Android log tool class to avoid incomplete log printing

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implementation 'the IO. Making. Sakurajimamaii: VastTools: 0.0.3'
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Private property

Param Name Param Class
logContent LogContent?
defaultByteLength Int
defaultMaxPrintTimes Int

Public attribute

Param Name Param Class
logEnabled Boolean
maxPrintTimes Int

Private methods

Returns Method
Unit fun logPrint(priority: Int,@Nullable key: String? ,@Nullable content: String? ,@Nullable clz: Class<*>?)
Unit fun print(priority: Int, tag: String, content: String)
String? fun cutStr(bytes: ByteArray?)

Public methods

Returns Method
Unit fun i(@Nullable clz: Class<*>? , @Nullable key: String? , @Nullable content: String?)
Unit fun v(@Nullable clz: Class<*>? , @Nullable key: String? , @Nullable content: String?)
Unit fun w(@Nullable clz: Class<*>? , @Nullable key: String? , @Nullable content: String?)
Unit fun e(@Nullable clz: Class<*>? , @Nullable key: String? , @Nullable content: String?)
Unit fun d(@Nullable clz: Class<*>? , @Nullable key: String? , @Nullable content: String?)
Unit fun setLogEnabled(logEnabled: Boolean)
Unit fun setLogContentFormat(logContent: LogContent)

Private property


To customize the output content format, see setLogContentFormat


The maximum number of bytes printed at a time.


Default maximum number of print repeats

Public attribute


True indicates that logs are generated. False indicates that logs are not generated


Maximum number of print repeats

Private methods


* Print the log(In order to solve the length limit)
* @param priority The priority/type of this log message
* @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message.It usually identifies
*            the class or activity where the log call occurs.
* @param content The message you would like logged.
fun print(priority: Int, tag: String, content: String)
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Print logs (to address length constraints)


* Truncate the byte array as a string according to [defaultByteLength].
* @param bytes byte array
* @return The string obtained by [defaultByteLength]
fun cutStr(bytes: ByteArray?).: String?
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Truncate the byte array to a string according to defaultByteLength.

Public methods


fun setLogEnabled(logEnabled: Boolean)
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Set whether to print logs


LogEnabled: Boolean True indicates that logs are generated. False indicates that logs are not generated


//Use in java
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//Use in Kotlin
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fun setLogContentFormat(logContent: LogContent)
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Define your log format by implementing LogContent


//Use in java
LogUtils.INSTANCE.setLogContentFormat(new LogContent() {
    public String logContentFormat(@NonNull String s, @Nullable String s1, @Nullable String s2) {
        returns1+s2; }});Copy the code
//Use in Kotlin
LogUtils.setLogContentFormat(object :LogContent{
    override fun logContentFormat(methodName: String, key: String? , content:String?).: String {
        return super.logContentFormat(methodName, key, content)
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