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Structure of the overview

  1. The memory cache is composed of LruResourceCache and activeResources. The cache is of the EngineResource type

LruResourceCache is a LinkedHashMap that implements Lru, storing cache resources that are not used by the interface, and Lru controls the size of the cache: ActiveResources is a Map

Search time: a Key(determined by 10 + parameters) is generated by Engine. Load for cache matching, where key. getOriginalKey is called when the raw unprocessed resource is retrieved to produce a Key with fewer parameters that matches the raw unprocessed resource

Do you rememberAndroid Glide 3.7.0 source parsing (two), from a picture loading process to see the source codeMentioned in the article

  • The initialization of the cache occurs when the Glide singleton is created
  • Memory cache matching is done in the engine.load method with a Key passed in, LruResourceCache(level 1) and activeResources(level 2)

The difference between LruResourceCache(level 1) and activeResources(level 2) :

  • LruResourceCache(level 1) stores resource instances that are not used by the interface
  • ActiveResources (level 2) stores resource instances that are being used by interface components (multiple interface components can use the same active cache)

ActiveResources (Level 2) exists for:

  • Different from LruResourceCache(level 1) using Lru algorithm strategy is that the cache has no capacity limit, internal reference count is used to determine whether it is being used by the outside world, when the reference is 0 will be removed from the cache, added to the memory cache, the role of the cache is to protect the resources in use and reuse. Imagine if there were no LruResourceCache and only LruResourceCache it would be possible to remove images in use when the LruResourceCache cache reached its maximum capacity. Glide will not find the resource object in memory when the same image resource needs to be displayed at the same time in another part of the application and will rebuild a new one.

4. A change in behavior

  • Glide 4.x.x version, matches first from activeResources(level 2) and then from LruResourceCache(level 1)
  • DiskLruCacheWrapper(data level 3) is used to match the disk cache before enginerFunctionable. run decode. Engine. Load cache is stored in disk with data that has not been trancoded or graphed. The non-main thread (transcoding/graphics conversion time) opened by needs to use EngineJob’s decode() method to transcode/graphics conversion of cached data, while the memory cache does not have this problem. The in-memory cache caches the data after processing (transcoding/graphics conversion), which is the EngineResource
  • The disk cache is stored in the EnginerFunction. run method after EngineJob is decode. When parsing SourceData, which is the raw image data, The cacheAndDecodeSourceData() method joins the DiskLruCacheWrapper(Source level 4) cache, In the writeTransformedToCache() method, the transformed graph data (non-raw) is added to the DiskLruCacheWrapper(data level 3) cache
  • Memory cache into In the Engine. The cache onEngineJobComplete method to activeResources (2) are used by interface, in EngineResource release, Determines if the reference count reaches 0 (activeResources(level 2)), and if it does not, tries to put it into LruResourceCache(level 1)

The above is a flow chart of cache usage to explain

  1. Engine.load checks the LruResourceCache(level 1) and activeResources(level 2) caches
  2. Switch the thread to the place where the download is performed and start checking the DiskLruCacheWrapper(data level 3) and DiskLruCacheWrapper(Source level 4) caches
  3. After downloading, save to DiskLruCacheWrapper(Source level 4), save to DiskLruCacheWrapper(data level 3).
  4. Save to activeResources(level 2) when calling back
  5. When the interface is released, call Request’s (real) clear function to see if activeResources(level 2) has a cache with a count of 0 and save it to LruResourceCache(level 1)

Request(real) behavior when interface is released is mentioned in this article

The framework logic has been conceptually, then read the source code will not get lost

The cache created

LruResourceCache(level 1) is created when Glide singleton is initialized. Glidebuild.createglide ()

// GlideBuilder
	Glide createGlide(a) {...if (memoryCache == null) {
        	// An instance of LruResourceCache was created
            memoryCache = newLruResourceCache(calculator.getMemoryCacheSize()); }... }Copy the code

The activeResources(level 2) cache is created, also when glideBuilder.createglide () is initialized with the Glide singleton, creating an Engine instance, And initializes the activeResources weak reference array in the constructor of this instance

ActiveResources is a Map<Key, WeakReference<EngineResource<? The >>> Type Engine instance is a member variable of the Glide singleton, that is, it is also globally unique

// GlideBuilder
	Glide createGlide(a) {...if (engine == null) {
            engine = newEngine(memoryCache, diskCacheFactory, diskCacheService, sourceService); }... }// Engine
	public Engine(MemoryCache memoryCache, DiskCache.Factory diskCacheFactory, ExecutorService diskCacheService, ExecutorService sourceService) {
        this(memoryCache, diskCacheFactory, diskCacheService, sourceService, null.null.null.null.null); } Engine(MemoryCache cache, DiskCache.Factory diskCacheFactory, ExecutorService diskCacheService, ExecutorService sourceService, Map<Key, EngineJob> jobs, EngineKeyFactory keyFactory, Map<Key, WeakReference<EngineResource<? >>> activeResources, EngineJobFactory engineJobFactory, ResourceRecycler resourceRecycler) { ...if (activeResources == null) {
        	// Finally create a HashMap
            activeResources = newHashMap<Key, WeakReference<EngineResource<? > > > (); }this.activeResources = activeResources; . }Copy the code

DiskLruCacheWrapper(Data level 3) and DiskLruCacheWrapper(Source level 4) caches are created

// GlideBuilder
	Glide createGlide(a) {...if (diskCacheFactory == null) {
            diskCacheFactory = newInternalCacheDiskCacheFactory(context); }... }// InternalCacheDiskCacheFactory
	public final class InternalCacheDiskCacheFactory extends DiskLruCacheFactory {}

// DiskLruCacheFactory
    public DiskCache build(a) {...return DiskLruCacheWrapper.get(cacheDir, diskCacheSize);

// DiskLruCacheWrapper
	public static synchronized DiskCache get(File directory, int maxSize) {...if (wrapper == null) {
        	// Finally a DiskLruCacheWrapper instance is created
            wrapper = new DiskLruCacheWrapper(directory, maxSize);
        return wrapper;
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Use of cache

Follow the framework flow chart above to look directly at Engine.Load

// Engine
	public <T, Z, R> LoadStatus load(Key signature, int width, int height, DataFetcher<T> fetcher,
            DataLoadProvider<T, Z> loadProvider, Transformation<Z> transformation, ResourceTranscoder<Z, R> transcoder,
            Priority priority, boolean isMemoryCacheable, DiskCacheStrategy diskCacheStrategy, ResourceCallback cb) {
        long startTime = LogTime.getLogTime();

        final String id = fetcher.getId();
        // You can see that a Key value is packaged here, which uniquely identifies a cache instance in memory
        EngineKey key = keyFactory.buildKey(id, signature, width, height, loadProvider.getCacheDecoder(),
                loadProvider.getSourceDecoder(), transformation, loadProvider.getEncoder(),
                transcoder, loadProvider.getSourceEncoder());

		// Start with LruResourceCacheEngineResource<? > cached = loadFromCache(key, isMemoryCacheable);if(cached ! =null) {
        	// The data in the match is directly called back up
            return null;
		// Search from activeResources againEngineResource<? > active = loadFromActiveResources(key, isMemoryCacheable);if(active ! =null) {
            return null; }...// If no match is found, perform the download. engineJob.start(runnable); . }privateEngineResource<? > loadFromCache(Key key,boolean isMemoryCacheable) {
        if(! isMemoryCacheable) {return null;

		// Try to get/remove from LruResourceCache(level 1)EngineResource<? > cached = getEngineResourceFromCache(key);if(cached ! =null) {
            // Successful, add to Activity Resources(level 2)
            activeResources.put(key, new ResourceWeakReference(key, cached, getReferenceQueue()));
        return cached;

	privateEngineResource<? > loadFromActiveResources(Key key,boolean isMemoryCacheable) {
        if(! isMemoryCacheable) {return null; } EngineResource<? > active =null;
        // try to match from activeResources(level 2)WeakReference<EngineResource<? >> activeRef = activeResources.get(key);if(activeRef ! =null) {
            active = activeRef.get();
            if(active ! =null) {
            	// If it matches, the reference count is increased, indicating how many elements on the interface are using it
            } else {
            	// If the match is empty, it may be freed. Remove the weak reference to the freed resourceactiveResources.remove(key); }}return active;
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  • Match from LruResourceCache(level 1), and then from activeResources(level 2)
  • If not, download it

Follow along to see the download process

// EngineRunnable
	public void run(a) {...// Perform the downloadresource = decode(); .// Download successful callbackonLoadComplete(resource); . }privateResource<? > decode()throws Exception {
        if (isDecodingFromCache()) {
        	// First match [level 3/4 cache]
            return decodeFromCache();
        } else {
        	// If you can't match it, download it
            returndecodeFromSource(); }}privateResource<? > decodeFromCache()throwsException { Resource<? > result =null;
        try {
        	// match DiskLruCacheWrapper(data level 3)
            result = decodeJob.decodeResultFromCache();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Exception decoding result from cache: "+ e); }}if (result == null) {
        	DiskLruCacheWrapper(Source 四级)
            result = decodeJob.decodeSourceFromCache();
        return result;
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  • See DiskLruCacheWrapper(data level 3) and DiskLruCacheWrapper(Source level 4) start matching after thread switch

No match, what do you do after downloading?

// EngineRunnable
	private void onLoadComplete(Resource resource) {

// EngineJob
	public void onResourceReady(finalResource<? > resource) {
        this.resource = resource;
        MAIN_THREAD_HANDLER.obtainMessage(MSG_COMPLETE, this).sendToTarget();

	private static class MainThreadCallback implements Handler.Callback {

        public boolean handleMessage(Message message) {
            if (MSG_COMPLETE == message.what || MSG_EXCEPTION == message.what) {
                EngineJob job = (EngineJob) message.obj;
                if (MSG_COMPLETE == message.what) {
                	// Start processing the logic of loading the image data into the interface
                } else {
                return true;

            return false; }}private void handleResultOnMainThread(a) {...// Listener is an instance of Engine
        listener.onEngineJobComplete(key, engineResource);
		// cb is the GenericRequest instance passed in engine.load
        for (ResourceCallback cb : cbs) {
            if(! isInIgnoredCallbacks(cb)) { engineResource.acquire(); cb.onResourceReady(engineResource); }}... }// Engine
	public void onEngineJobComplete(Key key, EngineResource
        resource) {...// Add resources here to Activity Resources(level 2)
        activeResources.put(key, newResourceWeakReference(key, resource, getReferenceQueue())); . }Copy the code

It can be seen that in the process of casting image data to the interface, it is cached to activeResources(level 2) and finally to see when it is cached to LruResourceCache(level 1). As we know from the lifecycle binding article, GenericRequest’s clear method is triggered when the interface is released

// GenericRequest
	public void clear(a) {
        if (status == Status.CLEARED) {
        // Resource must be released before canNotifyStatusChanged is called.
        if(resource ! =null) {
        	// The point here is that you need to release the [activeResources(level 2)] that the interface is using
        if (canNotifyStatusChanged()) {
        // Must be after cancel().
        status = Status.CLEARED;
	private void releaseResource(Resource resource) {
		// Go to the Engine instance
        this.resource = null;

// Engine
	public void release(Resource resource) {... ((EngineResource) resource).release(); . }// EngineResource
	void release(a) {
        if (acquired <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot release a recycled or not yet acquired resource");
        if(! Looper.getMainLooper().equals(Looper.myLooper())) {throw new IllegalThreadStateException("Must call release on the main thread");
        if (--acquired == 0) {
        	// Reduce the reference count and trigger a listener when it reaches 0 (in this case, an Engine instance)
            listener.onResourceReleased(key, this); }}// Engine
	public void onResourceReleased(Key cacheKey, EngineResource resource) {
        // remove from activeResources(level 2)
        if (resource.isCacheable()) {
        	// Store to DiskLruCacheWrapper(data level 3)
            cache.put(cacheKey, resource);
        } else{ resourceRecycler.recycle(resource); }}Copy the code

When the interface releases a resource, if the resource reference count for activeResources(level 2) returns to zero, remove the resource from activeResources(level 2) and try to place the removed resource to LruResourceCache(level 1). Source code analysis completed!