1. The question is:

A Tag download:

<a class='download' :href='scope.row.address' download=""  title="Download"> download < / a >Copy the code

Android terminal does not support a tag download, click no response

2. Solve

(1) Method 1: Use iframe to open a page on the original page. (Nested child pages in parent pages)

// download apk downloadAndroid(row) {var SRC = row.address; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
        iframe.style.display = 'none';
        iframe.src = "javascript: '<script>location.href=\"" + src + "\"<\/script>'";
Copy the code

(2) Use the form action to send a request. (Send a request or redirect a page)

// download apk downloadAndroid(row) {var SRC = row.address; var form = document.createElement('form');
        form.action = src;
Copy the code