
Android Studio installation tutorial

Ii. Creation of Android project

Install and deploy the real machine under Android Studio

Hello, I’m Grey Ape, a bug writing ape,

Today, I would like to share with you the detailed installation steps of Android Studio software, to help you learn the road of Android!

First up with the Android Studio installation package,

Click to download:…

Extraction code: LQPS

The next week is a bit long (multi-picture warning), please be patient to complete the installation according to the steps, otherwise there will be a lot of unpredictable problems! (Sincerely remind!!)

Android Studio installation tutorial

1. Open the Android Studio3.5.2 installation package and install it as an administrator.

2. Follow the steps below and click Next

3. Here is the installation path of Android Studio. It is recommended not to install it on drive C.

4. Click Install for the Next step and click Next after loading.

5. At this point, click the check box in the square brackets and then click Next

At this point the basic part is done.

6. The following must be completed step by step, carefully operate step by step:

Click on the second one

7. Choose Don’t send.

8, choose Cancel

9. Select NEXT to proceed to the NEXT step

**10, ** Click custom to change the installation location, otherwise, can only be installed on disk C, but it is not recommended to change the location

Select NEXT to proceed to the NEXT step

11. Select the interface according to your personal preference and click Next to continue

12. Click Finish

13, automatic download components, wait a few minutes to install… Click Finish to continue

14. Now that the software installation is complete, the next step is to create the Android project

Ii. Creation of Android project

Click on the first start a new Android Studio Project

15. Select Empty Activity and click Next to continue

16. Configure the file here and click Finish

At this point, the project is created

Install and deploy the real machine under Android Studio

The next step is to install and deploy the real machine in Android Studio:

1. Click AVD Manager under Tools in the menu bar

2. Click Create Virtual Devices

3, the Next step is to select the model of the real machine, you can choose according to your needs, or choose the default Rivel2, click Next Next

4. Select Accapt and Next

5. Wait for the download to complete

6. Set the real configuration here. You can choose landscape or portrait, but it is recommended not to change by default

7. Finally, you can see the interface of the real machine as follows.

8. This is what happens after the project runs

Now that the Android Studio installation is complete, you’re ready to enjoy your Android journey!

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