1. An overview of the

C/C++ crash handling is a relatively troublesome area of Android development. There are currently commercial statistical SDKS that can support this, such as Bugly.

Principle 2.

Android system is based on Linux implementation. When a crash occurs in Linux, the system sends a semaphore to the current process to indicate that the process is abnormal. We can intercept this semaphore and then save the current system image at this point, generating the dump file.

Upload it to the server and analyze it in the background.

3. The implementation

One of the most popular is google-BreakPad, an open source framework provided by Google. This is a cross-platform C/C ++ crash capture tool. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Compile the Google-BreakPad Android section to generate a static library.
  2. Write your own JNI library, call the methods in the static library, pass in the crash file save directory and crash callback.
  3. Handle crashes in callbacks. For example, upload dump files.

The analysis process is as follows:

  1. First, use the dump_syms tool to export the symbol table file from the so file.
  2. Next, use the minidumP_stackWalk tool to restore the call stack for symbol tables and dump files.
  3. Use addr2line to find the corresponding source code line number according to the PC pointer address.

For example:

1. Manually create crashes and get crash files:

2. Generate a symbol table

./dump_syms libnativecrashcapture.so > ./dumpsym/libnativecrashcapture.so.sym

3. Parse dump files

./minidump_stackwalk_linux c92f2405-e612-4fb8-ad7628be-f13149b9.dmp ./dumpsym/ dumpdetail3.txt

4. Locate the crash location

4. References

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