At the beginning

Hello everyone, I am G elder brother, at present the person handles affairs in Jingzhou, but dry goods still want to arrange top!

Github has received 131 K + star, ranking 9th among all Github repositories. Don’t tell me how hot this warehouse is!

As a programmer, if you don’t know this repository, you’re at a real disadvantage! Additional, when a few technology big guy of division I write study route to this year unripe, it is reference this warehouse comes.

One, big factory offer?

I believe that every programmer’s dream is to get an offer from a big factory. I think it is normal. It is not our after-dinner talk but the pursuit of every technical person. Such as Ali, Tencent, Meituan, Bytedance, JINGdong and so on, the technical atmosphere and technical standards are obviously better than some entrepreneurial companies/small companies. If I can practice in such companies for several years, I believe my ability will be greatly improved. But not everyone can enter the big factory, which often depends on our ability, education background, interview performance and other factors.

Hot repair, framework, Glide, OKHTTP, Flutter, NDK, audio and video ~ source code principle and so on are all necessary knowledge for the interview. However, if you are in a big factory, you may not be able to use this knowledge for several years and still write code honestly.

Two, complain as hard to improve themselves

Interviews are a lot harder than they were a few years ago. You say that now there are so many programmers, your delivery company may have 300 people together with you, but the others only recruit 5 people, how to do that? PASS a lot on your resume, PASS a lot on your interview. From this point of view, the popular saying that “the interview makes the rocket, the job turns the screw” is quite reasonable, raising the difficulty of the interview is only in order to recruit those people you need from many people.

Many people complain that jobs are harder to find, and yes, it’s not as easy to find a job in the Internet industry as it used to be. I think it is

1, a large part of their own technology understanding still stay in the past one or two years, 2, is halfway the basis of the people must be no big learning steadfast learning computer knowledge good, which causes a lot of training classes born people are difficult to go forward; 3, is the Internet industry does have a partial preference for young people, after all, just graduated college students or relatively cheap, but the Internet industry is not to eat youth rice. 4. The market is gradually becoming perfect, and the technical requirements of each post are becoming more and more rigorous, resulting in a phenomenon of saturation and lack of people. 5. Senior development has become increasingly short of people, and the middle and lower markets are saturated

Therefore, whether fresh graduates or partners who have worked for several years should have a clear understanding of themselves, make clear of your own lack of ability, make clear of your own advantages (why the enterprise should hire you). After knowing their own shortcomings, it is necessary to work hard!

In fact, the Internet industry is quite fair, although the interview will take your education as a reference, but if your ability is really good, your resume is really rich, the interviewer will appreciate this candidate.

Three, how to clearly recognize their own shortcomings, improve personal strength

What I mean by personal hard power here is more about professional skills, such as the ability to build a high quality website or the mastery of professional knowledge.

I think the most important thing for beginners or old hands to improve their personal hard power is to keep studying and put the theory into practice. It is better to put the theory into practice in specific projects.

A piece of advice for students who are still in school: if possible, try to participate in some competitions. Your skills may not be very good, and your heart still hesitates whether you have the ability to participate in the competitions, but I still recommend you to try.

Why is that? The preparation time for a competition can be as long as 5-6 months, and as short as 2-3 months. Many of the techniques used in the competition may not have been used or even heard of before you entered the competition. But those few months should be plenty of time for you to learn, and if you have a good attitude and aren’t bad at self-learning, there’s usually no problem.

At the end of the day, you may not get a good ranking, but I think the experience of participating in the competition will help you the most. If you will participate in other competitions later, I think you will do better and better.

In addition to the competition, the actual project is also very great for my personal ability improvement and training.

Practice and apply what you learn to real projects. A lot of people come to me complaining about not having real projects to work on. Here are a few ways you can gain project experience, which is important for both technical development and interviewing.

If you want to improve your hard power, the way to learn a new skill must be crucial. Must have own technical advantage, the likelihood you know is not the most, but others will not you will however, so you are fierce!

Four, write resume when project experience this column, how to have project experience

If you really don’t have an actual project to do, I think you can do it in the following ways:

1. Find a practical project video or blog on the Internet that meets your ability and job hunting needs and do it with your teacher. In the process of doing, you should have your own thinking, do not dabble, for many knowledge points, others’ explanation may be enough to meet the project, if you want to learn more knowledge, for important points you should learn to go to the deep learning. 2.Github or code Cloud has many practical projects, you can choose one to study, in order to better understand the project, on the basis of understanding the original code, you can improve the original project or add features. 3. Do what you want to do, and learn what you can’t do.

The last

I have seen many technical leaders meet older programmers who are in a confused period, older than the interviewers. These people have a few things in common: they’ve been working for five or six years, they’re still writing code for the business department every day, they’re doing a lot of repetitive work, they’re not doing a lot of technical work. Ask these people about their career plans, and they don’t have many ideas.

In fact, the age of 30 to 40 is the golden stage of one’s career development. It is necessary to have a plan for the expansion of business scope, the breadth of technology and the depth of improvement, so as to have a sustainable development path in career development and not to be stagnant.

Keep running and you’ll know what learning is all about!

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