
Many companies have their own GitLab to store their code, and the trunk branches are generally protected. To request a merge, you need to log into gitLab with a browser and then initiate it, wasting some time switching back and forth. I found a good plugin for Android Studio.

GitLab Quick Merge Request

As the title suggests, the plug-in can be found directly in Android Studio.

Then configure it as shown below

GitLab URL

Need to configure to your own GitLab server address, remember to add/API /v4

The Access Token to obtain

Log in to GitLab, then go to your personal Settings and tick in each scopes. Click Create Personal Access Token. The access token will be in the red box.

Enable Assigness

Click ➕ to search for the configuration. If not, click Test Connection to ensure that the plugin can access GitLab.

Confirmation box

Finally, check the confirmation box in case you need to change the COMMIT.

A merge

First follow the normal process to push the code, after the push, just need to right-click the project directory, click git>Quick Merge Request. Finally, modify it according to actual needs and submit it.

And of course you can set a shortcut like COMMAND + M