The author
Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Xin, you can also call me crayon xiao Xin ;
I graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in 2017 and joined the 37 mobile Game Android team in July 2018. I once worked in Jubang Digital as an Android development engineer.
Currently, I am the overseas head of android team of 37 mobile games, responsible for relevant business development; Also take care of some infrastructure related work
Hot Repair Thoughts (This chapter explains)
Hot thought Demo article
Thermal repair actual combat
Introduction There are two ways to implement plug-in in the market: hook way and pile way. In hook mode, because hook system API is required, continuous adaptation is required with the change of system API. Therefore, the future trend of piling scheme, I am more optimistic about the implementation of agent scheme
About steps
- Design criteria
- Follow this standard when developing plug-ins
- The host uses a custom ClassLoader, Resources, to prepare the environment for loading the plug-in
- Load the plug-in Activity with an empty Activity peg in the host manifest file
Implement case
Design standards (can be a separate module because the host and plug-in need the same set of standards)
public interface IActivityInterface {
public void setAppContext(Activity activity);
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle);
public void setContentView(int layoutId);
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Develop plug-ins to follow this standard (note that only code snippets are captured below)
public class BaseActivity implements IActivityInterface {
private Activity mActivity;
public void setAppContext(Activity activity) {
Log.i("I'm a plug-in."."setAppContext");
mActivity = activity;
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
Log.i("I'm a plug-in."."onCreate");
public void setContentView(int layoutId) {
Log.i("I'm a plug-in."."setContentView"); mActivity.setContentView(layoutId); }}Copy the code
public class PluMainActivity extends BaseActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
super.onCreate(bundle); setContentView(R.layout.activity_plu); }}Copy the code
The host uses a custom ClassLoader, Resources, to prepare the environment for loading the plug-in
- 1) Processing of ClassLoader
The Android ClassLoader is derived from DexClassLoader and PathClassLoader. The difference between the two
DexClassLoader: loads uninstalled JAR, APK, and dex
PathClassLoader: Only apK installed in the system can be loaded
During the vm installation, the CLASS_ISPREVERIFIED flag is marked for the classes. If the following conditions are met:
During class loading, due to the parent delegation mechanism of the ClassLoader, if the class in the plug-in is loaded, the host class will not be loaded and the plug-in will be used, and vice versa. This is easy to trigger verify the above said problems, so as to quote us exception “Java. Lang. IllegalAccessError: Class ref in the pre – verified Class…”
How to avoid it?
You can customize the ClassLoader to modify the classloading logic so that the plug-in and the classes in the host are loaded separately.
Benefits of separate loading: Plug-in and host-dependent common modules require no special handling.
package com.sq.a37syplu10.plugin.loader;
import android.os.Build;
import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader;
public class ApkClassLoader extends DexClassLoader {
private ClassLoader mGrandParent;
private final String[] mInterfacePackageNames;
public ApkClassLoader(String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory, String librarySearchPath, ClassLoader parent, String[] interfacePackageNames) {
super(dexPath, optimizedDirectory, librarySearchPath, parent);
ClassLoader grand = parent;
mGrandParent = grand.getParent();
this.mInterfacePackageNames = interfacePackageNames;
protectedClass<? > loadClass(String className,boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
String packageName;
int dot = className.lastIndexOf('. ');
if(dot ! = -1) {
packageName = className.substring(0, dot);
} else {
packageName = "";
boolean isInterface = false;
for (String interfacePackageName : mInterfacePackageNames) {
if (packageName.equals(interfacePackageName)) {
isInterface = true;
break; }}if (isInterface) {
return super.loadClass(className, resolve);
} else{ Class<? > clazz = findLoadedClass(className);if (clazz == null) {
ClassNotFoundException suppressed = null;
try {
clazz = findClass(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
suppressed = e;
if (clazz == null) {
try {
clazz = mGrandParent.loadClass(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throwe; }}}returnclazz; }}/** * Read the implementation of the interface from apK **@paramClazz interface class *@paramClassName specifies the className of the implementation class *@param<T> Interface type *@returnInterface required *@throws Exception
public <T> T getInterface(Class<T> clazz, String className) throws Exception {
try{ Class<? > interfaceImplementClass = loadClass(className); Object interfaceImplement = interfaceImplementClass.newInstance();return clazz.cast(interfaceImplement);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException
| ClassCastException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw newException(e); }}}Copy the code
In addition to separating the host from the plug-in’s classloading, the above code also reserves a whitelist. Because when the host and the plug-in follow the same set of standards, you need to convert the classes loaded in the plug-in to the type of the host standard. A class that is loaded according to the same class loader and has the same name is considered the same class. The interface loaded by the parent loader is required to perform type conversion. Therefore, IActivityInterface needs to be whitelisted.
BaseActivity refers to the IActivityInterface, and the classes referenced by BaseActivity belong to the same dex, so BaseActivity is identified. An error is reported when using the host’s IActivityInterface.
So, what’s the solution?
Handle the plug-in standards into JARS, compileOnly dependencies, not into the plug-in APK. This way the BaseActivity is not marked, and the problem is solved. That is, if interface type conversion is required between the host and the plug-in, the interface is removed from the plug-in.
- 2) Deal with Resources
Routine scheme:
AssetManager assetManager = AssetManager.class.newInstance();
Method addAssetPathMethod = AssetManager.class.getDeclaredMethod("addAssetPath", String.class);
addAssetPathMethod.invoke(assetManager, mPluginPath);
Resources resources = new Resources(assetManager, mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(), mContext.getResources().getConfiguration());
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Disadvantage 1: Reflection is used, and the addAssetPath method is deprecated, even in older versions
Disadvantage 2: If only the plugin Resouces is used, other resources in front of the host setContentView method cannot be loaded, and an exception is reported in the log indicating that resources related to the support package cannot be found.
Adopt the scheme in Tencent Shadow:
The first step is to load resources from the plug-in without reflection:
private Resources buildPluginResources(a) {
try {
PackageInfo packageInfo = mContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
| PackageManager.GET_META_DATA
| PackageManager.GET_SERVICES
| PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS
| PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
packageInfo.applicationInfo.publicSourceDir = mPluginPath;
packageInfo.applicationInfo.sourceDir = mPluginPath;
return mContext.getPackageManager().getResourcesForApplication(packageInfo.applicationInfo);
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
return null;
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The second step is to mix up a new resource using the Resouces of the host package and the Resouces of the plug-in package. To obtain resources, first search the plugin’s Resouces, if not found, from the host Resouces, code as follows:
package com.sq.a37syplu10.plugin.resources;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.TypedValue;
/** * Resources get the Resources from the plug-in first, if not from the host */
public class MixResources extends ResourcesWrapper {
private Resources mHostResources;
public MixResources(Resources hostResources, Resources pluginResources) {
mHostResources = hostResources;
public CharSequence getText(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getText(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getText(id); }}@Override
public String getString(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getString(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getString(id); }}@Override
public String getString(int id, Object... formatArgs) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getString(id,formatArgs);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getString(id,formatArgs); }}@Override
public float getDimension(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getDimension(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getDimension(id); }}@Override
public int getDimensionPixelOffset(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getDimensionPixelOffset(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getDimensionPixelOffset(id); }}@Override
public int getDimensionPixelSize(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getDimensionPixelSize(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getDimensionPixelSize(id); }}@Override
public Drawable getDrawable(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getDrawable(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getDrawable(id); }}@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
public Drawable getDrawable(int id, Theme theme) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getDrawable(id, theme);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getDrawable(id,theme); }}@Override
public Drawable getDrawableForDensity(int id, int density) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getDrawableForDensity(id, density);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return mHostResources.getDrawableForDensity(id, density);
} else {
return null; }}}@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
public Drawable getDrawableForDensity(int id, int density, Theme theme) {
try {
return super.getDrawableForDensity(id, density, theme);
} catch (Exception e) {
returnmHostResources.getDrawableForDensity(id,density,theme); }}@Override
public int getColor(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getColor(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getColor(id); }}@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M)
public int getColor(int id, Theme theme) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getColor(id,theme);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getColor(id,theme); }}@Override
public ColorStateList getColorStateList(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getColorStateList(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getColorStateList(id); }}@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M)
public ColorStateList getColorStateList(int id, Theme theme) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getColorStateList(id,theme);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getColorStateList(id,theme); }}@Override
public boolean getBoolean(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getBoolean(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getBoolean(id); }}@Override
public XmlResourceParser getLayout(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getLayout(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getLayout(id); }}@Override
public String getResourceName(int resid) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getResourceName(resid);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getResourceName(resid); }}@Override
public int getInteger(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getInteger(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getInteger(id); }}@Override
public CharSequence getText(int id, CharSequence def) {
try {
return super.getText(id,def);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getText(id,def); }}@Override
public InputStream openRawResource(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.openRawResource(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.openRawResource(id); }}@Override
public XmlResourceParser getXml(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getXml(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getXml(id); }}@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
public Typeface getFont(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getFont(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getFont(id); }}@Override
public Movie getMovie(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getMovie(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getMovie(id); }}@Override
public XmlResourceParser getAnimation(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.getAnimation(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.getAnimation(id); }}@Override
public InputStream openRawResource(int id, TypedValue value) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.openRawResource(id,value);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.openRawResource(id,value); }}@Override
public AssetFileDescriptor openRawResourceFd(int id) throws NotFoundException {
try {
return super.openRawResourceFd(id);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
returnmHostResources.openRawResourceFd(id); }}}Copy the code
Register a proxy Activity in the host as a container to load the plug-in Activity
package com.sq.a37syplu10.plugin;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import com.sq.a37syplu10.MainActivity;
import com.sq.a37syplu10.plugin.loader.ApkClassLoader;
import com.sq.aninterface.IActivityInterface;
public class ProxyPluginActivity extends Activity {
public ApkClassLoader getClassLoader(a) {
return MainActivity.mPlugin.mClassLoader;
public Resources getResources(a) {
return MainActivity.mPlugin.mResource;
private IActivityInterface pluginActivity;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
if(intent ! =null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(intent.getStringExtra("activity"))) {
try {
pluginActivity = getClassLoader().getInterface(IActivityInterface.class, intent.getStringExtra("activity"));
pluginActivity.onCreate(new Bundle());
} catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}else {
Log.e("I am the host."."Intent does not contain plug-in activity information"); }}@Override
public void startActivity(Intent intent) {
if(! TextUtils.isEmpty(intent.getStringExtra("activity"))) {
intent.setClass(this, ProxyPluginActivity.class);
super.startActivity(intent); }}Copy the code
The test results
After testing, the simulator, the real machine from Android 4-10 are normal. No compatibility problems have been encountered
The Demo source code
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