### The relationship between C and C++

  1. C++ can be mixed with C code, C can be written in C++, but not the other way around.
  2. C++ is an object-oriented programming language and C is procedural programming.
  3. C++ an enhancement to C. C++ has the concept of class, reference, heap memory allocation in addition to C language malloc, free, and new, delete keywords.

###C++ namespace

#### Basic Concepts

Namespaces, also called namespaces, are similar to packages (categories) in Java. When the project is large, it is used to distinguish between code written by different people and code from different libraries. Function names, variable names, class names, and so on can be repeated under different namespaces.

#### The most basic example:

#include <iostream> using namespace std; Void main(){cout << "I love you" << endl; system("pause"); }Copy the code

This is an example of a Hello Word. The things to note are:

  1. Use the STD namespace by using namespace. You can also use namespaces with STD ::, called access modifiers.
  2. Cout is the output function of the iostream header file. In C++, header file inclusion does not require the. H suffix. Where << is operator overload. Endl means line break.

#### Custom namespace

Customize a namespace using the namespace keyword:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

namespace name1{
	int a = 1;
	namespace name1_1{
		int a = 3;

namespace name2{
	int a = 2;

void main(){

	cout << name1::a << endl;
	cout << name2::a << endl;
	cout << name1::name1_1::a << endl;
Copy the code

As you can see from the example above, namespaces can be nested.

Structs, structs and namespaces in C++

  1. C++ is an enhancement of C. Structures in C++ can have access modifiers, which are shared by multiple variables or functions.

  2. Structures in C++ are very similar to classes in Java. In C speech, only function Pointers can be used as member functions. In C++, they are functions directly.

  3. Structs in C++ have a this pointer to themselves.

  4. After using a namespace in C++, the struct keyword can be omitted when using a structure.


    using namespace std;

    namespace name1{

    struct Teacher{ private: char* name; public: int age; void say(){ cout << "Hello My age is :" << this->age << endl; }};Copy the code


    void main(){

     using name1::Teacher;
     Teacher t;
     t.age = 20;
    Copy the code


# # # in c + + class

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class AClass
	int getA(){
		//return this->a;
		return a;

	void setA(int a){
		this->a = a;

	int a;


void main(){

	AClass c;
	cout << c.getA() << endl;

Copy the code


  1. Like Java, there is a TIHS pointer to itself.
  2. Class definitions need to end with a semicolon.
  3. Here, the c in main is in stack memory, and we can use the new keyword to create the entity of the object in heap memory, but we need to

Boolean types in C++

C++ has a Boolean type bool, but C doesn’t.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void main(){

	bool b = true;
	if (b){
		cout << b << endl;
		cout << sizeof(bool) << endl;

Copy the code

The values of bool are true, false, 1, and 0, and are one byte in size.

###### In C/C++, conditional expressions are true if they are greater than 0 and false if they are less than or equal to 0. In Java, you can only use true and false.

###C++ functions

#### function arguments can have default values, as in PHP.

void test1(int a = 10){

Copy the code

Once a parameter value has a default value, all subsequent parameters need to have one

void test2(int a, int b = 10, int c = 20){

Copy the code

Ambiguity is important when functions are overloaded.

#### Variable arguments to the function

The header file stdarg.h is required.

  1. Start reading variable arguments with va_start, where parameter I is the last fixed argument.

  2. Read by vA_arg. The type needs to be specified.

  3. End the read by va_end.

    #include #include <stdarg.h>

    using namespace std;

    void test(int i, …) {

    va_list args_p; va_start(args_p, i); Int a = va_arg(args_p, int); char b = va_arg(args_p, char); int c = va_arg(args_p, int); va_end(args_p); cout << a << endl; cout << b << endl; cout << c << endl;Copy the code


    void main(){ test(1, 10, ‘a’, 20); system(“pause”); }

It is also possible to loop, but only if the variables are greater than 0 and of the same type. Example:

void test(int i, ...) { va_list args_p; va_start(args_p, i); While (true){int a = va_arg(args_p, int); if (a <= 0){ break; } cout << a << endl; continue; } va_end(args_p); } void main(){ test(1, 10, 20, 30, -1); //-1 equals system("pause"); }Copy the code

###C++ class

Definitions are usually written in header files and implemented in source files. For example:

The header file:

#pragma once
class Teacher
Copy the code

The source file:

#include "Teacher.h"


Copy the code


#include "Teacher.h"

void main(){
	Teacher t;
Copy the code

Function templates in C++

Template functions, equivalent to generics in Java.

For example, to exchange two things, we can implement two functions:

void myswap(int& a,int& b){
	int tmp = 0;
	tmp = a;
	a = b;
	b = tmp;

void myswap(char& a, char& b){
	char tmp = 0;
	tmp = a;
	a = b;
	b = tmp;
Copy the code

However, we find that the two functions have the same business logic and different data types, so we can use the function template to reduce the amount of code in this case:

template <typename T> void myswap(T& a, T& b){ T tmp = 0; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } void main(){int a = 10, b = 20; myswap<int>(a,b); cout << a << "," << b << endl; char x = 'v', y = 'w'; myswap(x, y); cout << x << "," << y << endl; system("pause"); }Copy the code

# # # template class

Custom template classes

template<class T>
class A{
	A(T a){
		this->a = a;
	T a;
Copy the code

Custom ordinary classes inherit from template classes

class B :public A<int>{
	B(int a)

Copy the code

Custom template classes inherit from template classes

template<class T>
class C :public A<T>{
	C(int a)

Copy the code

Instantiation of a template class

A<int> a(10);
Copy the code

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