This article focuses on sharing the configuration in the Application node. If there are any mistakes, please correct them.

1. The android: allowTaskReparenting this attribute can be shown, for example, is watching the example should understand what effect Such as: There are applications A and B, where B sets this property to true. When A starts B, B’s activity will be displayed and B’s activity is in A’s task stack. Then press the Back button or the home button to return to the background and start B from the desktop. B displays the activity started by A instead of the main page in B, unless the activity started by A is B’s startup page.

This property is overridden by the activity of the same name in the configuration.

2. Android :allowBackup Whether the ADB command can be used to back up application data

3. The android: allowClearUserData whether to allow clearance application cache data.

4. Android :backupAgent The value is the full class path of a subclass of backupAgent, which implements some methods of backing up application data.

5. The android: backupInForeground allowBackup value is true, when the APP running in the foreground is automatic backup data.

6. Android: Banner This property is mainly used in AndroidTV.

7. Android: Indicates whether debugging is allowed.

8. Android: Description App description

9. Android :directBootAware can run with lock screen

10. Android :enabled Whether the device is available

11. The android: extractNativeLibs main logo in the apk so file transfer in the system in a different way.

12. The android: fullBackupContent indicate the application rules of the backup data, XML format.

13. Android :fullBackupOnly Whether to enable automatic backup on available devices.

14. Android :hasCode whether the app contains code. Default: true.

15. The android: hardwareAccelerated whether open hardware acceleration.

16. Android :icon App icon

17. Android: Is isGame a game app

18. Android :killAfterRestore This application ends when the system is restored.

19. Android: Whether the largeHeap needs to create an application in the larger Dalvik heap, generally not, should minimize the memory used by the application.

20. Android: Label Activity The title content displayed in the upper left corner of the default theme.

21. Android: LOGO Icon on the ActionBar or ToolBar.

22. The android: manageSpaceActivity a subclass of activity, for system management application on the device memory.

23. Android: Name Indicates the class name of a custom application.

24. The android: networkSecurityConfig Android7.0 configuration files for network security. (API>=24)

25. Android: Persistent identifies whether the app should be running at all times.

26. Android: Process Indicates the name of the process that the application runs.

27. The android: requiredAccountType accounts needed for the application type.

28. Whether resizeableActivity supports multiple Windows. (API>=24)

29. Android :supportsRtl whether the application supports the right-to-left layout. (API>=17)

30. Android: The task stack names of all activities in the taskAffinity application.

31. Android :testOnly Whether the application is for testing only

32. Android: Theme Specifies the theme of the application.

Android :uiOptions “None” : no operation. The default value. “SplitActionBarWhenNarraw” : Layout Action on Action items in the ActionBar when horizontal space is limited (API>=14).

34. The android: usesCleartextTraffic whether to allow network clear text transmission. (API>=23)

35. Android :vmSafeMode whether the vm is expected to run in safe mode. False by default. (API>=22)

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