Android skill tree – network summary (4) of the socket/websocket/webservice
January 9, 2024
by 張宜君
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Between their own network knowledge rotten in a complete mess, so ready to write the relevant network article, but consider all written in one is too long, so separate write, I hope you can look carefully, the best can point out my mistakes, let me also can correct.
1. Explain the whole network architecture:
Android Skill Tree – Network Summary (1) network Architecture
TCP, UDP,socket,websocket, HTTP, HTTPS. What is webService? It is similar to websocket. Socket and Websocket are similar in terms of session,token and cookie.
Android Skill Tree – Network Summary (2) TCP/UDP
Android Skill Tree – Web Summary (3) HTTP/HTTPS
Android skill tree – network summary (4) of the socket/websocket/webservice
Cookie /session/token (to be written)
3. Source code analysis of relevant third party frameworks, after all, okHTTP and Retrofit source code is a must for interviewing large companies now.
Android Skill Tree – Network summary (6) OkHttp super super super super super super super super super super detail analysis
As we mentioned in the network architecture summary, the architecture diagram for TCP/IP is
In the transport layer for TCP and UDP, solved the data transport between, but we seldom go to call directly the TCP and UDP, we now is to use TCP to transmit data, for example, you want to write code for the TCP three-way handshake connection and waved off four times, etc., and may also consider what sliding window, cumulative confirmation, grouping cache, flow control, etc.? So we need a class that encapsulates TCP connections, transfers, disconnections, and other related operations. Yes, this class is Socket.
Socket is an intermediate software abstraction layer for communication between application layer and TCP/IP protocol family. It is an API that encapsulates THE TCP/IP protocol family.
Socket is not a protocol, but a programming call interface (API), belongs to the transport layer (mainly to solve the data transmission in the network) 2. That is, through Socket, we can develop on the Android platform through TCP/IP protocol 3. For the user, just call Socket to organize the data, in accordance with the specified protocol, can communicate
About the use of the Socket, code search, speeding by, here I am, tell me the roughly code process directly, we know now is to send a message from one device to another device, mentioned in the summary network architecture which IP is used to determine the final information to the target device, so we must know the IP and the target device, The target device may have many applications (multiple processes) open, so how do you know which process the packet is going to? There is also a port involved here. We usually write code and sometimes say a port is occupied. So we also know the port in addition to the IP.
So the initial is the IP of device A, the port of device A, the IP of device B, the port of device B, which is changed into our common common language is client IP, client port, server IP, server port, plus our Socket for TCP operation, but also can operate UDP, so there is A protocol. So ultimately these five elements are involved, and the socket is determined by these five elements.
The Socket code is not specified:
public class ClientSocket {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String host = "";
int port = 8919;
try {
Socket client = new Socket(host, port);
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(client.getOutputStream());
writer.write("Hello From Client"); writer.flush(); writer.close(); client.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}Copy the code
public class Server {
public static void main(String args[]) {
ServerSocket echoServer = null;
String line;
DataInputStream is;
PrintStream os;
Socket clientSocket = null;
try {
echoServer = new ServerSocket(9999);
catch (IOException e) {
try {
clientSocket = echoServer.accept();
is = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
os = new PrintStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
// As long as we receive data, echo that data back to the client.
while (true) { line = is.readLine(); os.println(line); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); }}}Copy the code
Looking at the code, we found that a big feature of Socket is that the server and the client can transfer data to each other. This is quite different from our usual network interaction. After all, we usually visit the background interface, and rarely say that the background suddenly sends data to the client through this interface, right? Generally, the client actively sends the interface request, and then can get the relevant data.
2. WebSocket
Socket is a TCP/UDP API tool class, so it is not an application layer class. HTTP/HTTPS belongs to the application layer. HTTP/HTTPS is an application layer. And our WebSocket also belongs to the application layer. So WebSocket is on the same level as Http/Https.
We also often see many so-called differences between Http and WebSocket articles, such as:
And we mentioned in the introduction of Socket above, Socket can two-way communication, so WebSocket can also two-way communication, and in the case of no two-way communication, using Http to two-way communication is more the use of long polling.
In the days before the WebSocket API was implemented and published by many browsers, developers developing applications that needed to receive real-time notifications from the server had to resort to “hacks” to simulate real-time connections for real-time communication. The most popular method was long polling. Long polling is basically making an HTTP request to the server, and then leaving the connection open to allow the server to respond at a later time (as determined by the server). For this connection to work effectively, a number of techniques need to be used to ensure that messages are not missed, such as the need to cache and log multiple connection information (per client) on the server side. Although long polling can solve this problem, but it will consume more resources, such as CPU, memory and bandwidth, so it is necessary to design and publish a new protocol to solve the real-time communication problem well. WebSocket is a new protocol released with HTML5. It implements browser-to-server full-duplex communication, which can transmit message-based text and binary data
Bandwidth consumption difference between WebSocket and long polling:
When WebSocket connection, HTTP will also be used, because at the beginning of the connection request, it also needs to rely on the existing HTTP protocol, when the connection is successful, other times directly based on TCP to complete the communication.
1. The client initiates an HTTP request and establishes a TCP connection after three handshakes. The HTTP request stores information about the Version supported by WebSocket, such as Upgrade, Connection, and websocket-version. 2. After receiving the handshake request from the client, the server also uses HTTP to send back data. 3. After receiving the connection success message, the client uses the TCP transmission channel for full-duplex communication.
Of course, if you just understand the general difference between WebSocket and Http, you can see this article: The principle of WebSocket, and the relationship between Http, with easy-to-understand examples, more easy to remember, but did not explain the specific details.
Detailed can see this article: [Teng Yunge] WebSocket analysis
So, since we are android development, how do we use WebSocket? I think a lot of people should use Okhttp for web requests. Although we usually use Okhttp for simple HTTP/HTTPS requests, it also supports WebSocket. Specific everybody can search relevant article directly
3. WebService
First of all, if someone has done relevant WebService, they will think that it is basically similar to ordinary HTTP request, which is to send a request and then receive the corresponding returned data. Perhaps the most intuitive difference is that usually we send a request using HTTP, and the request body in the request/response packet is JSON. WebService uses XML. In fact, this is true because Webservice uses THE SOAP protocol based on HTTP to transmit data, so it is simply understood as SOAP = HTTP + XML. Because XML is used, it is more universal and better for cross-platform and cross-application communication and parsing.
XML+XSD,SOAP and WSDL are the three technologies that constitute the WebService platform.
Let’s look at specific items:
XML 3.1 + XSD
WebService transmits data using THE HTTP protocol and encapsulates the data in XML format (that is, the XML says which method to call the remote service object, what parameters to pass, and what result the service object returns). XML is the format for representing data in the WebService platform. In addition to being easy to build and analyze, XML’s main advantage is that it is both platform-independent and vendor-independent. Irrelevance is more important than technological superiority: software vendors will not choose a technology invented by a competitor.
What is XSD? Because we normally write things in XML, we can do whatever we want, as long as it conforms to the basic XML format, but there’s really no standard set of data types. So XML Schema(XSD) is a set of standards specifically designed to solve this problem. It defines a standard set of data types and provides a language to extend them
3.2 the SOAP
When a WebService sends a request and receives a result over HTTP, the request content and result content are encapsulated in XML format, and some SPECIFIC HTTP headers are added to illustrate the content format of HTTP messages. These specific HTTP headers and XML content formats are SOAP protocols. SOAP provides a standard RPC method to invoke a Web Service.
So SOAP protocol = HTTP protocol + XML data format
WSDL 3.3
If you have used WebService, you should know this. The WebService server side should first explain what service can be called externally through a WSDL file, what the service is (what methods are in the service, what parameters are accepted by the method, what the return value is), which URL address is used to represent the network address of the service. How the service is invoked.
For example, the following is the domestic mobile phone number attribution query WEB service:
Soap1.1 / SOAP1.2 / GET/POST:
But in fact it may not be as detailed as this, just give us a WSDL that says something like this:
For those of you who don’t know how to read this file, it’s actually quite simple. Let’s look at it step by step:
Let’s first find the corresponding service:
There are four types of SOAP1.1, SOAP1.2, HTTP-get, and HTTP-post in soap1.2binding = "tns:MobileCodeWSSoap12", so we look for the corresponding binding value
We searched MobileCodeWSSoap12 and found:
So we’re going to keep going, and we’re going to look fortype="tns:MobileCodeWSSoap"
We searched for the keyword: TNS :MobileCodeWSSoap and found:
We can see that<wsdl:operation name="getMobileCodeInfo">So we know the method is calledgetMobileCodeInfoAnd then we have down here< WSDL: input message = "TNS: getMobileCodeInfoSoapIn" / > and < WSDL: output message = "TNS: getMobileCodeInfoSoapOut" / >Input parameters and output parameters, and then continue to correspond to the keywordgetMobileCodeInfoSoapInandgetMobileCodeInfoSoapOutUnder the search
The search results are:
“And continue to followgetMobileCodeInfoandgetMobileCodeInfoResponse.
Finally, you see the specific input and output parameters.
The obvious input parameter isMobileCode and userID, the output parameter isgetMobileCodeInfoResultAnd they are all strings.
So where do we get the WSDL?
The WSDL file is stored on a Web server and can be accessed through a URL address. Before a client invokes a WebService, it needs to know the address of the WSDL file for the service. Such as WSDL content is as long as I map above access:… That’s it.
A WebService provider can expose its WSDL file address in two ways: 1. Register with a UDDI server so that it can be found by others; 2. Directly inform the caller on the client.
Supplement 1: Some people may say that the contents of WSDL are still difficult to understand, please refer to WSDL tutorial and WSDL detailed parsing in WebService.
Supplement 2: Soap1.1 and Soap1.2 have just been mentioned:
emmmm……. Spray lightly. If you have a mistake, please leave a message and I can modify it. The part of the article illustration is taken from the following reference article.
Reference article:
A big fat socket
Android: This is a very detailed Socket usage walkthrough