The C language provides several functions for allocating and managing memory. These functions can be found in the <stdlib.h> header file.

The serial number Functions and descriptions
1 void calloc(int num, int size);

Dynamically allocate num contiguous space of size in memory and initialize each byte to 0. So it ends up assigning num
Size Specifies the memory space in bytes, and each byte has a value of 0.
2 void free(void *address);

This function frees the memory block pointed to by address, freeing dynamically allocated memory.
3 void *malloc(int num);

Allocate a specified amount of memory in the heap to store data. This chunk of memory is not initialized after the function completes execution, and its value is unknown.
4 void *realloc(void *address, int newsize);

This function reallocates memory, expanding it to newsize.

###C speech inside the memory partition

  • Stack area (stack memory, storage of local variables, automatic allocation and release, function parameters inside, temporary variables inside methods)
  • The maximum heap size (dynamic memory allocation, manually allocated by programmers in C voice) is 80% of the operating system
  • Global area or static area
  • Constant area (string)
  • Program code area

During the execution of a program, the amount of memory that needs to be used is dynamically specified and manually released, after which the memory can be reused.

Static memory allocation, allocation of memory size is fixed, resulting in problems:
1. It is easy to exceed the maximum stack memory
2. In order to prevent insufficient memory will open up more memory, easy to waste memory.
Dynamic memory allocation. During the running of a program, the amount of memory that needs to be used is dynamically specified, manually released, and then reused

### stack overflow The following code causes a stack overflow

void main(){// Static memory allocation, allocated to the stack, Window each application stack is about 2M, the size is determined. It's related to the operating system. int a [1024 * 1024 * 10 * 4]; }Copy the code

##### The static memory is defined as 40M, and each application stack in the Window is about 2M. If the stack exceeds the range, stack Overflow will be reported.

Dynamic memory allocation and release

Int * p1 = (int*)malloc(1024*1024*10*sizeof(int)); / / release free (p1);Copy the code

In the program running too long, you can optionally open up a specified size of memory, for use, equivalent to the Java collection

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Windows.h>// Create an array, dynamically specifying the size of the array voidmain() {static memory allocation creates array, array size is fixed //int I = 10; //int a[i]; int len;printf(Enter the length of the array:);
	scanf("%d", &len); Len * 4 bytes int* p = (int*)malloc(len * sizeof(int)); Int I = 0;for (; i < len; i++) {
		p[i] = rand() % 100;
		printf("%d,%#x\n", p[i], &p[i]); } // Free (p); getchar(); } result output: 41,0 x513f4867,0x513f4c 34,0x513f50,0x513f54 69,0x513f58 24,0x513f5cCopy the code

### realloc #### Two cases of realloc: #### Shrink memory, that portion of data is lost #### expand memory, (continuous)

#####1. If there is required memory space behind the current memory segment, expand the memory space directly. Realloc returns the original pointer #####2. If there are not enough free bytes after the current memory segment, the first memory block in the heap that meets this requirement is used, the current data is copied to the new location, and the original database is freed, returning the new memory address #####3. If the request fails, NULL is returned, and the original pointer is still valid

void main() {
	int len;
	printf("First input array length:");
	scanf("%d", &len); Len * 4 bytes int* p = (int*)malloc(len * sizeof(int)); Int I = 0;for (; i < len; i++) {
		p[i] = rand() % 100;
		printf("%d,%#x\n", p[i], &p[i]);

	int addLen;
	printf("Enter the increased length of the array :");
	scanf("%d", &addLen);

	int* p2 = (int*)realloc(p, sizeof(int) * (len + addLen));
	if (p2 == NULL) {
		printf("Redistribution failed......");

	printf("------------ new array -------------------\n"); // reassign I = 0;for (; i < len + addLen; i++) {
		p2[i] = rand() % 200;
		printf("%d,%#x\n", p2[i], &p2[i]); } // Manually release memory p2 will also release memory P, because when allocating memory to P2, either P has been released, or p2 and P point to the same address regionif(p2 ! = NULL) { free(p2); p2 = NULL; } getchar(); } Output: first input array length: 5 41 34, 0, 0 67, 0 x5e4adc x5e4ad8 x5e4ae0 0 69, 0, 0 x5e4ae4 x5e4ae8 increase the length of the input array: 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- new array -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 124, 0 x5e4ad8 78,0x5e4adc 158,0 x5e4ae4 64,0x5e4ae8 105,0x5e4aec 145,0x5e4af0 81,0x5e4af4 27,0x5e4af8 161,0x5e4afcCopy the code

A few details about memory allocation

# # # # # 1. Cannot release # # # # # 2. Many times after the release (pointer) still has value, to a NULL pointer, sign release # # # # # 3. Memory leak (p reassigned, then free, not really free memory)

Avoiding memory leaks

#####p Free before reassigning

Memory leak

void main(){ //40M int* p1 = malloc(1024 * 1024 * 10 * sizeof(int)); //free(p1); //p1 = NULL; // Error, memory is not freed immediatelyprintf("%#x\n",p1);

	p1 = malloc(1024 * 1024 * 10 * sizeof(int) * 2);
	p1 = NULL;

Copy the code

Open task Manager and see that there is a 40M memory leak.

Correct way to write:

void main(){
	int* p1 = malloc(1024 * 1024 * 10 * sizeof(int));
	p1 = NULL;

	p1 = malloc(1024 * 1024 * 10 * sizeof(int) * 2);
	p1 = NULL;

Copy the code

Open task Manager, see only 0.3m memory, normal.

Special thanks to Jason Xiaonan, President of Brain Institute