Zero, preface,

1. The first contact particle is in HTML5 Canvas, which is more like JavaScript canvas than HTML canvas. After all, the core is js. 2. After a long time of brewing, it seems that Java to achieve particle motion is not difficult,Android particles will use Android as a viewport, take you to enjoy the cool particles. 3. In terms of performance, I think it is acceptable as long as the disappearance of particles is reasonably controlled. As long as it’s not unlimited, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the game. 4. The core of the particle effect has three points: collect particles, change particles, and show particles 5. For the sake of purity, this article only achieves the particle effect as shown below:

First, the text of the particle thinking

1. Resource preparation

After thinking about it, since it is possible to use two-dimensional arrays to achieve digital particle: see :Android native Drawing cool countdown, then a Bitmap naturally contains a two-dimensional array of pixels? Without a second word, the picture will be changed to black and bottomless, traversal to add.

2. Particle objects
/** * Author: Zhang Feng Jiete Lay <br/> * Time: 2018/11/160016:21:51 <br/> * Email:<br/> * Description: */ public class Ball implements Cloneable {publicfloataX; // Acceleration publicfloataY; // Acceleration Y publicfloatvX; // speed X publicfloatvY; // speed Y publicfloatx; // publicfloaty; Public int color; Public / / colorfloatr; // public long born; // Birth date public Ballclone() {
        Ball clone = null;
        try {
            clone = (Ball) super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        return clone; }}Copy the code

3. Collection of particles

Here we traverse the bitmap and collect all the black pixels into the particle set:

Private List<Ball> mBalls = new ArrayList<>(); / / / / particle collection Bitmap for the image Bitmap. = BitmapFactory decodeResource (getResources (), R.m ipmap. Thank_you);for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.getWidth(); i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.getHeight(); j++) {
        int pixel = bitmap.getPixel(i, j);
        if(pixel < 0) {// Filter out the other colors here to avoid all particles; Ball Ball = new Ball(); // Generate particles -- each particle has some random property information ball.vx = (float) (Math.pow(-1, Math.ceil(Math.random() ball.vY = rangeInt(-15, 35); Ball. AY = 0.98 f; ball.x = i * 4; ball.y = j * 4; ball.color = pixel; ball.born = System.currentTimeMillis(); mBalls.add(ball); } mColArr[i][j] = bitmap.getPixel(i, j); }}Copy the code

4. Display of particles

So it’s very simple to draw each particle in a set of particles but it’s not a text or a picture anymore, it’s a particle that can be manipulated. Isn’t that exciting

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    canvas.translate(mCoo.x, mCoo.y);
    for(Ball Ball: mBalls) {// draw the Ball set mPaint. SetColor (ball.color); canvas.drawCircle(ball.x, ball.y, 2, mPaint); } canvas.restore(); }Copy the code

Second, the motion of particles

A little bit about the kinematics of the tuberculosis, the simulation of the displacement, the velocity, the acceleration of the ball, in order to achieve the motion, but I don’t want to go into much detail in this paper.

1. Particle status update:

It’s not really complicated, it’s just a kinematic sum of displacement and velocity at constant time

/** * Update the ball */ private voidupdateBall() {
    for(int i = 0; i < mBalls.size(); i++) { Ball ball = mBalls.get(i); ball.x += ball.vX; ball.y += ball.vY; ball.vY += ball.aY; ball.vX += ball.aX; }}Copy the code
2. Annihilation of particles

Yesterday I was thinking how can we better control the annihilation of particles? The annihilation of particles is basically the removal of particles from the collection under certain conditions, and this morning, I had an idea.

/** * Update the ball */ private voidupdateBall() {
    for (int i = 0; i < mBalls.size(); i++) {
        Ball ball = mBalls.get(i);
        if(System.currentTimeMillis() - mClickTime > 3000) mBalls.remove(i); } ball.x += ball.vX; ball.y += ball.vY; ball.vY += ball.aY; ball.vX += ball.aX; }}Copy the code
3. Time digital stream:
ValueAnimator mAnimator = valueAnimator.offloat (0, 1); // Initialize the time stream. mAnimator.setRepeatCount(-1); mAnimator.setDuration(2000); mAnimator.addUpdateListener(animation -> { updateBall(); Invalidate (); });Copy the code
4. Click the event
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    switch (event.getAction()) {
        caseMotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mClickTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Manimator.start ();break;
    return true;
Copy the code

The effect of particle motion is achieved, of course, you can use any image to do particle motion, write a new article on the particle motion of Bitmap in detail, stay tuned.

Iii. Particle animation end monitoring:

Now it’s time to listen for the total annihilation of particles, after the annihilation of all the particles in an image into the next image: it’s easy to think of removing particles as listening for whether the set of particles is empty

1. Prepare member variables
private List<Ball> mBalls = new ArrayList<>(); Private ValueAnimator mAnimator; // time stream private long mRunTime; // Private Boolean isOK; Private int curBitmapIndex = 0; Private Bitmap[] mbitmap; // Image arrayCopy the code
2. Image particle method method encapsulation
@param bitmap */ public void bitmap2Ball(bitmap bitmap) {for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.getWidth(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.getHeight(); j++) {
            int pixel = bitmap.getPixel(i, j);
            if(pixel < 0) {// Filter out the other colors here to avoid all particles; Ball Ball = new Ball(); // Generate particles -- each particle has some random property information ball.vx = (float) (Math.pow(-1, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000)) * 20 * Math.random()); ball.vY = rangeInt(-15, 35); Ball. AY = 0.98 f; ball.x = i * 4; ball.y = j * 4; ball.color = pixel; ball.born = System.currentTimeMillis(); mBalls.add(ball); }}}}Copy the code
3. Prepare an array of images:
/ / load the image array mBitmaps = new Bitmap [] {BitmapFactory. DecodeResource (getResources (), R.m ipmap. Thank_you), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.mipmap.bye), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.mipmap.go_on) }; bitmap2Ball(mBitmaps[curBitmapIndex]); // Initialize the first diagramCopy the code
4. After the monitoring picture is broken, proceed to the next one

The FLAG “isOK” made me headache for several minutes, but I finally found the location of when

/** * Update the ball */ private voidupdateBall() {
    for (int i = 0; i < mBalls.size(); i++) {
        Ball ball = mBalls.get(i);
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - mRunTime > 2000) {
        if(mballs.isempty ()) {// indicates the end of the sheetif (curBitmapIndex == 2) {
            isOK = true;
            mRunTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if(isOK) {// return isOK = if this sheet endsfalse;
            return; } ball.x += ball.vX; ball.y += ball.vY; ball.vY += ball.aY; ball.vX += ball.aX; }}Copy the code

So far, the effect of this article has been realized, is not as complex as imagined, I believe you can do it

Four, postscript:

These days thanks for the help of grapefruit tea, no report, with the text, I wish the nuggets better and better, to help more technical developers. This article has no specification and will not be modified. See project source code – _ – ~ lot ~ please _ please — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 2018.11.17 – jet & anhui