Introduction to the
There are several ways to achieve rounded picture, the third of which is a reference to the Android rounded picture and round picture summary
- Use Google’s CardView control for CardView layout, which provides rounded radius Settings and shadows. However, you need to pay attention to the system version.
- Use Glide image loading framework, using its provided round Corners to set the rounded radius of the picture, the code is roughly as follows:
val option = RequestOptions()
.transform(RoundedCorners(300))// Set the radius of the fillet
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- Layer overlay, as well as redraw (BitmapShader, Xfermode, round bitmapdrawable) details see Android rounded image and round image implementation summary article written very well, very detailed.
- OutLine
- Material package ShapeableImageView, this is not very easy to use. You can achieve rounded corner images or even profiled images, of course, but also border drawing.
The fourth and fifth methods are the comments area big guy to supplement the knowledge, thank big guy!
The body of the
It is highly recommended to use ShapeImageView, which allows you to control not only four corners but also four edges, so you can draw any shape you want. For details, you can see my article Android MaterialShapeDrawable.
Just set the shapeAppearance property to the View to control the diagonal shape, as well as the border.
Rounded corner on the left, cut corner on the right
<! -- Layout.xml is defined in the layout -->
app:shapeAppearance="@style/RoundAndCutImageStyle" />
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<! -- style.xml can set attributes for each corner individually -->
<style name="RoundAndCutImageStyle">
<item name="cornerFamilyTopLeft">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerFamilyBottomLeft">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerFamilyTopRight">cut</item>
<item name="cornerFamilyBottomRight">cut</item>
<item name="cornerSize">50%</item>
<item name="cornerSizeBottomLeft">20dp</item>
<item name="cornerSizeTopLeft">20dp</item>
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The following attributes need to be explained:
- App :sharedAppearance sets the style of the view
- App: sharedAppearanceOverlay style covering the view. Purpose: under the system theme can set common attributes, this time we need to define a special attribute, can through the app: sharedAppearanceOverlay to cover, there are three general properties respectively corresponding to the shape control of the medium control three properties are as follows:
<! -- System theme. Controls using this theme that contain material Design will be modified by the following properties -->
<style name="MyAppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">
<item name="shapeAppearanceLargeComponent">@style/ShapeAppearance.MyApp.LargeComponent</item>
<item name="shapeAppearanceMediumComponent">@style/ShapeAppearance.MyApp.MediumComponent</item>
<item name="shapeAppearanceSmallComponent">@style/ShapeAppearance.MyApp.SmallComponent</item>
<style name="ShapeAppearance.MyApp.MediumComponent" parent="ShapeAppearance.MaterialComponents.MediumComponent">
<item name="cornerFamily">cut</item>
<item name="cornerSize">8dp</item>
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- The cornerFamily property has two values
- Rounded rounded corners
- The cut corner cut
- CornerSize Controls the size of the corner, which can be the following values
- I don’t need to explain the percentage, which is half the length and half the width, but changing the size of the view will change the radius
- Dimension is dp, PX, sp and so on; Be careful not to use percentages when the view size may change, as this will cause the shape of your view to change with it
These two properties can be set individually for each corner, cornerFamilyTopLeft, cornerSizeTopLet and so on.
- StrokeWidth Width of the border
- StrokeColor border color
Redraw using BitmapShader
Here I also use the BitmapShader to redraw, the general idea is the same as that article, but using a different drawing method, and also achieve each Angle separately drawn, but compared with the above article will be a little simpler. We recommend reading this article before we start
The kinds of methods you need to use
- TileMode Shader.TileMode
Chinese translation of the official website
- BitmapShader constructor
public BitmapShader(Bitmap bitmap,TileMode tileX, TileMode tileY)
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Paint the shader. When the shader is drawn, the bitmap in the shader will be drawn to the specified location.
- To convert a drawable to a bitmap, you must first convert a drawable to a bitmap
private fun drawableToBitmap(drawable: Drawable): Bitmap {
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(getTrulyWidth(), getTrulyHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)// Set the canvas target to a Bitmap so that the contents of the canvas are drawn directly onto the bitmap
// The width passed in here is minus the padding value
drawable.setBounds(0.0, getTrulyWidth(), getTrulyHeight())
return bitmap
Drawable toBitmap(...) drawable toBitmap(...) drawable toBitmap(...) drawable toBitmap(...)
fun Drawable.toBitmap(
@Px width: Int = intrinsicWidth,
@Px height: Int = intrinsicHeight,
config: Config? = null): Bitmap
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- Canvas drawDoubleRoundRect, I is achieved by this method the four angles of different radius of drawing and frame drawing.
- Method entry, detailed comments are in there
/** * This method draws from the inner and outer borders, and the radius of each corner of the inner and outer borders is controllable *@paramOuter range of the outer border *@paramInner inner border range *@paramThe innerRadii and outerRadii * two float arrays hold the radius of each corner of the inner and outer border. Each array requires eight floats. Each float is a set of rx@paramPaint holds the bitmapShader inside the paint I passed in. Also note that the Style is set: * FILL will draw the content between the two rectangles (RectF) * STROKE, which will draw the two borders. * / public void drawDoubleRoundRect(@NonNull RectF outer, @NonNull float[] outerRadii, @NonNull RectF inner, @NonNull float[] innerRadii, @NonNull Paint paint) Copy the code
This approach is flexible because both the inside and outside borders are controllable.
Note that the inner border cannot be outside the outer border, as borders that exceed the outer border will not be drawn. Boundaries can be equal
Content to draw
I didn’t set the brush shader for simplicity, just black.
- Round the outer border, not the inner border
- Outside the circle
- Outside the circle round
- The outer border has three rounded corners and the inner border is small
(Can you see my inner border? The inner border is located in the middle of the view. The width and height are 0, you can’t see it.
- Add shader on the basis of 4, you can see that when the content exceeds the original boundary, the color of the edge is constantly assigned, indicating the use of Tilemode.clamp
Here is the drawing code for the last one
topLeftRadius,/ / the top left corner
topRightRadius,/ / the top right corner
bottomRightRadius,/ / the bottom right hand corner
0f.0f/ / the bottom left corner
// The inner border is just the rectangle in the middle 0X0, just make sure the inner border is 0
// The radius of the inner frame
bitmapPaint//style = FILL Draws the content between two rectangles;
// bitmap.shader = BitmapShader(bitmap, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)
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Given that the paintbrush is set to FILL, the content between the two rectangles will be drawn. So what happens when part of the two borders don’t overlap? (Although the inner border must be less than or equal to the outer border, if the outer border is set to a rounded radius, some contents may not overlap.)
Take a look at the drawn border:
This method draws the contents of the non-intersecting portions of the two borders, which correspondPorterDuff.Mode.Xor
For details, see Porterduff.mode
There will inevitably be mistakes in the content, we welcome you to point out, for your suggestions and mistakes correction, I will timely modify. Thank you very much!