A summary,

Following the previous construction article “Android Combat — Cocos Game container Construction”, this article brings about the implementation and use of Cocos and Android communication, around multi-process communication and CoCOs-Android interoperability to achieve

2. Communication model

If you do not need data from the main process, you can directly use 1->4

Three, how to achieve communication

1.1 the cocos android


cocosCallNative(action: String, argument: String, callbackId: String) {
        'com.cocos.bridge.CocosCallNative'.'invoke'.'(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;) V',
Copy the code

1.2 Android accepts COCOS


public class CocosCallNative {
    public static void invoke(String action, String argument, String callbackId) {
        CocosBridgeHelper.log("Cocos process gets game side data"."Argument." + argument + ",action: " + action + ",callbackId: " + callbackId);
        // To the listener of the cocos process (used when the main process does not need to fetch data)
        CocosBridgeHelper.getInstance().dispatchCocosListener(action, argument, callbackId);
        try {
            The 2.0 cocos process sends a message to the main process
            CocosActivity.mIAIDLCocos2Main.cocos2Main(action, argument, callbackId);
        } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}Copy the code

2.1 The COCOS process sends a message to the main process

2.1.1 write aidl


interface IAIDLCocos2Main {
    void cocos2Main(String action, String argument, String callbackId);
    // Pass the IAIDLCallBack of the cocos process to the main process to send messages to the Cocos process
    void setAIDLCallBack(IAIDLCallBack iAIDLCallBack);
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2.1.2 Creating a service Cocos2MainService


public class Cocos2MainService extends Service {
    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mBinder;

    IAIDLCocos2Main.Stub mBinder = new IAIDLCocos2Main.Stub() {

        public void cocos2Main(String action, String argument, String callbackId) {
            CocosBridgeHelper.log("Main process received Cocos process message"."action:" + action + "argument:" + argument + "callbackId:" + callbackId);
            // The main process receives the message and sends it to the listener of the main process
            CocosBridgeHelper.getInstance().dispatchMainListener(action, argument, callbackId);

        public void setAIDLCallBack(IAIDLCallBack iAIDLCallBack) {
            // Pass the IAIDLCallBack of the cocos process to the main process to send messages to the Cocos processCocosBridgeHelper.getInstance().setIAIDLCallBack(iAIDLCallBack); }}; }Copy the code
2.1.3 Related to starting the service in coCOS process


public static IAIDLCocos2Main mIAIDLCocos2Main;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {... Intent intent =new Intent(this, Cocos2MainService.class);
    bindService(intent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

// Death proxy to ensure that the service communication channel is normal
private IBinder.DeathRecipient mDeathRecipient = new IBinder.DeathRecipient() {
    public void binderDied(a) {
        if (mIAIDLCocos2Main == null) return;

        mIAIDLCocos2Main.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(mDeathRecipient, 0);
        mIAIDLCocos2Main = null;
        // Rebind the remote service
        Intent intent = new Intent(CocosActivity.this, Cocos2MainService.class);
        bindService(intent, CocosActivity.this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); }};@Override
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
    mIAIDLCocos2Main = IAIDLCocos2Main.Stub.asInterface(service);
    try {
        // Register a death agent
        service.linkToDeath(mDeathRecipient, 0);
        // Pass the IAIDLCallBack of the cocos process to the main process to send messages to the Cocos process
    } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}@Override
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
    mIAIDLCocos2Main = null;

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2.1 The Main Android process Receives a Message


public void cocos2Main(String action, String argument, String callbackId) {
    CocosBridgeHelper.log("Main process received Cocos process message"."action:" + action + "argument:" + argument + "callbackId:" + callbackId);
    CocosBridgeHelper.getInstance().dispatchMainListener(action, argument, callbackId);
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3.1 The main process returns a message to the COcos process


interface IAIDLCallBack {
    void main2Cocos(String action, String argument, String callbackId);
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public void main2Cocos(String action, String argument, String callbackId) {
    try {
        mIAIDLCallBack.main2Cocos(action, argument, callbackId);
    } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}Copy the code

3.2 The COcos process receives messages from the main process


private IAIDLCallBack iAidlCallBack = new IAIDLCallBack.Stub() {
    public void main2Cocos(String action, String argument, String callbackId) {
        CocosBridgeHelper.log("Cocos process received main process message"."action: " + action + ", argument: " + argument + ", callbackId: "+ callbackId); CocosBridgeHelper.getInstance().nativeCallCocos(action, argument, callbackId); }};Copy the code

4.1 the Android cocos


public void nativeCallCocos(String action, String argument, String callbackId) {
    CocosHelper.runOnGameThread(() -> CocosJavascriptJavaBridge.evalString(String.format("cc.nativeCallCocos('%s', '%s', '%s');", action, argument, callbackId)));
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4.2 CoCOS receives messages from Android


cc.nativeCallCocos = function(action: String, argument: String, callbackId: String) {
    if (action == ACTION_SHOW_STARDIALOG) {
        uiManager.instance.showDialog('common/tips', [argument]);
    } else if (action == ACTION_APP_VERSION) {
        uiManager.instance.showDialog('common/tips', [argument]); }};Copy the code

Four, how to use

1. The Best of 2015

2. Implement the pop-up Android Dialog, select the result to coCOS display (do not need the main process data, can be directly 1->4)


private val showArray = arrayOf("Andy Lau"."Chau Wah Kin")
private val cocosListenerInCocos: CocosDataListener = CocosDataListener { action, argument, callbackId ->
    CocosBridgeHelper.log("Receive InCocos", action)
    if (action == "action_showStarDialog") {
        runOnUiThread {
                .setItems(showArray) { _, index ->
                    CocosBridgeHelper.getInstance().nativeCallCocos(action, showArray[index], callbackId)


override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
override fun onDestroy(a) {
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2. Get data from the main process to coCOS display


private val cocosListenerInMain: CocosDataListener = CocosDataListener { action, argument, callbackId ->
    CocosBridgeHelper.log("Receive InMain", action)
    if (action == "action_appVersion") {
        CocosBridgeHelper.getInstance().main2Cocos(action, packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).versionName, callbackId)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

override fun onDestroy(a) {
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Five,This complete code

End, scatter flower 🎉