Android Highlights: Common Theme Attributes
The picture is from Virginia Poltrack
Official video of station B
In this first installment of our Android STYLING series, we looked at the differences between themes and styling and how themes enable developers to write more flexible styling and layouts
Specifically, we recommend that you use theme properties to provide indirect points of access to resources so that you can change them (for example, dark themes). That said, if you find yourself writing a direct resource reference (or worse, a hard-coded value ) in your layout or style, consider whether you should use the theme attribute
But what topic attributes can you use? This article highlights common things you should know; Content from Material, AppCompat, or Platform. This is not a complete list (for that, I recommend that you browse the attrs file defined in the link below), but these are the attributes I have been using (implemented using the theme attributes)
Many of the colors here come from the Material Color System, which defines the color names that can be used throughout the application
? attr/colorPrimary
The main color app? attr/colorSecondary
App secondary color, usually used as a complement to the primary color? attr/colorOn[Primary, Secondary, Surface etc]
A color that contrasts with the named color? attr/color[Primary, Secondary]Variant
The shadow of the given color? attr/colorSurface
Color of component interface (card, table, menu, etc.)? android:attr/colorBackground
background? attr/colorPrimarySurface
On a light themecolorPrimary
And dark themescolorSurface
Switch between? attr/colorError
Error message color
Other commonly used colors
? attr/colorControlNormal
Color of the icon/control in normal state? attr/colorControlActivated
Color of ICONS/controls when activated (for example checked)? attr/colorControlHighlight
Highlighted colors (such as ripples, list selectors)? android:attr/textColorPrimary
Text Highlights color? android:attr/textColorSecondary
Text Secondary color
? attr/listPreferredItemHeight
The standard (minimum) height of a list item? attr/actionBarSize
The height of the toolbar
? attr/selectableItemBackground
Water ripple/highlight for the current interaction (also handy for the foreground)? attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless
Unbounded ripples of water? attr/dividerVertical
A drawable object that can be used as a vertical dividing line between elements? attr/dividerHorizontal
A drawable object that can be used as a horizontal dividing line between elements
Material defines a type scale — a set of discrete text styles that you should use throughout your application, and they are provided as a topic attribute (textAppearance). Use the Material Type Scale Generator to help generate the proportions of different fonts
? attr/textAppearanceHeadline1
Default light 96SP text? attr/textAppearanceHeadline2
Default light-colored 60sp text? attr/textAppearanceHeadline3
Default plain 48sp text? attr/textAppearanceHeadline4
Default plain 34SP text? attr/textAppearanceHeadline5
Default plain 24SP text? attr/textAppearanceHeadline6
Default medium 20sp text? attr/textAppearanceSubtitle1
Default plain 16SP text? attr/textAppearanceSubtitle2
Default medium 14sp text? attr/textAppearanceBody1
Default plain 16SP text? attr/textAppearanceBody2
Default plain 14SP text? attr/textAppearanceCaption
The default is plain 12SP text? attr/textAppearanceButton
Default medium all caps 14SP text? attr/textAppearanceOverline
Default medium all caps 10SP text
Material uses the Shape System, which provides theme properties for small, medium, and large components. Note that if you want to set the Shape on a custom component, you might want to use the MaterialShapeDrawable as its background, which understands and implements the Shape
? attr/shapeAppearanceSmallComponent
Used in Button, Chip, Text properties, default 4DP rounded corners? attr/shapeAppearanceMediumComponent
Used in Card, Dialog, Date Picker, default 4DP rounded corners? attr/shapeAppearanceLargeComponent
Used in Bottom Sheet, default 0dp rounded corners
Button Styles
This may seem concrete, but Material defines three types of buttons: Contained, Text, and bank statements. MDC provides topic properties that can be used to set the style of the MaterialButton
? attr/materialButtonStyle
The default style can be omitted? attr/borderlessButtonStyle
Text style button? attr/materialButtonOutlinedStyle
Outline style button
? android:attr/disabledAlpha
Disable transparency for the control? android:attr/primaryContentAlpha
Transparency of foreground elements? android:attr/secondaryContentAlpha
Transparency of secondary elements
App vs Android namespace
You might notice that some of the properties are defined by? Android :attr/foo references, while others are? Attr/bar. This is because some of them are defined by the Android Platform, so you need the Android prefix to refer to them through the namespace (like the View property: Android: ID in Layout). Those are not from static libraries (that is, AppCompat or MDC), they are compiled into your application and therefore do not require namespaces (similar to the way you use App: baz in your layout). Some elements are defined in both platform and Library (for example, colorPrimary). In this case, it is best to use the non-platform version, which can be used at all API levels. For example, they are defined repeatedly in the Library precisely for backward compatibility. In these cases, I have listed the non-platform versions above
Preferred non-platform properties that can be used at all API levels
More Resources
For a complete list of available topic properties, you can go directly to the link below
- Android platform
- AppCompat
The Material Design Components:
- Color
- Shape
- Type
Do It Yourself
Sometimes there is no theme attribute that abstracts out what you want to change with the theme (the same attribute varies from topic to topic), so don’t worry, you can customize it! This is an example from the Google I/O application that displays a list of meetings in two screens
They are largely similar, but the left screen must make room for time titles, while the right screen does not. We do this by abstracting the position of the aligned items behind the theme attributes so that we can change them based on the theme and use the same layout on two different screens:
- Define the topic attributes in attrs.xml
<! Copyright 2019 Google LLC.spdx-license-Identifier: Apache-2.0 --> Copyright 2019 Google LLC.spdx-license-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->
<attr name="sessionListKeyline" format="dimension" />
Copy the code
- Provide different values for different topics
<! Copyright 2019 Google LLC.spdx-license-Identifier: Apache-2.0 --> Copyright 2019 Google LLC.spdx-license-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->
<style name="Theme.IOSched.Schedule">
<item name="sessionListKeyline">72dp</item>
<style name="Theme.IOSched.Speaker">
<item name="sessionListKeyline">16dp</item>
Copy the code
- Use the theme property in the same layout and configure it on different screens (each using one of the two themes above)
<! Copyright 2019 Google LLC.spdx-license-Identifier: Apache-2.0 --> Copyright 2019 Google LLC.spdx-license-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->
<Guideline …
app:layout_constraintGuide_begin="? attr/sessionListKeyline" />
Copy the code
Question (mark) everything
Once you know the available theme properties, you can use them when writing layouts, styles, or drawable objects. Using theme attributes makes it easier to support themes (such as dark themes) and to write more flexibly and maintain code. For a more in-depth look at this, see the next article in this series
Thanks to Florina Muntenescu and Chris Banes
After the translation
A series of translation
【 例 】Android Styling 1: Themes vs Styles
Android Styling 2: Common Theme attributes
Android Styling 3: Benefits of using themes and theme attributes
【 例 句 】Android FIT 4 is a FIT
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