchronized and Android Handler
  7. Android – Multithreaded Handler
  8. Use of thread pools in Java(Android)
  9. Java thread pool (Android)



  1. ViewPager + Fragment implements sliding tabs
  2. 【 mobile development 】Android Fragment+ViewPager with use


  1. Android LayoutInflater theory analysis, take you step by step into View(a)
  2. Android View drawing process and invalidate() and other related methods analysis
  3. A brief analysis of measure process, WRAP_CONTENT and XML layout file parsing process in Android
  4. Android development: Usage of LayoutParams


  1. Android ViewFlipper usage analysis
  2. Android slide effects primer (1) — ViewFlipper


  1. Android – Use VideoView to play video
  2. Playing a video in VideoView in Android


  1. Android Volley complete parsing (a), the beginning of Volley basic usage
  2. Android library Volley usage introduction



  1. How do Java and JavaScript interact
  2. Android intercalls with javascript
  3. Example of Android and JS interaction
  4. Java and JavaScript interact in Android
  5. Webview with progress bar at the top
  6. The Android WebView has a video playback problem
  7. Understand WebKit and Chromium: Chromium WebView on Android 4.4
  8. How can JS and Java safely call each other in a WebView
  9. Android WebView Js object injection vulnerability solution


Custom control

  1. Android custom Views and examples of their use in layout files
  2. Advanced custom control :declare-styleable reuses ATTR
  3. Android custom controls use declare-Styleable to configure properties
  4. Android uses AttributeSet to customize controls
  5. How to use Attrs and styles to define controls in Android
  6. Android SDK: Creating Custom Views
  7. Creating custom and compound Views in Android – Tutorial
  8. Tutorial: Enhancing Android UI with Custom Views
  9. Android custom View (1)

Android Studio

  1. Android Studio imports the project
  2. Android Studio simple setup
  3. Introduction to Android Studio and methods for importing JAR packages and third-party open source libraries
  4. How to use Android Studio
  5. How to use Git and Github to manage projects in Android Studio

Code Style

  1. Java programming specification
  2. Android naming conventions (to improve code readability)
  3. Code Style Guidelines for Contributors


  1. Pro Git
  2. Making mods
  3. Git – An easy guide
  4. Github based guide to participating in open source projects


  1. How to Build an Independent Blog — Concise Github Pages with Hexo Tutorial
  2. Mac programmer blog Hexo + GitHub Pages + GitCafe Pages + DNSPod
  3. Click your finger, NexT theme is more compatible with Hexo.
  4. Some of the problems with hexo’s blog setup


  1. Smali — Dalvik VIRTUAL Machine instruction language — >

  2. The apK package name is changed
  3. Install the SMALI code syntax highlighting plug-in for Sublime Text

  2. Android 4.4 selects an image from the gallery, gets the image path, and crops it
  3. An analysis of incremental Android app upgrades
  4. This section describes the four basic Components of Android and their life cycles
  5. Android Code Optimization – Use the Android Lint tool
  6. Android plug-in dynamic upgrade
  7. OnInterceptTouchEvent onTouchEvent onInterceptTouchEvent onTouchEvent
  8. MotionEvent The passing order of events in onInterceptTouchEvent() and onTouchEvent()
  9. Java String StringBuilder StringBuffer
  10. Tools: context =. “MainActivity role
  11. MVC, MVP, and MVVM diagrams
  12. Some experiences worth sharing about APK weight loss
  13. Details of 23 design patterns in Java development
  14. Database optimization for performance optimization