In developmentDrawable xml
File bloat problem
During development, it is often necessary to write a lot of Drawable XML files in order to achieve good UX design. For example: rounded Shape, gradient, Selector, etc. Due to the complexity of UX effects, the size and shape of UI elements are bound to vary greatly, so many Drawable XML files have to be written to implement the effects. In addition, when multiple developers are developing in parallel, other people will add the same Drawable XML file if there are no strong file naming rules. As a result, more and more XML files are added to the project, which not only increases the application package volume, but also is not conducive to subsequent reuse.
Common solution
1. The usual solution is to customize the View instead, with code to draw the corresponding effect. But can not guarantee the efficiency of the code implementation, and more commonly used View, one by one to achieve a larger custom View. 2. Agree on file naming to ensure that only one copy of the same Drawable XML exists, which can only avoid redundant Drawable XML and can not reduce the generation of necessary Drawable files. Moreover, it is not reliable to rely on people to follow the agreement without procedures to constrain it.
XWidgetThe solution
XWidget provides a rich “custom View” and basically includes the commonly used Drawable attribute. XWidget is also a custom View, but it serves only as a vector. The real drawing is the same as the Drawable XML we wrote, using custom properties to construct the corresponding GradientDrawable or StateListDrawable object and set it into the View. This implementation scheme not only ensures the performance of drawing, but also can be highly customized in the layout to achieve complex UI effects.
Supported controls
XButton, XConstraintLayout, XEditText, XFrameLayout, XImageView, XLinearLayout, XRelativeLayout, XTextView, XCheckBox, XView, XRadioButton
All of the controls above support properties in the table below, which uses only XButtonCustom as an example.
Supported attribute names
The attribute name | The sample |
XButtonCustom_corner | The rounded degree |
XButtonCustom_corner_type | Rounded corner type. Default is all. left_top,left_bottom,right_top,right_bottom |
XButtonCustom_solid_color | Background fill color, effective when gradient fill is not set |
XButtonCustom_shadow_color | Outer shadow color value |
XButtonCustom_shadow_radius | Outer shadow radius |
XButtonCustom_shadow_dx | The outer shadow is offset in the X direction |
XButtonCustom_shadow_dy | The outer shadow is offset in the y direction |
XButtonCustom_solid_gradient | Radial type, Linear, radial, sweep |
XButtonCustom_gradient_start_color | Gradient start color |
XButtonCustom_gradient_center_color | Gradient middle color |
XButtonCustom_gradient_end_color | Gradient end color |
XButtonCustom_gradient_orientation | Direction of gradient |
XButtonCustom_gradient_radius | The gradient Angle |
XButtonCustom_stroke_color | Stroke color |
XButtonCustom_stroke_border | Stroke width |
XButtonCustom_blur_type | The default value is Normal. outer,solid,inner |
XButtonCustom_blur_radius | Fuzzy radius |
XButtonCustom_blur_color | Fuzzy color |
XButtonCustom_state | Selector type, default none. Pressed, selected and checked. When the above state is selected, the properties of the state prefix fire |
XButtonCustom_stated_corner | State triggers rounded corners |
XButtonCustom_corner_type | State Specifies the type of rounded corners when triggered. The default is all. left_top,left_bottom,right_top,right_bottom |
XButtonCustom_stated_solid_color | State specifies the background fill color, effective when gradient fill is not set |
XButtonCustom_stated_shadow_color | Outer shadow color value |
XButtonCustom_stated_shadow_radius | Outer shadow radius |
XButtonCustom_stated_shadow_dx | The outer shadow is offset in the X direction |
XButtonCustom_stated_shadow_dy | The outer shadow is offset in the y direction |
XButtonCustom_stated_blur_type | The default value is Normal. outer,solid,inner |
XButtonCustom_stated_blur_radius | Fuzzy radius |
XButtonCustom_stated_blur_color | Fuzzy color |
XButtonCustom_stated_solid_gradient | Radial type, Linear, radial, sweep |
XButtonCustom_stated_gradient_start_color | Gradient start color |
XButtonCustom_stated_gradient_center_color | Gradient middle color |
XButtonCustom_stated_gradient_end_color | Gradient end color |
XButtonCustom_stated_gradient_orientation | Direction of gradient |
XButtonCustom_stated_gradient_radius | The gradient Angle |
XButtonCustom_stated_stroke_color | Stroke color |
XButtonCustom_stated_stroke_border | Stroke width |
XButtonCustom_drawable | Drawable that is normally displayed |
XButtonCustom_stated_drawable | A drawable displayed in a specific state, such as selector |
The way the above fields are modified in the code, the supported modified fields are defined in the IDrawableEditTransition interface
/ / get IDrawableEditTransition XWidgetParser. GetDrawableEditTransition (v)? .beginNormalTransition ? .setCorner(10) ? .commit()Copy the code
The sample
Add it in project build.gradle
allprojects { repositories { maven { url '' } } } Copy the code
Add it to build.gradle of the module you want to use
Implementation 'com. Making. Shilec: XWidget: 1.2.2'Copy the code
Add confusion
-keep public class com.scott.xwidget.parser.**{*; }Copy the code
Custom parsers
XWidgetParser.addParser(, XButtonParser2()) Copy the code
Introduction to plug-ins and annotation parsers
- use
Kapt 'com. Making. Shilec: XWidget: 1.2.2'
, can beXWidget
The annotated View generates the Drawable parser, which is used to generate template code and can be extended by inheriting from template code. - use
apply plugin: "com.scott.xwidget-gradle-plugin"
, can be automatically generatedXWidget
The attr property of the annotated View is defined in the generated file asres/values/xwidget_attrs.xml. To use a plugin, you need to configure the plugin’s build.gradle file in the root directoryThe classpath: 'com. Making. Shilec: XWidget: 1.2.2'