Study Notes (2)
Android Material Common components
Note that the Meterial component must be used with the Meterial theme, otherwise some controls may not work
Add dependencies, currently up to 1.2.1
implementation 'com. Google. Android. Material: material: 1.2.1'
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1) TextInputLayout is used with TextInputEditText
android:hint="Username" // Write hints on TextInputLayout. When you click Edittext, the text floats up
app:counterEnabled="true" // Enable the count function
app:counterMaxLength="10" // Count the maximum length allowed. Input can exceed the maximum length
app:errorEnabled="true" // Enable error message, the UI will display when the maximum length is exceeded
app:hintTextAppearance="@style/MaterialAlertDialog.MaterialComponents.Title.Text" // Hint's custom style
app:passwordToggleEnabled="true"> // If the password is visible, the password is visible by default
< With normalEditTextDo not have what differenceandroid:layout_width="match_parent"
android:layout_height="80dp" />
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We set error messages in our code
binding.til.editText? .addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher { override funbeforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence? , start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence? , start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {
if(binding.til? .editText!! .text.toString().trim().length >10) {
binding.til.error = "User name length out of limit"
} else {
binding.til.error = null}}})Copy the code
Render the effect in a GIF
Added: ① Change the password visible to the eye icon. The custom selector
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? ><selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@mipmap/pwd_visiable" android:state_checked="true"/>
<item android:drawable="@mipmap/pwd_gone" android:state_checked="false"/>
<item android:drawable="@mipmap/pwd_gone" />
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Then use TextInputLayout in the layout file
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Support a variety of styles of customization
app:hintTextAppearance="@style/HintAppearance"Floating label font styleapp:errorTextAppearance="@style/ErrorAppearance"Error message font styleapp:counterTextAppearance="@style/CounterAppearance"Font styles are counted when the maximum word count is not exceededapp:counterOverflowTextAppearance="@style/CounterOverflowAppearance"When the maximum number of words is exceeded, the font style is countedCopy the code
2) Chip and ChipGroup
The classification of the Chip
(1) the Action chip
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Default style, do not show before and after the icon, click after no selected state.
(2) the Filter Chip
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In the initial state, the front and back ICONS are not displayed. After clicking, the selected ICONS are displayed and the selected state is displayed
(3) Entry Chip
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By default, the delete button is displayed at the end, and the selected icon is displayed at the front after clicking.
(4) Choice Chip
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By default, before and after ICONS are not displayed, but when clicked, they are selected. You can select multiple ICONS in ChipGroup
The properties of Chip
Category Property Name Description Shape App :chipCornerRadius Radius Size App :chipMinHeight Minimum height Background App :chipBackgroundColor Background color Border App :chipStrokeColor Border Color Border APP :chipStrokeWidth Border width Ripple APP :rippleColor Water Ripple effect color Label Android: Text Text content Label Android :textColor changes the textColor Label android:textAppearance font style Chip Icon app:chipIconVisible whether the Icon in front shows the Chip Icon Chip Icon APP :chipIconTint Color Icon before text Chip Icon APP :chipIconSize Chip Icon before text Close Icon App :closeIconVisible Chip Close Icon app:closeIcon Chip Close Icon app:closeIconSize Text behind the Close Icon size Close Icon app:closeIconTint Text behind the coloring Checkable app: Checkable can be Checked Checked Icon app:checkedIconVisible Check Icon App :checkedIcon Check Icon Paddings app:chipStartPadding Chip Left margin Paddings APP :chipEndPadding Paddings app:iconStartPadding chipIcon Paddings app:iconEndPadding chipIcon Paddings The app: textStartPadding text left Paddings app: textEndPadding text right margin Paddings app: do the left from the Paddings closeIconStartPadding close button App :closeIconEndPadding Close the right margin of the buttonCopy the code
Chip listening in
Click the event setOnClickListener
Selected setOnCheckedChangeListener
Delete the Chip to monitor setOnCloseIconClickListener
Like RadioGroup, ChipGroup is used to manage multiple chips
Auto wrap (default)
SingleLine scrolling app:singleLine=”true”
The properties of ChipGroup
Example of property name functionapp:checkedChip Initially selected Chip app:checkedChip= "@ID /chipInGroup2_1"appApp :chipSpacing= "25dp"app: chipSpacingHorizontal app: horizontal spacing between the Chip chipSpacingHorizontal = 35 "dp"appApp :chipSpacingVertical= "10dp"app:singleLine enable singleLine mode app:singleLine="true"app:singleSelection Enable radio mode app:singleSelection="true"Copy the code
ChipGroup listening in
Monitored setOnCheckedChangeListener (1) is selected
SingleSelction =true takes effect
② Get the selected Chipid getCheckedChipIds
3), MaterialButton (emphasis)
The rounded button
app:cornerRadius="15dp" // The rounded corner size
app:backgroundTint="@color/colorPrimaryDark" // Modify solid color background, if gradient color is required, custom drawable
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Irregular fillet
<! -- Double rounded button style --><style name="DoubleFilletButtonStyle">
<item name="cornerFamilyTopLeft">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerFamilyBottomRight">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerSizeTopLeft">25dp</item>
<item name="cornerSizeBottomRight">25dp</item>
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Add borders
android:padding="1dp" // Add padding depending on the effect
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Radio buttons
android:layout_height="80dp" // Circle size
android:insetLeft="0dp" //4 inner margins default to 6dp. To set the circle, set the inner margins to 0dp
android:insetTop="0dp" //4 inner margins default to 6dp. To set the circle, set the inner margins to 0dp
android:insetRight="0dp" //4 inner margins default to 6dp. To set the circle, set the inner margins to 0dp
android:insetBottom="0dp" //4 inner margins default to 6dp. To set the circle, set the inner margins to 0dp
app:cornerRadius="40dp" // Half the diameter
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Add icon icon to Button
The following code places the icon and text in the middle of the button, with the default icon to the left and text in the middle of the remaining space
android:gravity="left|center_vertical" // Left, vertical center
android:paddingLeft="60dp" // Jump to the position of icon and text via the padding
android:text="Thumb up"
app:icon="@mipmap/dianzhan" / / reference icon
app:iconGravity="start" // Position of icon, optional upper left, lower right
app:iconPadding="0dp" / / icon padding
app:iconSize="25dp" / / the size of the icon
app:iconTint="@color/teal_200" // Change the rendering color of icon to pink
app:iconTintMode="src_atop" // Render mode
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Water ripples on the Button
App :rippleColor=”@color/black”
Supplementary parts:
1) if you want the button to set the height and height Can be four insetTop insetBottom insetLeft, insetRight is set to 0
(2) get rid of the shadow of the Button, style can be specified as style = “@ style/Widget. MaterialComponents. Button. UnelevatedButton” so it looks more flat
4) ShapeableImageView (key)
Rounded corners
Define rounded corner style
<style name="roundedCornerStyle">
<item name="cornerFamily">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerSize">12dp</item>
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Define circular style
<style name="circleImageStyle">
<item name="cornerFamily">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerSize">50%</item> / / define 50%
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Use the same
Corner cut
<style name="cutImageStyle">
<item name="cornerFamily">cut</item>
<item name="cornerSize">24dp</item>
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Diamond cutting Angle
<style name="diamondImageStyle">
<item name="cornerFamily">cut</item>
<item name="cornerSize">50%</item>
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Irregular fillet
<style name="roundedCornerStyle">
<item name="cornerFamilyTopLeft">rounded</item> // Select rounder,cunt
<item name="cornerFamilyBottomLeft">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerFamilyTopRight">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerFamilyBottomRight">rounded</item>
<item name="cornerSizeTopLeft">50%</item> // use dp or percentage
<item name="cornerSizeTopRight">50%</item>
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Add an external border
android:padding="2dp" / / need
app:strokeColor="# 000"
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5) Progress Indicators
Linear and Circular Material Design provides two visually distinct types of progress indicators: linear and circular progress indicators. Corresponding LinearProgressIndicator and CircularProgressIndicator respectively
Deterministic and uncertain Progress indicators may be deterministic or uncertain. Determine how long the metrics display process takes. An indeterminate indicator indicates an indeterminate wait time. If progress cannot be detected, or it is not necessary to indicate how long the activity will take. Simply add the Android: Indeterminate =”true” attribute to scroll through the loop for an indeterminate progress indicator.
Commonly used attributes
App: indicatorDirectionLinear linear indicator forward in the direction of the modelappPattern: indicatorDirectionCircular circular indicator forward directionapp:indicatorCornerRadius indicator and radius of each corner of the trackapp:indicatorSize Indicates the width of progress tracking and indicatorsappCircularRadius Defines the radius of the circular progress indicatorappCircularInset The extra space from the outer edge of an indicator to the edge of an indicator, equivalent to marginapp:trackColor The color used by the progress track, the color of the progress not completedapp:indicatorColor indicates the indicatorColor. It can be set as a single color or as an array of colors.Copy the code
Sets the indicator color array
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<integer-array name="cat_custom_progress_colors">
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6), the Slider
Enhanced SeekBar
android:valueTo="11.0" />
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android:valueTo="11.0" />
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<array name="initial_slider_values">
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There are many other features
7), the Toolbar
Collates the more common properties of the Toolbarapp:navigationIcon Sets navigation buttonapp:logo Sets the logo iconapp:title Sets the titleapp:titleTextColor sets the titleTextColorapp:subtitle Sets the subtitleapp:subtitleTextColor sets the subtitleTextColorapp:titleTextAppearance Sets title-text-related properties, such as font, color, size, and so onapp:subtitleTextAppearance Sets subtitle text-related properties, such as font, color, size, and so onapp: logoDescription logoapp: the menu Settings menuandroidBackground: background of the ToolbarandroidTheme: the themeCopy the code
The title centered
android:textSize="22sp" />
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The end:
This note is for personal study only. References and quotations from other authors are appreciated here.
1, author: e Electric pony E
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2. Author: Chenxi _LLW
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