Preface: this article seeks the lunar calendar method is different from most Java seeks the lunar calendar method I have seen so far, this article code is translated from C++ code.

Since there is nothing technical to say in this article, let’s put the tool class directly below, and the year range is 1901-2099. If you want to debug by copying the tool class directly into the CV of the engineering tool class, you can call the solarToLunar method to get a HashMap object with all the relevant information.

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;

/** * Solar calendar to lunar calendar tools class **@packageName:
 * @fileName: CalendarUtil
 * @date: 2019/1/4 were *@author: ymc
 * @QQ: 745612618 * /

public class CalendarUtil {

    private volatile static CalendarUtil instance;

    private CalendarUtil(a) {}private static final int MIN_YEAR = 1900;
    private static final int MIN_SOLAR_YEAR = 1901;
    private static final int MAX_YEAR = 2099;
    /** * year trunk branch */
    private String[] mYearGanZhi = {"Jia"."YiChou"."BingYin"."Ding Mao"."Wu-cheng"."JiSi"."GengWu"."Now"."RenShen"."J unitary"."JiaQu"."Yi hai"."C"."丁丑"."WuYin"."JiMao"."GengChen"."Xin have"."Horse"."Not" decyl."JiaShen"."YiYou"."C xu-gou"."Ding hai"."E"."Has the ugly".Yin "g"."XinMao"."Nonyl Chen" "."Decyl have"."Sino-japanese"."Not" b."BingShen"."Ding You"."The reform"."F hai"."Boxer"."National"."Nonyl Yin"."Decyl bases"."Let-out".B the third "".Noon "c"."Ding did not"."E" "."F unitary".Xu-gou "g"."Xinhai"."RenZi"."Decyl ugly"."JiaYin"."YiMao"."Chen" c"."Reading the third"."E noon"."Have not"."GengShen"."XinYou"."I xu-gou"."Decyl hai"};

    /** * The beginning year of definition, 1804 is the year of Jia Zi and belongs to the genus rat */
    private final static int START_YEAR = 1804;

    /** * 10 days / 12 days */
    private String[] tianGan = new String[]{"甲"."乙"."丙"."Ding"."戊"."己"."庚"."Xin"."壬"."癸"};
    private String[] diZhi = new String[]{"Child"."Ugly"."Yin"."Frame"."Chen"."The third"."Noon"."Not"."" "."Unitary"."Xu-gou"."Hai"};

    private static String[] shuXiang = {"Rat"."Cow"."Tiger"."Rabbit"."Dragon"."Snake"."Horse"."Sheep"."Monkey"."Chicken"."Dog"."Pig"};

    private int[] mDiZhiTimes = {};

    /** * The relationship between the year and month */
    private int[] mYearAndMonthGan = {};

    private int[] mDayAndTimeGan = {};private int[] normalYday = {};
    /** * Leap year */
    private int[] leapYday = {};

    private int[] TianGanDayLG = {};
    private int[] YinYang = {};
    private int[] DiZhiDayLG = {};
    private int[] TianGanTimeLG = {};
    private int[] DiZhiTimeLG = {};

    private int[] JiuGong = {};
    private String[] m_LGAcupoint = {"Sun"."" pulse"."Shut"."Outside the pass"."Lin chi"."Column of"."According to the sea"."According to the sea"."Si 3"};

    private int year;
    private int month;
    private int day;
    private int leap;
    private int nTem;
    private String baGuiStr;
    /** * Leap month */
    private int leapMonth;
    /** * Is leap month */
    private boolean isLeap;
    /** * century */
    private int nCentry;
    /** * the last two digits of the year */
    private int nLYear;
    /** * index subscript */
    private int rTn = -1;

    private int nTradYesrs;
    /** ** ** ** **
    private HashMap<String, Object> resMap = new HashMap<>();

    /** * is used to represent the lunar year from 1900 to 2099. It contains 24 bits in hexadecimal format, where: * 1. The first four indicate the year leap which month; * 2. 5-17 digits indicate the size month distribution of 13 months in the lunar year, 0 indicates small, 1 indicates large; * 3. The last seven digits indicate the Gregorian calendar date corresponding to the first day of the lunar year. ** 0x955ABF in 2014 is used as an example: * 1001 0101 0101 1010 1011 1111 * The first day of the first month of the lunar calendar corresponds to January 31 of the Gregorian calendar */
    private int[] lunarInfo = {
            / / 1900
            0x84B6BF./ / 1901-1910
            0x04AE53.0x0A5748.0x5526BD.0x0D2650.0x0D9544.0x46AAB9.0x056A4D.0x09AD42.0x24AEB6.0x04AE4A./ / 1911-1920
            0x6A4DBE.0x0A4D52.0x0D2546.0x5D52BA.0x0B544E.0x0D6A43.0x296D37.0x095B4B.0x749BC1.0x049754./ / 1921-1930
            0x0A4B48.0x5B25BC.0x06A550.0x06D445.0x4ADAB8.0x02B64D.0x095742.0x2497B7.0x04974A.0x664B3E./ / 1931-1940
            0x0D4A51.0x0EA546.0x56D4BA.0x05AD4E.0x02B644.0x393738.0x092E4B.0x7C96BF.0x0C9553.0x0D4A48./ / 1941-1950
            0x6DA53B.0x0B554F.0x056A45.0x4AADB9.0x025D4D.0x092D42.0x2C95B6.0x0A954A.0x7B4ABD.0x06CA51./ / 1951-1960
            0x0B5546.0x555ABB.0x04DA4E.0x0A5B43.0x352BB8.0x052B4C.0x8A953F.0x0E9552.0x06AA48.0x6AD53C./ / 1961-1970
            0x0AB54F.0x04B645.0x4A5739.0x0A574D.0x052642.0x3E9335.0x0D9549.0x75AABE.0x056A51.0x096D46./ / 1971-1980
            0x54AEBB.0x04AD4F.0x0A4D43.0x4D26B7.0x0D254B.0x8D52BF.0x0B5452.0x0B6A47.0x696D3C.0x095B50./ / 1981-1990
            0x049B45.0x4A4BB9.0x0A4B4D.0xAB25C2.0x06A554.0x06D449.0x6ADA3D.0x0AB651.0x095746.0x5497BB./ / 1991-2000
            0x04974F.0x064B44.0x36A537.0x0EA54A.0x86B2BF.0x05AC53.0x0AB647.0x5936BC.0x092E50.0x0C9645./ / 2001-2010
            0x4D4AB8.0x0D4A4C.0x0DA541.0x25AAB6.0x056A49.0x7AADBD.0x025D52.0x092D47.0x5C95BA.0x0A954E./ / 2011-2020
            0x0B4A43.0x4B5537.0x0AD54A.0x955ABF.0x04BA53.0x0A5B48.0x652BBC.0x052B50.0x0A9345.0x474AB9./ / 2021-2030
            0x06AA4C.0x0AD541.0x24DAB6.0x04B64A.0x6a573D.0x0A4E51.0x0D2646.0x5E933A.0x0D534D.0x05AA43./ / 2031-2040
            0x36B537.0x096D4B.0xB4AEBF.0x04AD53.0x0A4D48.0x6D25BC.0x0D254F.0x0D5244.0x5DAA38.0x0B5A4C./ / 2041-2050
            0x056D41.0x24ADB6.0x049B4A.0x7A4BBE.0x0A4B51.0x0AA546.0x5B52BA.0x06D24E.0x0ADA42.0x355B37./ / 2051-2060
            0x09374B.0x8497C1.0x049753.0x064B48.0x66A53C.0x0EA54F.0x06AA44.0x4AB638.0x0AAE4C.0x092E42./ / 2061-2070
            0x3C9735.0x0C9649.0x7D4ABD.0x0D4A51.0x0DA545.0x55AABA.0x056A4E.0x0A6D43.0x452EB7.0x052D4B./ / 2071-2080
            0x8A95BF.0x0A9553.0x0B4A47.0x6B553B.0x0AD54F.0x055A45.0x4A5D38.0x0A5B4C.0x052B42.0x3A93B6./ / 2081-2090
            0x069349.0x7729BD.0x06AA51.0x0AD546.0x54DABA.0x04B64E.0x0A5743.0x452738.0x0D264A.0x8E933E./ / 2091-2099

    /** * Singleton mode **@return CalendarUtil
    public static CalendarUtil getInstance(a) {
        if (instance == null) {
            synchronized (CalendarUtil.class) {
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = newCalendarUtil(); }}}return instance;

    /** * Convert a Gregorian calendar date to a lunar date, indicating whether it is a leap month **@returnReturns the lunar date */ corresponding to the Gregorian date
    public HashMap<String, Object> solarToLunar(String date, Calendar today) throws ParseException {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(Yyyy year MM Month DD Day HH hour MM minute SS second);
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        int y = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        // The month is +1
        int m = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
        int i = cal.get(Calendar.DATE);
        int h = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        Date baseDate = new GregorianCalendar(MIN_YEAR, 0.31).getTime();
        Date objDate = new GregorianCalendar(y, m - 1, i).getTime();
        int offset = (int) ((objDate.getTime() - baseDate.getTime()) / 86400000L);
        // iYear = iYear // iYear = iYear // iYear = iYear
        int iYear, daysOfYear = 0;
        for (iYear = MIN_YEAR; iYear <= MAX_YEAR && offset > 0; iYear++) {
            daysOfYear = daysInLunarYear(iYear);
            offset -= daysOfYear;
        if (offset < 0) {
            offset += daysOfYear;
        // Lunar year
        year = iYear;
        leapMonth = leapMonth(iYear);
        // Which month is the leap, 1-12
        isLeap = false;
        // Subtract the days of each month (lunar calendar) from the days offset of the current year to find the day of the month
        int iMonth, daysOfMonth = 0;
        for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= 13 && offset > 0; iMonth++) {
            daysOfMonth = daysInLunarMonth(iYear, iMonth);
            offset -= daysOfMonth;
        // The current month exceeds the leap month
        if(leapMonth ! =0 && iMonth > leapMonth) {
            if (iMonth == leapMonth) {
                isLeap = true; }}// If the offset is less than 0, it must be corrected
        if (offset < 0) {
            offset += daysOfMonth;
        month = iMonth;
        day = offset + 1;
        leap = isLeap ? 1 : 0;
        // Obtain the year of heavenly stems and earthly branches
        resMap.put("cY", tianGan[getYearTianGanIndex(year)] + diZhi[getYearDiZhiIndex(year)] + "Year");
        resMap.put("shu", getAnimalYearName(year));
        resMap.put("solar", getTraditionYearBySolarTerm(y, m, i));
        resMap.put("year", year);
        resMap.put("month", month);
        resMap.put("day", day);
        resMap.put("leap", leap);
        resMap.put("cM", tianGan[getMonthGanIndexBySolarTerm(y, m, i)] +
                diZhi[getMonthZhiIndexBySolarTerm(y, m, i)] + "Month");
        resMap.put("cD", tianGan[getDayGanIndex(y, m, i)] +
                diZhi[getDayZhiIndex(y, m, i)] + "Day");
        resMap.put("cH", tianGan[getTimeGanIndex(y, m, i, h)] +
                diZhi[getTimeZhiIndex(h)] + "When");
        // NAT a algorithm to query the required information
        resMap.put("najiaCD", tianGan[getDayGanIndex(y, m, i)]);
        resMap.put("najiaCDZhi", diZhi[getDayZhiIndex(y, m, i)]);
        resMap.put("najiaCH", tianGan[getTimeGanIndex(y, m, i, h)] +
        resMap.put("najiaCHGan",tianGan[getTimeGanIndex(y, m, i, h)]);
        // The NAT algorithm queries the required information
        resMap.put("nazhiCH", diZhi[getTimeZhiIndex(h)]);

        return resMap;

    /** * Get the name of the year */
    private int getYearTianGanIndex(int year) {
        nTem = year % tianGan.length - 3;
        if (nTem <= 0) {
            return tianGan.length + nTem - 1;
        } else {
            return nTem - 1; }}/** * Get the name of the year */
    private int getYearDiZhiIndex(int year) {
        nTem = year % 12 - 3;
        if (nTem <= 0) {
            return 12 + nTem - 1;
        } else {
            return nTem - 1; }}/** * Get the difference between the current year and the start year **/
    private int subtractYear(int year) {
        int jiaziYear = START_YEAR;
        // If the year is less than the start year (START_YEAR = 1804), then the start year is shifted forward
        if (year < jiaziYear) {
            // A 60-year cycle
            jiaziYear = jiaziYear - (60 + 60 * ((jiaziYear - year) / 60));
        return year - jiaziYear;

    /** * Get the name of the year **@paramYear the year *@return* /
    private String getAnimalYearName(int year) {
        return shuXiang[subtractYear(year) % 12] + "Year";

    /** * Return the total number of days in the lunar year **@paramYear Specifies the year to be calculated *@returnReturns the total number of days in the incoming year */
    private int daysInLunarYear(int year) {
        int i, sum = 348;
        if(leapMonth(year) ! =0) {
            sum = 377;
        int monthInfo = lunarInfo[year - MIN_YEAR] & 0x0FFF80;
        for (i = 0x80000; i > 0x7; i >>= 1) {
            if((monthInfo & i) ! =0) {
                sum += 1; }}return sum;

    /** * return the number of days in the month of the lunar year, including leap month **@paramYear Specifies the year to be calculated *@paramMonth Specifies the month to be calculated@returnReturn the number of days in the month of the lunar year */
    private int daysInLunarMonth(int year, int month) {
        return (lunarInfo[year - MIN_YEAR] & (0x100000 >> month)) == 0 ? 29 : 30;

    /** * return lunar Year year leap month 1-12, no leap back 0 **@paramYear Specifies the year to be calculated *@returnLunar year year leap back which month 1-12, no leap back 0 */
    private int leapMonth(int year) {
        return ((lunarInfo[year - MIN_YEAR] & 0xF00000)) > >20;

    /** * Calculate the lunar year by SolarTerm **@param year  year
     * @param month month
     * @param day   day
     * @returnLunar year */
    private int getTraditionYearBySolarTerm(int year, int month, int day) {
        // Calculate the beginning of spring for the current year
        if (month < 2) {
            nTradYesrs = year - 1;
        } else if (month > 3) {
            nTradYesrs = year;
        } else {
            // Get the day of the beginning of spring
            if (day >= ((solarterms1[(year - MIN_SOLAR_YEAR) * 12 + 1) > >4)) {
                nTradYesrs = year;
            } else {
                nTradYesrs = year - 1; }}return nTradYesrs;

    /** * Count month by month **@param year  year
     * @param month month
     * @param day   day
     * @returnSkylight location */
    private int getMonthGanIndexBySolarTerm(int year, int month, int day) {
        rTn = -1;
        int monthGanNTem = 0;
        // Get the year's dry
        int nTradYesrs = getTraditionYearBySolarTerm(year, month, day);
        // The beginning of the current month
        if (day >= (solarterms1[(year - MIN_SOLAR_YEAR) * 12 + month - 1] > >4)) {
            monthGanNTem = month - 1;
        } else {
            monthGanNTem = month - 2;
        if (monthGanNTem <= 0) {
            monthGanNTem += 12;
        int nGanValue = mYearAndMonthGan[getYearTianGanIndex(nTradYesrs) * 12 + monthGanNTem - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < tianGan.length; i++) {
            if (nGanValue == (i + 1)) {
                rTn = i;
                break; }}return rTn;

    /** * Calculate the month by SolarTerm **@param year  year
     * @param month month
     * @param day   day
     * @return* /
    private int getMonthZhiIndexBySolarTerm(int year, int month, int day) {
        // The beginning of the current month
        int monthZhiNTem;
        if (day >= (solarterms1[(year - MIN_SOLAR_YEAR) * 12 + month - 1] > >4)) {
            monthZhiNTem = month + 1;
        } else {
            monthZhiNTem = month;
        if (monthZhiNTem > 12) {
            monthZhiNTem = monthZhiNTem % 12;
        for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
            if (monthZhiNTem == i + 1) {
                rTn = i;
                break; }}return rTn;

    /** * Get the day's heavenly stem@param year  year
     * @param month month
     * @param day   day
     * @returnThe day's dry index */
    private int getDayGanIndex(int year, int month, int day) {
        int dayZhiNTem;
        // What is the current century
        nCentry = year / 100 + 1;
        // Take the last two digits of the year
        nLYear = year % 100;
        dayZhiNTem = 4 * nCentry + nCentry / 4 + 5 * nLYear + nLYear / 4 + 3 * (month + 1) / 5 + day - 3;
        if (month == 1) {
            nCentry = (year - 1) / 100 + 1;
            nLYear = (year - 1) % 100;
            dayZhiNTem = 4 * nCentry + nCentry / 4 + 5 * nLYear + nLYear / 4 + 3 * (13 + 1) / 5 + day - 3;
        } else if (month == 2) {
            nCentry = (year - 1) / 100 + 1;
            nLYear = (year - 1) % 100;
            dayZhiNTem = 4 * nCentry + nCentry / 4 + 5 * nLYear + nLYear / 4 + 3 * (14 + 1) / 5 + day - 3;
        rTn = dayZhiNTem % tianGan.length - 1;
        if ((dayZhiNTem % tianGan.length) == 0) {
            rTn = tianGan.length - 1;
        return rTn;

    /** * calculate the day's branch index **@param year  year
     * @param month month
     * @param day   day
     * @returnEarth branch of the day index */
    private int getDayZhiIndex(int year, int month, int day) {
        int dayZhinTem;
        // What is the current century
        nCentry = year / 100 + 1;
        // Take the last two digits of the year
        nLYear = year % 100;
        dayZhinTem = 8 * nCentry + nCentry / 4 + 5 * nLYear + nLYear / 4 + 3 * (month + 1) / 5 + day + 7;
        if (month == 1) {
            nCentry = (year - 1) / 100 + 1;
            nLYear = (year - 1) % 100;
            dayZhinTem = 8 * nCentry + nCentry / 4 + 5 * nLYear + nLYear / 4 + 3 * (13 + 1) / 5 + day + 7;
        } else if (month == 2) {
            nCentry = (year - 1) / 100 + 1;
            nLYear = (year - 1) % 100;
            dayZhinTem = 8 * nCentry + nCentry / 4 + 5 * nLYear + nLYear / 4 + 3 * (14 + 1) / 5 + day + 7;
        if (month % 2= =0) {
            dayZhinTem += 6;
        rTn = dayZhinTem % 12 - 1;
        if ((dayZhinTem % 12) = =0) {
            rTn = 12 - 1;
        return rTn;

    /** * calculate the hours of day dry index **@param year  year
     * @param month month
     * @param day   day
     * @returnHour day dry index */
    private int getTimeGanIndex(int year, int month, int day, int hour) {
        // Find the correspondence
        int nTimeGanIndex = mDayAndTimeGan[getDayGanIndex(year, month, day) * 12
                + getTimeZhiIndex(hour)];
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
            if (nTimeGanIndex == i + 1) {
                rTn = i;
                break; }}return rTn;

    /** * Calculate hours of ground branch index **@param hour hour
     * @returnHour earth branch index */
    private int getTimeZhiIndex(int hour) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
            if (mDiZhiTimes[i * 2] = =23 || mDiZhiTimes[i * 2 + 1] = =1) {
                if (mDiZhiTimes[i * 2] <= hour) {
                    rTn = i;
                if (mDiZhiTimes[i * 2 + 1] > hour) {
                    rTn = i;
                    break; }}else {
                if (mDiZhiTimes[i * 2] <= hour && mDiZhiTimes[i * 2 + 1] > hour) {
                    rTn = i;
                    break; }}}return rTn;

    /** * Obtain information *@paramDayGanStr air-dried *@paramDayZhiStr day *@paramTimeGanStr Time dry *@paramTimeZhiStr Time support *@returnThe eight ways of the tortoise */
    public String getBaGuiVal(String dayGanStr,String dayZhiStr,String timeGanStr,String timeZhiStr) {
        int GanValue = 0;
        int ZhiValue = 0;
        int YinYangValue = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            baGuiStr = tianGan[i];
            if (baGuiStr.equals(dayGanStr)) {
                GanValue += TianGanDayLG[i];
                YinYangValue = YinYang[i];
            if(baGuiStr.equals(timeGanStr)) { GanValue += TianGanTimeLG[i]; }}for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
            baGuiStr = diZhi[i];
            if (baGuiStr.equals(dayZhiStr)) {
                ZhiValue += DiZhiDayLG[i];
            if(baGuiStr.equals(timeZhiStr)) { ZhiValue += DiZhiTimeLG[i]; }}int sumValue = GanValue + ZhiValue;
        if (YinYangValue == 1) {
            sumValue %= 9;
            if (sumValue == 0) {
                sumValue = 9; }}else if (YinYangValue == 0) {
            sumValue %= 6;
            if (sumValue == 0) {
                sumValue = 6; }}else {
            sumValue = -1;
        baGuiStr = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            if (JiuGong[i] == sumValue) {
                baGuiStr = m_LGAcupoint[i];
                break; }}return baGuiStr;

     * solarterms1 月日时 数组
    private int[] solarterms1 = {
            / / 1901
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1902
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x77.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1903
            0x66.0x55.0x77.0x66.0x77.0x77.0x89.0x99.0x99.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1904
            0x76.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1905
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1906
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1907
            0x66.0x55.0x77.0x66.0x77.0x77.0x89.0x99.0x99.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1908
            0x76.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1909
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1910
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1911
            0x66.0x55.0x77.0x66.0x77.0x77.0x89.0x99.0x99.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1912
            0x76.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1913
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1914
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1915
            0x66.0x55.0x67.0x66.0x67.0x77.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1916
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1917
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x66.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1918
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1919
            0x66.0x55.0x67.0x66.0x67.0x77.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1920
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1921
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1922
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1923
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x77.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1924
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1925
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1926
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1927
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x77.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1928
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1929
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1930
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1931
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x77.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1932
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1933
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1934
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1935
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1936
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1937
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1938
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1939
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1940
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1941
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1942
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1943
            0x66.0x54.0x66.0x66.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1944
            0x66.0x55.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1945
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1946
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1947
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1948
            0x66.0x55.0x56.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1949
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1950
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1951
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x89.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x88./ / 1952
            0x66.0x55.0x56.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1953
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1954
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1955
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1956
            0x66.0x55.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1957
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1958
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1959
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1960
            0x66.0x54.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1961
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1962
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1963
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1964
            0x66.0x54.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1965
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1966
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1967
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1968
            0x66.0x54.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1969
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1970
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1971
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x89.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1972
            0x66.0x54.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1973
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1974
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1975
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x67.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1976
            0x66.0x54.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1977
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1978
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x77./ / 1979
            0x66.0x44.0x66.0x56.0x66.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1980
            0x66.0x54.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1981
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1982
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1983
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x87./ / 1984
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1985
            0x55.0x44.0x56.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1986
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1987
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x89.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1988
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 1989
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1990
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 1991
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1992
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 1993
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1994
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1995
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 1996
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 1997
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1998
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 1999
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 2000
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2001
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2002
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2003
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 2004
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2005
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2006
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2007
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x99.0x88.0x77./ / 2008
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2009
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2010
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2011
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x88.0x77./ / 2012
            0x66.0x44.0x55.0x45.0x55.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2013
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2014
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2015
            0x65.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x67.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 2016
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2017
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2018
            0x55.0x44.0x56.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2019
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 2020
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2021
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2022
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2023
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x89.0x87.0x77./ / 2024
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2025
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2026
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2027
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2028
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2029
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2030
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2031
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x66.0x66.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2032
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2033
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2034
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2035
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2036
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2037
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2038
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2039
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2040
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2041
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x55.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2042
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2043
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2044
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x66./ / 2045
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2046
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2047
            0x55.0x44.0x66.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2048
            0x65.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x76.0x66./ / 2049
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2050
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2051
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x66.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2052
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x76.0x66./ / 2053
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2054
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2055
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2056
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x76.0x66./ / 2057
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2058
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2059
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2060
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2061
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2062
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2063
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2064
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2065
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2066
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2067
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2068
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x45.0x55.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2069
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2070
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x55.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2071
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x55.0x56.0x56.0x78.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2072
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x45.0x55.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2073
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x66./ / 2074
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x55.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2075
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2076
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x45.0x55.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2077
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x77.0x66./ / 2078
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x78.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2079
            0x55.0x43.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2080
            0x55.0x44.0x55.0x44.0x45.0x55.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2081
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x76.0x66./ / 2082
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2083
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2084
            0x55.0x44.0x44.0x44.0x45.0x55.0x67.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2085
            0x44.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x76.0x66./ / 2086
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2087
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x77./ / 2088
            0x55.0x44.0x44.0x44.0x45.0x45.0x67.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2089
            0x44.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x78.0x76.0x66./ / 2090
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2091
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2092
            0x55.0x44.0x44.0x44.0x45.0x45.0x67.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2093
            0x44.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2094
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2095
            0x55.0x33.0x55.0x45.0x56.0x56.0x77.0x78.0x78.0x88.0x77.0x76./ / 2096
            0x55.0x43.0x44.0x44.0x45.0x45.0x67.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2097
            0x44.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x55.0x67.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x66.0x66./ / 2098
            0x54.0x33.0x55.0x44.0x55.0x56.0x67.0x77.0x77.0x88.0x77.0x66./ / 2099


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