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Android Studio 3.6 has finally been released. It’s been almost half a year since the 3.5 major update was released. What’s new with this update?

Design, development, build, test, optimize, etc. Let’s take a look at what Release Notes has in store.

Release Notes

We are pleased to announce the stable release of Android Studio 3.6 with targeted new features that address quality issues in code editing and debugging use cases. This is our first release since the end of Project Marble, which focuses on building the basic functionality and flow of a powerful integrated Development environment (IDE). We’ve learned a lot from Project Marble. In Android Studio 3.6, we’ve introduced a small number of features, improved existing features, and put a lot of effort into fixing bugs and improving the underlying performance to ensure we meet the high quality standards we set last year.

Some of the highlights of Android Studio 3.6 include a new way to quickly design, develop, and preview application layouts using XML, with new split views in the design editor. In addition, you no longer need to manually type in GPS coordinates to test the application’s location, because we now embed Google Maps directly into the Android Emulator extension control panel. Finally, we simplified the application and found bugs with automatic memory leak detection for fragments and activities. We hope all of these features will help you be happier and more productive when developing on Android.

Thanks to users who provided early feedback in the preview. Your feedback helped us iterate and improve features in Android Studio 3.6. If you’re ready for the next stable release and want to use a new set of productivity features, Android Studio 3.6 is ready to download to get you started.

Below is a full list of new features in Android Studio 3.6, organized by the main developer stream.


Split views in the design editor

Design editors, such as layout editors and navigation editors, now provide “split” views that allow you to see both the “design and code” view of the UI. Split views replace and improve the earlier “preview” window and can be configured file by file to retain context information, such as scaling factors and design view options, so you can select the view that best fits each use case. To enable split views, click the Split icon in the upper right corner of the editor window.

Color picker resources TAB

In this release, we want to make it easier to apply colors that have been defined as color resources. In Android Studio 3.6, the color picker populates application color resources to quickly select and replace color resource values. The color picker is accessible in the designer tool and XML editor.

The development of

View the binding

View binding is a feature that allows you to provide compile-time security when referencing views in your code, making it easier to write code that interacts with views. When enabled, view binding generates a binding class for each XML layout file that exists in the module. In most cases, the view binding replaces findViewById. You can refer to all views with ids that are not at risk of null Pointers or class cast exceptions. These differences mean that incompatibilities between layout and code will cause the build to fail at compile time, not at run time. To enable view binding in a project, include the following in the build of each module.

android {
    viewBinding.enabled = true
Copy the code

Android the NDK changes

The following Android NDK features in Android Studio were previously supported in Java and are now supported by Kotlin:

  • Navigate from the JNI declaration to the corresponding implementation function in C/C++. View this mapping by hovering over the C or C++ item mark near the line number in the managed source file.

  • Automatically create stub implementation functions for JNI declarations. First define the JNI declaration, then type “JNI” or the method name in the C/C++ file you want to activate.

IntelliJ platform changes

Android Studio 3.6 includes the IntelliJ 2019.2 platform version. This IntelliJ release includes a number of improvements, from new service tools Windows to greatly reduced startup times.

Apply the changes

You can now add a class by clicking Apply code changes or Apply the changes and restart the activity, and then deploy the code changes to the running application.


Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) updates

Android Gradle Plugin 3.6 and later includes support for Publishing the Maven Gradle plugin, which allows you to publish build projects to the Apache Maven repository. The Android Gradle plug-in creates a component for each generated variant project in your application or library module that you can use to customize your publications to the Maven repository. This change will make it easier to manage the release life cycle for various goals.

In addition, the Android Gradle plug-in has achieved significant performance improvements in annotation handling /KAPT for large projects. This is caused by the fact that AGP now generates r-class bytecodes directly instead of.java files.

New packaging tool

The Android build team is constantly making changes to improve build performance, and in this release, we changed the default packaging tool to Zipflinger for debug build. Users should see an improvement in build speed, but you can also revert to using the old packaging tool in your hierarchy by setting Android.usenewapkCreator_false.


Android Emulator – Google Maps

Android emulator 29.2.12 provides a new way for application developers to interface with emulated device locations. We embedded the Google Maps user interface in the extended Controls menu to make it easier to specify locations and build routes from location pairs. A single dot can be saved and re-sent to the device as a virtual location, while a route can be generated by typing an address or clicking on two dots. The routes can be replayed in real time as locations on the routes are sent to the guest OS.

More screen support

Simulator 29.1.10 includes initial support for multiple virtual displays. As more devices have multiple monitors, it is important to test applications on a variety of multi-monitor configurations. Users can configure multiple displays through the Settings menu (Extended controls and Settings).

SDK breakpoint continued

When downloading Android SDK components and tools using the Android Studio SDK Manager, Android Studio now allows you to resume a download that has been interrupted (for example, due to a network problem) rather than restarting the download from the start. This enhancement is especially useful for large downloads, such as Android emulators or system images, when the Internet connection is unreliable.

The imported APK can be updated automatically

Android Studio allows you to import externally built APKs to debug and analyze them. Previously, when you made changes to these APKs, you had to manually import them again and reattach symbols and sources. Android Studio 3.6 now automatically detects changes made to an imported APK file and gives you the option to re-import the file in place.

To optimize the

Leak detection in memory profiler

Based on the feedback, we added the ability to detect potentially leaky activity and fragment instances in the memory profiler. To get started, capture or import the heap dump file in the memory profiler and select the Active/Fragment leak check box to generate the results. For more information on how Android Studio detects leaks, please refer to our documentation.

Class and method bytecode are solved in APK parser

It is now possible to unclass and method bytecode when examining DEX files using APK profiler. In the DEX file viewer, load the ProGuard mapping file for the APK to be analyzed. Once loaded, you will be able to right-click the class or method you want to examine by selecting “Show bytecode.”

In a nutshell, Android Studio 3.6 includes these new enhancements and capabilities


  • A split view in the design editor
  • The Color picker resource TAB is

The development of

  • View the binding
  • The NDK changes
  • Intelli J platform changes
  • Add classes with Apply Changes


  • Android Gradle Plugin (AGP
  • New packaging tool


  • Android emulator Google Maps UI
  • Multi-monitor support
  • Recoverable SDK download
  • In-place update of the imported APK

To optimize the

Leak detection in the memory profiler in the APK profiler de-obliquate classes and methods bytecode to attach the Kotlin source to the imported APK

Getting Started


Download Android Studio 3.6 from the Download page. If you’re using an earlier version of Android Studio, just update it to the latest version of Android Studio. To use the above Android Emulator features, make sure you are running at least Android Emulator V29.2.12, which you downloaded through the Android Studio SDK Manager.

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