
Nice to meet you

Let me start with my spring recruitment internship: from early March to April half, I had nearly 20 interviews with five companies, and passed the interviews of Tencent, Byte, Ant and Meituan. Huya rejected the second interview invitation after one interview.

Gold three silver four, the author is not in the interview, is in the interview on the road, stepped on a lot of pit, eat very thanks, also learned a lot of things. This article, I want to share these gains with you, I hope to help you.

The content of the article can be divided into two parts: blowing water, dry goods. Blowing water part is mainly to analyze the author’s interview process, interested readers can have a look; The dry part is mainly to share the author’s interview experience, from technical to non-technical to interview performance, you can read according to the title as required. At the same time, it should be noted that the content of this article is the author’s personal experience, please do not regard it as a standard, dialectical view, and welcome to the comments section.

Let’s get started

After the interview

This part is mainly to share with you the author of the entire internship interview process, pure blowing water content, and the content is a little longer. Interested readers can take a look, or jump directly to the summary of knowledge to see the dry goods.

In March and April almost every major factory started hiring interns frantically. But in fact, some big companies, such as Tencent and Byte, have been accepting resumes since three months ago or even years ago. At this time of the post almost everything, the difficulty will be relatively lower than march and April, is a very good opportunity. But the author, more timid, feel not ready, to March just began to send resume.

The first company to deliver in early March was Tencent.

I received the interview invitation soon after the application. Thank you very much for your help. On March 6th, the first round of interview for Tencent was started, which was also the first round of interview for jin SAN Yin Si. Interview form is telephone, difficulty is not high, also have appropriate expansion. After the end of the official website check has entered the second test state. At that time, I was really very happy. Later, I asked my brother and said that the resume had been sent to the director. After the interview, there was only HR interview left. One foot away from the goose factory.

Tencent then waited for more than a week for the second interview, very long. During the waiting period, bytedance was delivered after the internal promotion of other brothers.

Bytedance’s interview process is relatively steady, with a phone call a day or two after each meeting to schedule another. 3.11 has one byte side and 3.15 has two byte sides. Bytedance’s interview performance was pretty mediocre, with a lot of unanswered questions. After the interview, I felt like I was dead. I sat down in my chair and gasped. But two days later, ByteHR called me about three times, I was surprised, a bit like a lost and recovered feeling, although this metaphor is not accurate, but it is really unexpected.

More than a week later, we had the second interview with Tencent on March 16. The second interview is mainly about soft skills. Thinking no technical problems, it should be almost stable. At this time, I was surprised again: Tencent made an appointment for my preliminary test on 24th on March 18th. Stunned at that time: ah? How to retire from the second interview to the first? Later, I found out that I failed in the last round of director interview and was scooped up by other departments of Tencent. This was the first time I failed the interview in March. At that time, I felt very uncomfortable. After all, I was only one step away from the offer of goose factory. But I did not have much time to grieve, because without stopping, byte came on three sides.

3.22, three-sided bytes. The interviewer of the third interview is a C ++ development engineer, who seems not familiar with Android and Java, and asks questions mainly about C language and algorithm. However, the content I prepared was Mostly Android and Java, and I answered the c language part more generally. On the whole, my performance in the three rounds of bytedance interviews was quite average, but I was still looking forward to passing the interview. Two days later, HR, another bybyte department, called me to reschedule my interview. Boy, I’m back to the same side again!!

Here in fact, the mentality is a bit broken. Tencent and byte have met a trip, but are hung, from one side to start again. That time has come to late March, Tencent and Byte are on the same side, equivalent to just start. Many of my classmates have already got BAT offers. In the heart a little uncomfortable, but also a little afraid, afraid of the end can not find the internship. After these two rounds of blows, in fact, there is no confidence.

At this point, Tencent and byte’s interview flow came to an end, and in late March, other enterprises also began to interview.

In early March, I not only invested in Byte and Tencent, but also Meituan, Ant and Huya. But their process was slow and they didn’t start the interview. Meituan finally had his first interview on March 23 after taking the written test in mid-march.

The technical process in front of Meituan is much faster than Tencent and Bytecode. We had a meeting on March 23 and a second meeting on March 25 in the evening. However, after a long time, I had an HR interview on January 1.

Meituan’s overall interview process was relatively smooth, the first and second interview questions were answered seven, eight, eight. Moreover, with the previous interview experience, the expression is clearer and the speed is not so fast. On August 8th, MEituan HR called to inform us that the interview had passed. But by this point, the interview situation is different than it was on March 20. As for why, it starts with ant, who also started interviewing in late March.

At the beginning of March I was internally sent to a department of ants. Ant’s resume screening stage is very long, screening more than half a month. I always thought I was done with ants. My resume never made it. It was not until the 23rd that the interviewer called me and asked me about my project, study and so on. And then 25th set me up with 26th. For ant this department, I really have no hope can pass. After the byte and Tencent in front of the blow, it will have confidence big fold. I thought: to experience the volume in the volume of the department, feel the happiness of being brushed. Let me show you my transcript:

After that, on the 26th, I conducted the ant side, which was still relatively difficult in general. I asked more questions about some optimized and cached content. And this part OF my contact is not much, mostly rely on reasoning, guess to answer, also not very good. Then I talked to the interviewer about the blog. After the interview, I felt suspended and had no hope of life. Then on the morning of 31st, I received a phone call from ant and arranged an interview in the afternoon. [oh my god, amazing]

Ant second interview is special, there are two interviewers: one is technical interviewer, the other is HR. The technical interviewer asks questions for about 15 minutes; Then HR and I talked for 15 minutes. The main content is to know my situation, such as how the studio, grades, how to study, how to manage time, blog and so on. What impressed me most was this HR sister. Different from HR in other enterprises, the interview process is just like chatting with a friend, knowing about my study and the surrounding environment, and giving me feedback to express her impression on me.

Then on April 2, the interviewer added my wechat account and gave me a supplementary written test, which was to do algorithm questions. After two days, received the good news of ant’s employment!! I pinched my thigh, I wasn’t dreaming…

Back to Tencent and Bytedance’s follow-up. Tencent had one HR interview on March 24, two on March 29, three on April 2, and one on April 13. The speed in front is relatively fast, but HR may be busy, so the appointment has not been made for a long time. Bytedance completed four interviews in half a month in 4.1 interviews, 4.6 interviews, 4.9 interviews, and 4.14 interviews, which was much faster than before.

The front also mentioned the early march delivery of tiger teeth, but the speed of tiger teeth is really slow, I even thought my resume was screened out. I didn’t start interviewing until April.

Huya had a first meeting on April 6th, and a second meeting was held a few days later, which was the final meeting. But at this time I already have an interest in the enterprise, refused to interview.

The whole interview process, give me the biggest feeling is: don’t try, always 0; If I tried, it could be 1, no matter how small the probability.

That’s the end of the story. Oh, why didn’t you say where you went? Haha, guess where I went?

Knowledge summary

There are three factors that affect the specific questions that will be examined in the interview: the needs of the department, the resume, and the knowledge points mentioned in the interview. Therefore, different interviewers in different departments may encounter completely different interview questions, which is why I don’t directly put out the interview questions, there is not much reference value.

This part mainly summarizes the knowledge points inspected in the interview, mostly high-frequency interview questions, readers can check whether these knowledge has been mastered. It should be noted that this is not the whole knowledge system, but only the interview questions encountered by the author. Readers can follow the general direction to learn, but must not think that this is enough, the knowledge points mentioned here are far from enough.

In the process of interview, knowledge points will not be simply investigated, but will be combined with some requirements or business scenarios to investigate the understanding of knowledge points in many aspects. Therefore, the author suggests that knowledge points should be the first task to understand, rather than recite answers.


In general, the spring recruitment of android content is not much, mainly looking at my resume to ask, resume writing is not much, ask less. But the basic content of Android such as handler, view mechanism is still to be able to, other in-depth research can be written in the resume plus, such as Binder, system services, optimization and so on.

  • Activity

    1. Activity Startup process. One of the most looked at similar questions was: “What happens when you click an icon on the desktop and go to the screen?” . Many times interviewers will use the activity lifecycle to ask: at what stage of the startup process which lifecycle is called back, and what is the state of the activity at that time.
    2. Boot mode. These are the four common priming modes, but interviewers prefer to ask when to use them, which is the usage scenario.
    3. Life cycle. This is rarely asked in isolation, but in conjunction with the startup process or specific business scenarios.
    4. The context. It is mainly about memory leaks and how to choose between application and activity contexts.
  • Handler

    1. Internal principles. Handler will ah, The Android messaging mechanism, can be called the Android application engine to.
    2. Synchronization barrier. It involves drawing optimization, screen refresh mechanism, etc.
    3. Blocking wake up principle. The usual question here is whyloop()The method is an infinite loop without consuming CPU time slices or whynext()Methods block without getting stuck. Further questions will be asked about IO multiplexing in LinuxepollPrinciple.
    4. Lag with memory optimization. All tasks in the entire main thread must pass through Looper, which is the key point to check latons and ANR, and the consequences of too many messages, etc.
    5. Message reuse.
  • The picture

    1. Calculate the size of a picture. Resolution x pixel point size, looked at many times.
    2. Load optimization. For example, how to optimize LaunchActivity for loading too many images at the same time? How to optimize the view size when it is smaller than the image size?
    3. Cache optimization. Memory cache, hard disk cache.
    4. Glide framework. The key is Glide to the above optimization of the realization principle, so we need to focus on the principle of Glide cache.
    5. Drawable. Compare the benefits of using images and drawable, and how drawable works.
  • SharePreference

    1. internals
    2. The difference between commit and apply
    3. This section does not examine much, but it is recommended that readers have an in-depth understanding of the shortcomings of SP, such as the principle leading to ANR, as well as the advantages of the new framework MMKV and Data Store.
  • window

    The main types of Windows and the real definition of Windows are explored very little.

  • view

    1. Event distribution process. Inspect the most, basically the whole distribution process is clear; It also looks at how to resolve specific conflict scenarios.
    2. The View hierarchy of the application interface.
    3. Draw flow and timing. The view is still undrawn when the onResume method is called when the activity starts.
  • IPC

    1. Common IPC types and their advantages and disadvantages.
    2. The mechanism of Binder. Advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, and comparison with traditional IPC. Binder deals with a lot of low-level applications, mostly upper-level applications, such as socket comparison.
    3. The socket. This will focus on advantages and disadvantages, usage scenarios, and comparison with binders.
  • serialization

    1. The principle of Serializable and Parcelable, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, application scenarios.
  • jetpack

    1. Pros and cons of using Jetpack.
    2. Framework principles. This part if written in the resume is also rarely asked, see the interviewer; But if you do ask, you usually ask how it works.
  • okHttp

    1. Interceptors and the chain of responsibility idea. This is the one that gets asked the most.
    2. Internal scheduler for concurrent control of threads and tasks.
    3. Advantages and disadvantages, advantages compared with URLConnection, birth background, etc.
  • To optimize the

    1. Performance optimization. Ask a lot, basically see oneself have done optimization at ordinary times.
    2. Caton optimization. General questions about how to locate and solve caton problems.
    3. Memory optimization. Usually it is memory leak, or reduce memory usage, etc.
    4. ANR. We’ll look at how it works and how to solve it.
    5. Tools: Leakcanary and Profiler. Optimization involves too much content, this is a relatively deep content, or have to see their usual project accumulation.


Java investigation is a very test of the foundation of the place, a lot of knowledge points are the basis of the foundation, but also can be extended to the underlying logic. These knowledge points in the actual use, there are also a lot of situations need to consider, inspect our knowledge points for the use. Thread pools, for example, have a wide range of knowledge to explore, from the role of parameters, to the mechanism of thread pools, to the blocking wake up mechanism, to the configuration of parameters for actual projects. So this one is up to you.

Of course, some basic or often tested knowledge points or will.

  • Collections framework
  1. A HashMap. Almost every company asks, mainly internal principles such as hash algorithms, conflict resolution, expansion schemes, advantages and disadvantages of red-black trees, etc. You don’t just die on the spot.
  2. HashSet. Internally using HashMap, value is set to Object. Just keep that in mind.
  3. ConcurrentHashMap. Will ask. His concurrency principles and benefits, while some interviewers will also ask questions about disadvantages.
  4. Hashtable, SychronizeMap. ConcurrentHashMap is used for comparison.
  5. CopyOnWriteArrayList. The advantages and disadvantages of thread-safe methods are generally compared.
  6. The collection framework focuses on Maps, but the other frameworks List and Queue work as well.
  • Access restrictor

    Public Protect Default Private Note in particular that Protect is cross-package accessible.

  • class

    1. Four inner classes, with special attention to the fact that each class is compiled to produce a class file, static or non-static. The interview was a bummer
    2. The essence of lambda. Anonymous inner classes.
    3. The difference between abstract classes and interfaces. This is very understandable, if the development of specific projects will be more profound, this is not reflected in the back of the eight-part essay.
  • abnormal

    1. Anomaly system, classification and mechanism.
    2. Difference with Error.
  • IO

    Mainly ask NIO principle and advantages and disadvantages. It is suggested that the principle of buffer flow should also be studied and compared.

  • The thread pool

    1. Internal principles. Of course I will.
    2. Functions of key parameters and how to configure them. The key is how to configure, need to consider the specific machine situation, task situation and so on.
    3. The role of thread pools. Not only thread reuse, more important is to manage threads, control the number of threads. This also looks at specific project application understanding.
    4. There are four common thread pools.
  • concurrent

    1. Sychronize. Must ask, Java lock mechanism. Especially after JDK6 lock optimization and application scenarios. Bonus points for understanding why it is heavyweight and how the JVM layer is implemented.
    2. The Lock. Must ask, the principle of AQS better understand. It’s often compared to Synchronize.
    3. Volatile. Will be compared to the lock, its two important functions. Further questions will be asked about the CPU cache consistency protocol, as well as the types and principles of instruction rearrangement.
    4. The CAS. Must ask, ask principle and ABA question.
    5. A deadlock. The general question is how to solve or produce conditions.
    6. Wait and notify for Object. Blocking wake up, usually with a code or a specific scenario that asks how to ensure multithreaded synchronization.
    7. ThreadLocal. Principles, memory leaks, etc
    8. What this asks is still more, and can ask deeply mostly, the study degree that sees oneself.
  • JVM

    1. The GC mechanism. Will ask.
    2. Class loading mechanism. Absolutely, but also the parental delegation mechanism.
    3. Method call procedure. This also ask quite many, also depends on the JVM learning level.
    4. Memory relationships between threads and processes. Such as how much memory a thread takes up, how many threads a process can open, how much memory a process takes up, etc.
    5. Memory distribution. JMM, runtime data area, native memory distribution. It depends on your understanding of the JVM.


Kotlin doesn’t really ask, and most projects are still developed in Java. Some companies with Kotlin business ask, but not much. If you haven’t learned this yet, don’t worry. Learning Java well is king. Kotlin and Java are mutually compatible in principle.

  • coroutines

    The main questions are to understand the relationship between threads and coroutines, and the advantages and disadvantages of coroutines. This also depends on the individual’s study degree.

  • Run, let, also, with, apply

    Note the return value and scope

  • The concrete implementation of the feature

    For example, the implementation of default parameters. If there is, it is best to know. If there is not, you can imagine how Java is implemented, such as default parameters can be associated with method overloading.

Computer network

This part of the network is mainly HTTP and TCP content, classic in the classic. It should be noted that some protocols of the link layer and network layer should be understood, which is also the basis of the computer. It will be embarrassing to be asked not to. Secondly, some new protocols, such as QUIC, HTTP3.0, etc., can be learned, the interview will be very plus, but also can further understand the advantages and disadvantages of TCP.

  • HTTP

    HTTP doesn’t have much presence on Android because most of the work is taken care of by the framework, asking very few questions.

    1. HTTP optimization through the ages and why
    2. Request method and response code

    Will ask. You have to

    1. How it works and how it differs from HTTP. Understand encryption algorithms, hash digests, and CA certificate authentication
    2. Establishing a connection
    3. Crack: man-in-the-middle attack, etc
  • Data link layer and IP layer

    1. ARP and RARP
    2. NAT protocol
    3. DNS
    4. This part of the main ask some common agreements, survey network skills, listed here is the author inspected, readers need to compare prices systematically to learn this piece.
  • TCP

    1. Shake hands waved
    2. Congestion control
    3. Principle of reliable transmission
    4. Disadvantages and how to improve. This is more important, corresponding to http3.0 optimization is to start with TCP shortcomings.
    5. Upper limit of TCP connections
    6. TCP is very important, must ask the content, not readers must go to learn.
  • UDP

    1. The advantages and disadvantages
    2. Compared with TCP
    3. Application scenarios
    4. It usually comes with TCP, asking about their differences, and how to optimize TCP’s weaknesses over UDP.
  • The data format

    Pros and cons of JSON, why you should use JSON instead of XML. Just memorize it.

Design patterns

The design patterns section doesn’t ask much, because design patterns require actual coding to truly understand their benefits. So most of the time the interviewer will ask which design patterns are used in the project, or which open source frameworks use which design patterns. The next most asked question is the three architectural patterns, will.

  • Common design patterns

    Generally, the interviewer will ask us to talk about the design pattern we know, and it is good to speak out according to their own understanding.

  • In the project and source code

    The most common question you ask is what design patterns are used in the framework source code you read. Not only looked at design patterns, but also looked at the source code. It also asks what design patterns were used in the project.


    Almost certainly. Combined with the specific project implementation and their own thinking, analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, applicable scenarios, etc.

Computer Fundamentals

Computer basic here includes C language, operating system, database library, as well as the front of the network and so on. This part of the direct content is not much, but it is very important, but also test our foundation is not solid place. Secondly, the interviewer will test our understanding with some business scenarios. For example, when talking about Java concurrency, the interviewer will ask us why thread switching is expensive. For example, when talking about JVM memory distribution, ask what is the memory distribution in native layer and logical memory physical memory, etc. For example, when it comes to volatile, questions about CPU cache consistency are asked. These are all very test of skills. Therefore, these basic content should learn well, not only for the interview, but also for ourselves to better learn and understand knowledge.

  • The C language

    Rarely, but occasionally. I was only asked about the memory footprint of isomorphic structures and pointer related issues.

    C language as the originator of the language, some basic or will be able to.

  • The operating system

    1. Interrupt principle and function.
    2. Deadlock principle and how to resolve.
    3. Operating system this piece does not ask much, also is to inspect the foundation of basic skills. You may not ask, but you must ask.


The project is very important, a project with highlights can be a lot of points for the interview. Before the interview, summarize your project and extract the highlights and difficulties of the project. If you have a great project, be sure to include it on your resume and highlight it.

In the interview, the interviewer will usually ask us to introduce the project first. The introduction of the project can generally be introduced according to this template: the background of the project, the content of the project, the content I am responsible for, and the highlights of the project. The technical interviewer will ask about the technical highlights and difficulties of the project. At this time, we can express the highlights prepared in advance to the interviewer. For example, what optimization, custom view, reflect their technical ability.

Of course, most of the time our project didn’t have much to show for it, or even a Demo, like the author. Hemmed and hawed when asked by the interviewer what technical difficulties the project had. At this time, you can tell the function of the project itself, for example, a wanAndroid App can be described as follows: the home page uses viewPager+recyclerView to show background data, click to jump to the corresponding article details page; Login registration requires a jump to another Activity, using the okHttp interceptor and SharePreference to remember login. Do not say: ah,, is a practice demo, pull data display, no bright spot. It takes away from the interviewer any sense of what our project is like, or the ability to ask questions about us from the beginning of the project.

After the interviewer has a certain understanding of our project, he or she will continue to ask about some relevant knowledge points or how some situations were solved. Using the wanAndroid App as an example, the interviewer can further ask: Does the viewPager cache? RecyclerView cache mechanism? How to solve the problem of slow loading caused by too many home pictures? Why use the interceptor implementation, and what are its advantages and disadvantages? How SharePreference works and so on.

Non-technical interviewers may ask questions such as: What did you learn on the project? How do you work together? What problems have been encountered during the project and so on. Common questions can be prepared in advance, sort out their own experience.

So, what if you don’t have a project? Then go write one. Just as the interviewer of a big factory said: until now, I don’t know whether you interns really know how to do it or recite the eight-part essay. That’s true. Sometimes we don’t even know if we really know, and the only way to do that is to take the mule or the horse out for a walk and write a project. Projects are a great way for interviewers to get to know us.

Attention should be paid to: before the interview to summarize their own project, including background, content, technical difficulties, highlights; Don’t go into the interview feeling like you have a great project. Instead, show confidence and communicate your project in an orderly way. Follow up by answering the interviewer’s questions.


In terms of algorithm, let’s have a look at the algorithm questions I met in the interview :(click to jump to the corresponding topic of leetcode)

  • Rearrange the list
  • A character that appears once
  • K sets of linked lists are reversed
  • Make the change
  • Full path simplification
  • String splitting
  • Binary tree path sum
  • Whether a linked list has a ring
  • Binary tree depth

The difficulty of the algorithm is basically the middle of the buckle, and many of them are classic topics. During the interview, as long as don’t be too nervous, there will be no big problem. The author was too nervous in the early interview process, resulting in brain blank, unable to think, even did not understand the meaning of the question. At this point, can take a deep breath, calm down, there is water can drink a sip of water, try to calm down. If the interview is in niuke, you can turn on the code full screen, you can block out the video of the interviewer, out of sight, out of mind.

How to improve the algorithm, is actually brush problem, brush problem, or tower cat, brush problem. Algorithm has no shortcut to go, need to rely on their own diligence to do the problem. How to brush and brush to what extent, can refer to the author’s experience:

  1. Separate label brush. The types of questions are generally divided into several categories, and each type of question has a specific template. Therefore, in a period of time, repeat the same type of topic brush, and then summarize the idea, the efficiency will be better.
  2. You can refer to the dACHang algorithm collection and the offer, and brush these questions for a period of time before the interview. In many cases, you can do the original questions or type questions.
  3. Summarize. Most of the algorithms studied in the practice are set. Every time the key points are recorded and summarized, the overall idea of a question can be extracted quickly. Here is a blogger’s algorithm framework recommended to help us refine the algorithm ideas.
  4. Learning officer solution, simplify the code. The goal here is not to implement one-line problem-solving operations, but to remove unnecessary judgments, loops, and other operations from our code to make it more readable and efficient.

Regarding algorithms, different enterprises have different requirements for algorithms. Some enterprises’ algorithms are simple or even without algorithms. For example, Meituan’s algorithm is very simple, and Tencent’s algorithm is also basically classic. Bytedance, on the other hand, is more strict in algorithm inspection, which is mostly unusual algorithm questions, and basically has algorithm questions in each round of technical aspects.

Secondly, different departments of the enterprise have different preferences for algorithm inspection. For example, my classmate had 5 algorithm questions in the WXG interview at one time, while the author did not encounter this situation in the PCG interview. Enterprises that value the algorithm will go deeper to investigate the foundation of our algorithm, while those that do not require the algorithm are more likely to go through a process.

In short, learning algorithms well is a lifelong benefit for us, no matter how difficult it is for companies to examine.


When it comes to resumes, there are many well-written blogs on the Web that readers can search for on their own. Here are some of my thoughts on resumes.

  • The role of the resume is to show their bright spots to the interviewer, so that the interviewer can quickly understand us in a short time.

    Be sure to highlight your resume and show your skills. In English, telling the interviewer how great you are is not the time to be modest. From project highlights to personal skills, write them all down.

    Secondly, we must control the length and should not be too long. Interviewers typically read a resume within 10 seconds and highlight only the highlights, leaving out the basics like “familiarity with Java classes and interfaces, knowledge of using XX frameworks.”

    In addition, open source projects or blogs must also be written up, special bonus points. Sometimes, even if the interview answer is not good, but see our blog or open source project may think just nervous, give us a pass. Therefore, it is good to write more blogs and projects at ordinary times.

  • Description of skill points should be precise, not vague.

    Here’s an example:

    1. Be familiar with the JVM.
    2. Familiar with GC marking algorithm of JVM and its generation collection theory, method call parsing and its stack process, class loading process, memory model and runtime data area, etc.

    Comparing these two descriptions, the second type of interviewer will be able to tell us exactly how much we know about the JVM and what we know about it, and will ask specific questions, while the first type of interviewer will think that we don’t even know about the JVM and what knowledge is in the JVM.

    So be precise, don’t be vague, and let the interviewer guess. Interviewers don’t lift our heads, they lift our heads.

  • Don’t write useless information.

    Even though I participated in many large-scale community activities on campus, including but not limited to three trips to the countryside and hosting the conference. We are interviewing for android positions, not associations. Simply say that we have participated in various club activities on campus to let the interviewer know that we are an active boy/gird.

  • Make sure you know the content of your resume.

    This is a basic resume requirement, so I don’t need to say more.

Non-technical problem

This part of the content, the metropolis in three or HR to ask questions, here in fact, the interview has been almost stable, but you can not disorderly speech oh, or HR sister card our resume will be uncomfortable. Most of these questions are designed to test our soft skills, but it’s important to know why the interviewer is asking this question and what the “subtext” is.

By the way, the HR interview is basically passed by this stage. The main purpose of HR interview is to know our own situation, such as learning, surrounding environment, future plans, values and so on. Just have a genuine chat with HR while avoiding some thunder. Huh? Can there be thunder here? For example, HR asked if you would choose us after you got several offers. You just say: if the other one passes, I don’t want you. They gave you an offer?

However, for other personal situations, you still need to communicate with HR sincerely. In fact, it depends on whether the corporate culture is suitable for you.

Here are some of the soft power questions I was asked:

  • What was the biggest difficulty you encountered on the project?

    This question is often asked to test the interviewer’s ability to solve problems. It’s not the problem that matters, it’s the process of solving it.

  • What did you learn in the project?

    Ask about your ability to learn and summarize, and answer questions about what you learned, whether technical or non-technical, such as teamwork experiences.

  • How do you study at ordinary times?

    Investigate the ability of self-study, you can speak out their usual learning methods, to show the interviewer their ability to learn.

  • Why did you choose Android?

    Test interest in Android. Do not speak too grandiose wow, what from the childhood XXX, a bit of sincerity to speak out.

  • What are your future plans? One’s deceased father grind?

    According to the specific situation of the answer is good, such as first practice to exercise business ability, one or two years after graduation, I hope to have the ability to be solely responsible for a module, etc.; Generally speaking, enterprises are more willing to recruit interns who can become full-time and have a plan in the future, and have more training space.

  • Are there any thoughts about the city of work? How do parents wait

    This is obvious, answer according to your own situation; Of course, interviewers prefer to hire candidates who want to move to the city where their department is located.

  • Are you still interviewing other companies? Have you got any offers from other companies? Who would you vote for?

    Here you can talk about one or two excellent companies to improve their value, so that HR can feel your market competitiveness, but must not say all dozen wow, we all hate Aquaman, including HR.

    If you are not sure about who to choose, you can tell the factors you consider, such as business content, location, intern training system, etc., and then tell HR that they will finally weigh and consider, and finally ask HR about these contents (if you don’t ask, how to weigh? HR can tell when you’re raising fish). If you know you’re coming to the company, just tell him you’re coming.

    Don’t lie, such as telling HR you will come, but you already have a company in mind. It would be awkward to turn down an offer, and you might end up on the corporate blacklist. [head]

    Of course, interviewers are more likely to want to select their candidates. Otherwise, why send the offer if it doesn’t come back? So it’s up to you to show your emotional intelligence.

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your strengths and weaknesses in other people’s eyes?

    You must be prepared in advance, I was not prepared at that time, a mess.

    The thing to be careful of is not too grandiose, be real; What do you mean be real? For example, my weakness is that I can’t control my study pace well. I always study too late, which hurts my body. That’s true, but let alone HR, we probably don’t believe it ourselves, do we?

    Secondly, when you talk about your weaknesses, you can talk about how you deal with them, because discovering them is one thing, and finally dealing with them is another matter. Talk about how you deal with your weaknesses.

    Finally, the topic has two perspectives: self and others. One is self-reflection, the other is external performance, and it’s best to have the answers to both questions ready.

  • How did the interview go? What do you think of your previous interview performance?

    Mainly see in front of the interview have what experience, and then have to deal with the discovery of the problem. Here you can tell that I found a lot of knowledge points, and then I went to study again and so on

  • To introduce myself

    In almost every interview, but generally not in the three director interviews.

    The introduction is the second place the interviewer can get to know us quickly besides the resume. It’s best not to recite to your resume, but to add something that’s not there.

    For example, you can talk about when you began to learn by yourself, and your self-learning ability is very strong. What teacher teams have you joined and what projects have you done? Recent period of time to learn what extent and so on.

    You can prepare a brief introduction of yourself before the interview and then use it for all subsequent interviews. It doesn’t mean you don’t know what to say when you introduce yourself.

    But don’t take too long. Just focus for a minute or two.

  • Do you have any questions?

    In this part, you can ask the interviewer what you want to know. Generally speaking, need to know: department business content, interns specific work content (SDK, business development, cross-platform, language transfer, etc.), intern training content, learning suggestions and so on.

    Different interviewers also need to ask different questions. For example, HR can ask more questions about location and job opportunities, while technical interviewers can ask more questions about job content.

    This varies from person to person, so it’s best not to say that there is no problem, which makes the interviewer seem less interested in the job

In the interview

Unknown, therefore fear.

Before the interview, many readers may be very nervous about the first job interview in their life. Before the interview, they even thought, “Forget it, let’s not meet.” This is all normal. The solution: a visit. You don’t get nervous after you go through it once. Or rather, less nervous.

Big factory interviewers generally have a very good experience, and all the interviewers I have met so far have given me a very good interview experience.

In the interview should pay attention to speed and articulation problems. The author himself is a fast speaker, coupled with the tension of the interview, it is difficult for the interviewer to understand what I am talking about. Pace yourself. Record yourself in advance to see what pace is appropriate.

Secondly, pay attention to your clear expression. Listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions, organize your thoughts, and then express them slowly. Answering questions is also equivalent to explaining knowledge points and the process of thinking must be clear. Some catchphrases, redundant expressions as far as possible to remove.

There is a need to pay attention to the point is: do not understand things, do not speak out, remember!! . For example, we don’t understand NIO, so don’t compare or mention NIO when the interviewer asks about traditional IO. If you do, 99% of the interviewers will ask NIO questions, which can get awkward. If you have a good command of NIO, you can keep referring to NIO to draw the interviewer’s questions to familiar knowledge points.

One last thing to note: rejecting an offer can be an emotional test. This is not Versailles, but a very important matter, not handled properly may be on the corporate blacklist. Here’s the simplest example:

Now I have got the offer from enterprise A, but THE enterprise I want more is B, but B is still in the interview. At this time, the HR of enterprise A asks you: Which one do you choose, A or B? And then you firmly say yes to choice A. After a couple of weeks of delay, B passed, and then told THE HR of A that I would not go, but GO to B. It will not only affect the recruitment of enterprise A, but also the HR will think that you have broken your word.

Therefore, it is best to reject the offer as early as possible, so as not to affect the recruitment of others; Secondly, the language should be consistent, do not cheat and play with women’s feelings of men or slag women. [head]

Spring recruit time line

Intern recruitment is usually concentrated in the spring, while fall recruitment is mainly for campus, or regular jobs.

  • The first batch started a year ago, in December. CVTE and Bytedance, for example, were among the first to start recruiting interns in November and before the Spring Festival.
  • The second batch after the Spring Festival, that is, in February, many departments have internal push direct. Pay more attention to some of the internal push information such as, at this time the company’s official website may not be open delivery channel.
  • March is almost the time when all the first – and second-tier big factories start hiring. Big factories also have two batches: advance batch and official batch.
    • Advance batch: generally through internal push direct no written test, and advance batch HC more, is the most recommended delivery resume time.
    • Formal approval: advance approval hung, formal approval can continue to face. The disadvantage is that it usually requires a written test
    • But a lot of companies did not approve ahead of time with formal approval of the cent, this should see the specific company specific arrangement. It is highly recommended that you invest as early as possible.
  • April is the official start date, but the hot positions are almost filled. There will be fewer HCS and higher requirements than in March.

The last

The last thing I want to tell the reader is that there are many factors that affect the outcome of an interview, such as the interviewer’s mood, taste, status of the day, job requirements and so on. Both of the author’s two classmates failed twice in the front, but they also successfully got BAT offer later, or even more than one. Failing the interview is definitely not a simple ability, but many factors, sum up good experience, continue the interview.

It’s important to take the first step and start the first round of interviews. Don’t feel like you’re “good food, you can’t vote for it.” If you don’t, how do you know? Interview is also a learning process, you will gradually find their own shortcomings, including expression, knowledge and so on. So if you’re still on the fence, go ahead and vote.

I hope this article can provide some help to the readers who are looking for internships. I wish you all the best in your internship interviews. If you have any questions or want to know more, you can exchange them in the comment section, and the author will continue to add or write a new article to answer them.

If the article is helpful to you, I hope to give the author a praise to encourage.

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