Summary of Android Studio shortcuts for Windows
Shortcuts, in bold, are often used |
describe |
Ctrl+E |
Open the file of the most recent action |
Ctrl+Z |
undo |
Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Redo (Ctrl+Y in Eclipse) |
Ctr+Y |
Delete the row (delete the row in Eclipse is Ctrl+D) |
Ctrl+D |
Copy that line down |
F11 |
Add the mouse hover line to Bookmarks, and you can use the Alt+2 shortcut to view all Bookmarks, as well as Favorites and BreakPoints |
Ctrl+Alt+ left/right arrow |
Walk through your navigation actions (such as cursor movement, TAB switching, and file opening) |
Alt+ left and right arrows |
You can toggle left and right in all files that are already open |
Alt+ numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
You can open the corresponding tool buttons (located on the left, bottom, and right side of Android Studio, and some of them have a corresponding small number) and use Alt+ the corresponding number to turn them on or off |
Ctrl+Shift+V |
Copy history |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C |
Copy a logical reference to a method, variable, or class that automatically imports the required qualifiers and import statements when pasted into another source file |
Ctrl+Shift+A |
It’s useful to type in what you want to search for (features and features of Android Studio) and get results |
Alt+F1 |
Select In dialog box appears, you can carry out some convenient operations, although easy to use but not as good as using the mouse |
Ctrl+N |
Enter the name of the class in the pop-up dialog box to directly open the class, great |
Ctrl+Shift+N |
Enter the name of the file in the pop-up dialog box to directly open the file, more than the previous file can be opened |
Ctrl+G |
You can enter the number of rows you want to reach or the number of rows: column number, useful when the file is long |
Ctrl+Alt+Home |
You can open a file associated with the current file, such as, and its associated file will be activity_main.xml, which your colleagues will never know |
Ctrl+H |
If you look at the inheritance of the current class (which is only valid in Java files), you’ll see that Alt+8 has the same effect |
Ctrl+ number plus sign |
Expand the collapsed code block at the cursor location |
Ctrl+ number minus sign |
Collapses the expanded block of code at the cursor location |
Ctrl+Shift+ number + sign |
Expand all collapsed code blocks |
Ctrl+Shift+ number minus |
Collapses all expanded code blocks |
Ctrl + space |
If you still want to use this shortcut key, either change it to Ctrl+3 or modify the registry. Method one, method two |
Alt+Enter |
When a new class is introduced but not yet imported, just use this shortcut key against the name of the class to automatically import |
Shift+Enter |
It is very convenient to jump from the current line to the next line without placing the cursor at the end of the current line and then pressing Enter |
Alt+/ |
This is also a code tip, but this tip just provides the words used in the file, looped up |
Alt+Shift+/ |
Again, the code hints only provide the words that have been used in the file, looping down |
Ctrl+/ |
Code comments, for single line, can also choose multiple lines, the most used, do not need my emphasis |
Ctrl+Shift+/ |
Block comments |
Alt+Insert |
Exhale Generate command, strong Amway |
Ctrl+J |
Insert the code template, or if you remember the name of the code template, such as FBC, followed by Ctrl+J, you can simply insert () findViewById( |
Ctrl+Alt+J |
After selecting a word, use this shortcut key to directly exhale the template, and select the one you want |
Ctrl+Shift+ up arrow/Down arrow |
Moves one or more statements up/down the scope, or if a code block is moved, the entire code block moves together to the next syntactically correct location |
Alt+Shift+ up arrow/Down arrow |
Move one or more statements up or down regardless of scope or syntax |
Ctrl+Alt+I |
According to the scheme set in Code Style, indent the current mouse line or selected lines to keep the Code beautiful |
Ctrl+Alt+O |
Organization import statement |
Ctrl+Alt+L |
Reorganize the code format of the file |
Ctrl+Alt+T |
Select the statement that you want wrapped, and use this shortcut to quickly wrap it with try catch, if/else, for, or for each |
Ctrl+Shift+Delete |
Select statements that you don’t want wrapped, and use change shortcuts to remove blocks such as try catch, if/else, for, or for each |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T |
Refactor This dialog box, you can do a lot of things about refactoring. The four shortcuts can be remembered as CAST |
Shift+F6 |
Rename the file |
Ctrl+F6 |
Modify the method name and parameters |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 |
Type migration |
F6 |
Move files or variables to another file |
F5 |
Copy files or variables to another file |
Home |
Place the cursor before the first letter of the current line |
End |
Place the cursor at the end of the current line |
Ctrl+Alt+V |
Extract variable |
Ctrl+Alt+C |
Extract constant |
Ctrl+Alt+F |
Field Extraction |
Ctrl+Alt+P |
Extraction of parameters |
Ctrl+Alt+M |
Extraction Method |
Ctrl+K |
Git Commit changes |
Shift+F10 |
Run the project |
Ctrl+Alt+S |
Set up the |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S |
Project structure setting |